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Center a heavy dog on his bed

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:03 am
by FYI

Re: Center a heavy dog on his bed

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 3:17 pm
by racegirlrandi
Being a nursing student with many years in the caretaking of bed ridden "Human" patients something immediatly came to mind and i believe it would work well also for our 4legged loved ones. The answer "Incontinant Pads" The type that are washable . Id keep one on top of your loved ones bedding and this not only can reposition your pet but it will keep its bedding from being soiled and they aide in the "Pulling away" moisture from the body as well as it is a form of transferring your pet as well. To reposition it will take two people ideally one at each side of the animal. Each of you will grab hold of just the corners of the pad and simultaneously and on the count of three gently "SLIDE" the pad to where you want it and if the need be to lift you can do that as well but remember to care for your backs and use proper body mechanics at all times during the lift. If you need to move your animal use the pad with 2 people again grab hold of the corners and lift the pet to where it needs to be.