
For help and support with the passing of a pet. Sometimes we feel very alone. We're not alone.
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Post by BethT »

It's been a very long time since I have posted here so many of you don't know me but for those of you that do, it is with a very heavy heart that I share the sad news that my dear, sweet, pit bull "Waffles" passed away Wednesday. Waffles was 14 years old. Waffles was a remarkable dog. Used as a bait dog when he was 4 months old, his body was so full of wholes that the hospital staff named him "Waffles." In 2004 when he was 5 years old he suffered a spinal cord injury. He had surgery but never regained the ability to use his hind legs again. He had an exception quality of life in a cart for all these years. Waffles injury turned out to be the greatest gift I could ever imagine. It took me to a place called Petpt where Waffles did his swimming therapy. Little did I know that I would end up with a whole new career working at that facility. In the past six and a half years that I have worked there Waffles has inspired and influenced many clients who thought they were going to have to euthanize their beloved dogs that were paralyzed, after all what kind of quality of life could a paralyzed dog have? All I had to do was bring Waffles in to Petpt and let clients see his zest for life zooming around in his wheels. So on Wednesday evening Waffles gave me the greatest gift ever, he died peacefully on his own, on his favorite spot on the couch, with us right by his side... Rest in Peace sweet Waffles, you certainly deserve to.

I do not want to end this post without thanking all my friends at this site. In 2004 handicappedpets was a little thread of questions from like people trying to figure out how to take care of their disabled pets. It was a life saver for me and Waffles. The support and guidance I got from people on this board truly made it possible for me to take care of Waffles and get him and myself through the hardest times. I will forever be grateful for this amazing forum. I cannot believe how this little support group has grown into this international website that it is today. Although I do not post I'm still here if anyone ever needs me, just send me a message. I still have 2 other dogs. One with bad knees and another dog that I adopted with a spinal cord injury, so I still have one in a cart. So my life still resolves around special needs animals...funny how that happens.

Warm Regards to All,
Beth T
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Re: Waffles

Post by Jean »

Dear Beth,
I am so sorry about Waffles. He was sure a lucky fellow !! But, then, you likely feel very honored and lucky to have had him in your life. Our special needs friends can have such a dramatic affect on our lives.
I remember that you and Waffles were here when I joined.
May your many memories bring you comfort and peace. Sincerely, Jean
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Re: Waffles

Post by CarolC »

That is the most wonderful photo. I am so sorry he is gone, you were so close. It can take a long time to get back to normal, if there is such as thing after such a loss. I am glad he was at home and asleep, I agree that is the best gift. Those were really the days, weren't they, back when you came to the board. I could cry thinking back to that time and how wonderful it was. I'm glad we were all here together.
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Re: Waffles

Post by Christine »

Oh, Beth...your story and tribute to Waffles makes me cry and feel good all at the same time. What a wonderful thing God did when he brought you two together. Life changing for both of you and think of all the lives you two have saved, just by being yourselves. My heart is right there with yours on your loss and the memories you will forever cherish. Take care of yourself.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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