Help for Nina

Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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Nina's Mom
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Help for Nina

Post by Nina's Mom »

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me. I Adopted a 3 legged Pit-Bull when she was a year old. She is the love of my life! This year she will be turning 8 years old. I have noticed recently, every now and then she has trouble walking. I took her to the vet and it's very hard to determine which leg is causeing her pain, since she already has a limp. I have a feeling it is joint pain, even though the doc didn't find any signs of arthritis. So I have been giving her cosequin everyday, which seemed to help, and baby asprin when it is a bad day. The other problem is....I live in a townhouse, so there are alot of stairs. I have been carrying her up and down the last couple of days, but she is 55 lbs! So it's getting a little I saw the assistance harnesses, but I dont think that will help her, since she is missing her right front and it looks like it helps with lifting the back leggs. Any suggestions?
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by janice »

Hi Nina's Mom, I"m fairly new to this forum however i have done hours upon hours of research on joint pain. Did your vet take any x-rays of Nina? That is how we discovered our Gypsy had joint problems we noticed she was limping but we originally thought it was because she runs and plays so much with her sisters. Anyway, x-rays will really help narrow down the problem. Also we have all of our girls on a supplement called The Missing link. After approx 3 or 4 weeks we started to notice a slight difference especially in Gypsy. The supplement helps to restore the synovial fluid that surrounds the cartilage and Gypsy is now using the bad leg, very slightly but nonetheless it is an improvement. Talk to your vet about the supplement since she is taking cosequin. We give Gypsy Metacam for the pain, it is a NSAID and you might want to aks your vet about that also. I also massage all my dogs every night, it really helps especially Gypsy. Sometimes if the pain is very bad (i can tell by the way she acts) i use a hot water bottle on her hip for a few minutes after the massage. Must be very careful and make sure the water is not super hot but warm and soothing.Talk to your vet about that also. As far as the harnesses goes, I'm not sure on that I recently purchased the walk a belly sling for when she has her surgery but it has not arrived yet. Best of Luck to you and Nina, keep us updated on the progress.
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Nina's Mom »

Thank you so much for your help...I am going to print what you wrote and take it to my vet...he gave her pain meds so far...a non steroid...because on top of everything else...she has liver we are trying that this week...but I have to go back to see him next week I will ask him about the info....let me know if the sling helps your Gypsy...thanks again I will keep you posted!
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Tiffany »

Hello Nina,
I don't have any experience with three legged dogs but when my dog first started walking after a horrible accident he needed help in the front end and in my search for front end assisting harnesses I know I saw some harnesses for amputees, They might even be on this site, but if you get creative in your searches you could try "front end assist harnesses", or "tripod front end assist harnesses" something should turn up and I think you can find them for less then $50.00.
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by critters »

You're right that there are tripod walking aids, but I don't know of any for front tripods. I suggest the "all-over" kind or trying a front model. ... arness.htm Tripod version is bottom right; front is bottom left.
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

If your pup has liver issues...I would not give an NSAID to her as it can cause liver toxicity. Asprin is an NSAID, so I would give the vet a ring and make sure it is ok to give the asprin as it too can cause gastirc and liver issues. You want to make sure you don't mix asprin with another NSAID. What pain med did your vet give? Did they discuss the side effects? There are other families of pain killers that might be safer. My dogs have taken tramadol.
You might want to read this
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Nina's Mom »

thaks Tiffany and Critters! I am checking on those now. Critters...I am trying to deside between the "in the middle" harness you showed I can carry her like a suitcase...or the front or back one...since it is hard for me to tell witch leg is causeing her pain i might try the in the middle and if that dosent work i will get one of the other till i get it right.

Cindidoxiemom ...last night the Doc gave me Tramadol we are trying that well as the baby asprin. I just feel bad because now she is taking so many pills. I will let you know how it works in a few days...if not he wants to take blood tests to see if she can stand a steroid pain med....I hope this one works before we get to that. Other than that, she is just very depressed...I guess it is because she can follow me around like she usually does, or it could be the weather.

Thank you all for your help!! It is very helpful, and I will let you know how she is over the next couple of days. I got to tell you I didn't know there were that many people with hadicapped dogs, I adoped her with her disability, and I have learned so much from this dog, from the disability and from the fact that she is a pit bull, not a favored breed, that I would deffinetly do both again. Thank you again, for helping me to help her!
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Nina's Mom »

ok, it has been over a week and it looks like she is moving better....not great, but better...i did have a question for Cindidoxiemom ...did you find that the Tramadol made your dog depressed? I went out to buy her toys and usually she goes crazy for them, but she dosen't want anything to do with them. She dosent want to play or go out...just looks very sad, depressed. any thoughts? The doc took blood work and everything came back..ok...but I am going to call him tomorrow to give him my theory of the meds making her depressed, I would hate to take her off them since she is moving around better, but now she is just so sad.
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by CarolC »

Hi Nina's Mom,

I think she is away from her computer thru Sunday, in case she doesn't answer right away. She'll be missed!
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Re: Help for Nina

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Thanks to Carol I saw this message right before I walked out the door.
The tramadol did not seem to cause depression in my dogs. I think talking to your vet about it is a good idea. My opinion would be to give the meds another week or so. Most of our dogs had time during their IVDD experience where they were not so chipper. I know mine were not happy campers when they were in pain. Hang in there...keep us updated...

See everyone in a few days!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

Hunter IVDD Surgery x 2~Walking
Oscar IVDD Surgery x 1~ Paralyzed
Sage and Misty
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