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Pusuke, world's oldest dog crossed the Bridge

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:40 pm
by Christine
Pusuke, a tan Shiba Inu mix, known to be the oldest dog according to the Guinness World Records, died last Monday after falling ill. At 26 years of age and eight months, Pusuke stopped eating, said Yumiko Shinomara, his owner, who lives in Sakura, Japan. He was born on April 1, 1985. Rest in peace, Pusuke! It’s clear to me that you were much loved.

From what Yumiko said to the TV network FNN, she sounded really grateful to have had her dog for so long and said she’d just like to thank him for staying alive so long. For a dog, living 26 years and eight months would be the equivalent of a human being living 125 years.

The oldest dog in the world passed away at 29 years of age, according to Guinness. Bluey was an Australian cattle dog, who died in 1939.