Hip Dysplasia at 4 Years Old...

Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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Hip Dysplasia at 4 Years Old...

Post by TerrahLynn »

Hello everyone, I am new to this site. I have a 55 pound corgi/lab mix named Benelli. Recently, we noticed her with a limp and lameness in one of her back legs. We took her to the vet and they did x-rays, thinking it was her cruciate ligament, but found that she has hip dysplasia. We have had her on cosequin tablets twice a day and 50 mg of Rimadyl twice a day as well. She definitely has more good days than bad, and still loves to run and play, but I feel terrible for her on her bad days. I can't bear to think of putting her down at such a young age. We have gotten her steps for the bed so she doesn't have to jump, but I may modify them into a ramp. My question is, would a wheelchair work for her with her condition? If so, when should I consider getting one? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Hip Dysplasia at 4 Years Old...

Post by critters »

:slant: Wheels should be terrific for such a youngster, I would say. You could experiment with legs-down versus legs-up positions, because legs-down would be like a human with a walker rather than a wheelchair; the wheels would help by taking some of the weight. If the hips were too uncomfortable, legs-up, in stirrups, would always be a possibility.
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