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Cart / Brace Options?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:00 pm
by bearkeley
Hi - We are trying to be 'happy' today given that it's New Years Day, but it's really hard.

Bear has had 2 ACL surgeries on his left hind leg and a PTLO on the the right hind that just got amputated 3 weeks ago because of Osteosarcoma. He did so well recovering but unfortunately, I think he over exerted himself this weekend and is now showing signs of his ACL injury on his other hind leg and is now worse off, mobility-wise than immediately after his amputation.

We expected his leg to give way eventually, but thought it would take a year rather than 3 weeks! Originally, we prepared ourselves to put him down when this happened (again a year from now, closer to the average life expectancy of his cancer) but aside from his bad / missing hind legs, he is very healthy for a 10 year old dog with osteosarcoma (no hint of it spreading anywhere). We have an appointment with his surgeon tomorrow afternoon, but we are now leaning towards getting him a brace and a cart.

Any thoughts / words of widom would be very appreciated. Specifically, how does the cart affect the psychological aspects of the dog? Help!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:19 pm
by critters
Are you planning to use the brace for short-distance and the cart for long-distance or what? I think a cart is a GREAT idea for Bear!!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 3:55 pm
by bearkeley
After I posted, I actually took a look at the rest of the site and it is giving us hope. I am confused, however, how the best vets in the DC Area never gave us the options of braces / carts in the past! If Bear had a brace immediately after the amputation (or even while he was recovering from his PTLO), we might not be in this situation today ;-(

We are thinking of getting the cart for long walks (we have 12 acres on our weekend home and Bear likes to run around a lot) and then hopefully get the brace for in-doors (we live in a very small townhouse during the work week) so he can manage (use it either post ptlo, if we can do another one after 2 acls; or if not, just to give him the extra support). Has anyone heard of a brace for an amputee (not sure if the prostethic would work on his stump along with it or not)....

Thanks so much for caring enough to respond on new years day!

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 4:18 pm
by critters
bearkeley wrote: I am confused, however, how the best vets in the DC Area never gave us the options of braces / carts in the past! If Bear had a brace immediately after the amputation (or even while he was recovering from his PTLO), we might not be in this situation today ;-(
:roll: No comment, but it's not uncommon, and I think it stinks.
bearkeley wrote: Has anyone heard of a brace for an amputee (not sure if the prostethic would work on his stump along with it or not)....
The amputee bb would be the place for prostheses; a few people have tried them.

BTW, if you're in the DC area you might find it convenient to get the cart from K9 Carts East, on the MD Eastern Shore. Many people have said what good fittings you get if you can go straight to the manufacturer, which makes sense. I don't know how long it would take them to make it and whether you could just spend the night (or so) and pick it right up, but it's worth asking about.

edit: "Most carts will arrive within 2-3 days by ground delivery East of the Mississippi."

SO...It seems to me that if they can be shipped and arrive within 2-3 days. then you might pick up Bear's same-day or next-day.


Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 7:50 pm
by mojosmom
Hi there,

I will shortly be posting a new thread. It IS possible to rig up a cart. My 16-year old lab lost all use of his back legs a month ago. We were able to rig up a cart for him and a way to get him around the house and he is doing pretty well. Pictures are at and you can also contact me through that URL. Good luck!

Braces and splints

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:17 am
by FYI