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Post by brian.f »

I'm sorry folks, but at 4.45 GMT today I had to put Taffy to sleep. He just could not go on - he hadn't eaten for over 2 weeks, had lost a lot of weight, and was so weak that he could not stand on his front legs. I tried everything to get something down him. but to no avail. He had pain in his face and would snap at anyone trying to move him. The vet was still insinuating he had cancer because of his swollen lymph glands, but results came back inconclusive. I think he deteriorated because of the UTI. The anti-biotic had little effect, and I could not express his bladder. I shall miss him dearly. If you ever want a dog with character - get a Pembroke Welsh Corgi - but it will break your heart when you have to say good-bye. Thanks everyone for all your help.
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Re: No improvement

Post by Dianne »


I am so very, very sorry. You tried so hard to give Taffy good health. We're all so sorry that Taffy couldn't recover.

You may wish to post a note on the "Rainbow Bridge" forum to tell of Taffy's passing.

Please try to take care of yourself as Taffy would want you to stay well.

Sympathy to you and your family.

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Re: No improvement

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I am so very sorry. You most certainly did all you could for Taffy. I wish the outcome had been different for you and Taffy.
My thoughts and prayers are with you,
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Taffy

Post by CarolC »

Oh, Brian, I am SO sorry it didn't work out. So sorry. You were really up against it with all he had going on. If trying your best was the answer, he would have been with you for another ten years. I know you'll miss him. Very best wishes to you and your family, at this time and always.
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Re: Taffy

Post by brian.f »

Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I am feeling guilty at the moment because if it was the UTI which brought him down then I should have done more. I was afraid of Marbocyl and its administration for 42 days, but my wife feels there was something else going on with Taffy which was never bottomed.
He was never right after the Myelogram - that was a big mistake because surgery was not an option. I shall bury him tomorrow in the rain and say a prayer. Perhaps God will send him back as a human - he was one of the best things that ever happened to me. Thank you all again - I could not have gone through this without you. Brian
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Re: Taffy

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Dear Brian, I am so sorry for your loss! Today I lost a brother in law because of inconclusive medical treatment. Taffy had the best family he could ever have wished for. His legacy will always be sunshine and love and understanding.
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Re: Taffy

Post by Christine »

Dear Brian,

I wish I could say something to ease your pain and that of your wife. These sweet angels bless our lives with unconditional love and leave us with wonderful memories. Please do not feel guilt...you both did all you knew to do and Taffy knew that then and knows it now as all of his pain is gone and he is whole and happy...just waiting for his beloved owners to meet with him again one day. You gave him the last and most precious gift, you released him from his suffering. Please take care of each other - your baby would want nothing else.
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Re: Taffy

Post by brian.f »

Thank you Christine and everyone else. I am not a great believer in the idea that anyone is better off dead. I know Taffy was suffering because it was obvious in his face, but if there was a glimmer of hope I would have taken it. I am angry with the vet. At no time did Taffy get a thorough examination, no blood samples etc. They simply relied on blaming his condition down to the guesswork of the guy who did the myelogram. I shall not darken their doors again. I keep hearing Taffy around the house. His snoring, and his "pretend" barking. He will leave a very big hole in my life.
Thank you again. Brian
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Re: Taffy

Post by Bobbie »

I'm so sorry, Brian. I'm 100% in agreement about corgis with character and I know you will miss Taffy greatly. At least you did everything you could even if the vet's didn't.

Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Taffy

Post by tessa »

brian...we are so so sorry for the loss of your beloved corgi, taffy. i've read the thread and seen all you've been through and i cannot think of another thing you could have possibly done. taffy was so lucky to have you, and you were so lucky to have him, and it is so tragic for it to come to this end. we are holding you in our hearts and thoughts.

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Re: Taffy

Post by Matthew »

Your story brings me to tears,my words probably mean nothing to you know and I am sorry.
I had a dog named RED he is an American Pit Bull ,he was eight years old when we had to had him put to sleep,he was the strongest dog in the world ,and still to this day I miss him dearly.
He was suffering from kidney failure and was in great discomfort,I still remember taking him out for his last walk,up the lane near my Mum's house,I still remember lifting him on to the table at the vets for him to be put to sleep.
I am crying as I wright this and beleive me I do know how you feel.
It does sound a cliche ,but time DOES heal,and you can be secure in the knowledge that you did the right thing in letting your dog pass on.
I still remember the day I collected him as a pup,and still remember all the great times we had together,and all the times we shared together,these are the times you must remember your doggy for and not the last days of his life,as these are not a true representation of your doggys life.
I have a painting of RED in my office and look upon it with fond memories of our times together.
Perhaps they are both up there now sharing a place to run around and be happy.
Not long after RED died I got Tommy...a little whippet/terrier cross ,he was a rescue dog,only six weeks old and he has brought great joy to our lives!
He is the complete phsical opposite of RED,as he is only a little lad and still he is a nervous baby who hates to be left alone.Eight years later and....
Tommy has just gone through spinal surgery,and we are very lucky to have him with us,he is starting to regain his srength he is able to stand for six to eight seconds on his own and is getting stronger by the day So we carry on with our new baby.You are a caring person and you the best person Taffy could have shared his life with.
When my grandad BOB died not long after I listened at the service as the preist said "you will see him, love him, and know him again" It made me feel better,not only for Bob but for Red aswell.
Now we look to the future with Tommy and know we will carry on with our love,and not forget the freinds we have lost.
Please feel free to PM me if you need to do.
All our love.X.
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Re: Taffy

Post by spasmo »

I am so very sorry to read this news. Taffy was much loved and very lucky to have such a caring and compassionate owner - this is evident in every post you have made. I am so SO sorry for your loss.

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Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

When Buddy died, I saw him in the semi-darkness, in the closet, on the edge of the bed, at the dresser. Brian, that was BUDDY!
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Re: Brian, BELIEVE

Post by karkorny »

Your loss breaks my heart! Under the best circumstances, our dog friends just don't live long enough - and we never get used to it. Deepest sympathies! Karen (Bully's mom)
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Re: Taffy

Post by ems736336 »

We are so sorry for your loss. Our most heartfelt condolences are with you and your wife in the loss of Taffy. Never blame yourselves for his moving on.
With much sorrow, Ethel, Nidgie and Dweenger
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