My little mangled fuzzy

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My little mangled fuzzy

Post by bakeneko »

A few months ago, I was watching a two week old kitten during the daytime for a local humane society. Someone else from the shelter was watching him for me when I sleep. Well, their foster dog chewed the kitten up. I wanted to put him down then, but the humane society insisted that I should give him a chance. He ended up mostly recovering. He eats well, he's playful and active, but his back legs are just a mess. One is stiff and reset from being broken, and I think it's dislocated too. I'm afraid it might have to come off. The other leg he chooses to keep tucked under his body, despite that fact that it seems to work. He has good control over his bowels and urination, but has trouble holding himself up to potty, so I'm guessing perhaps his pelvis is broken, too. Despite my begging, they refused to take him to the vet until recently. The vet told me there was nothing we could do until he was older. He's only about two and a half months old now, so I've got to wait until he's about six months. I found out later that the shelter was planning to put him down all along and were only telling me to give him a chance because they didn't want to make me sad. Does that even make sense to anyone? After all this time, I have been amazed at what a fighter he is, so I told them I'd take on the responsibility myself.

So... hi everyone! I just wanted to share my story so far. His name is Slapchop, and I'm hoping to able to provide you guys with nothing but happy updates!
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by marilynb »

What a sweetheart,he/she is priceless. I had 2 orange cats and they make the best cats. I had others and they were no where as cuddly as my orange ones. Good luck with him and keep us posted.

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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by janew »

I'm so glad you are gifting this kitty with a chance, he's adorable & a fighter. I think he will amaze you...
Best Wishes,
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by CarolC »

Little Slapchop!
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by Bendy Kitty »

Hello sweet lil orange fuzball!

um, i know vets who would work on such a small kitty. by six months thsoe bones will be healed up in all kinds of strange positions. Surgery to properly align and fix (probably with pins) the legs & hip will be expensive. But you're right, HE won't give up, he will make do with whatever care you can provide and will love you all the same for it. He doesn't know he is less than perfect. Removing the one leg may be the quickest way to get him to heal. Don't worry, tripods do FINE, we have a cat here who was born without hind legs and she runs around on her front feet, no problem. even climbs cat trees and jumps down.

Glad his pipes are working, that is excellent news! i'll take mangled legs over broken pipes anyday.

Welcome to hpets!! glad you found us! :)

In loving memory of Bendy Cute Kitty 9/15/00-4/23/12

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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by bakeneko »

No vets here will even give me an x-ray! So I can't even know what's wrong with him! Also he's already been like this for over two months, so I'm afraid they've already healed. I know it will be expensive, in the thousands, and that's okay. To be honest, this kitten is saving my life, and I feel like I owe it to him to do everything I can for him. Thanks for the welcomes :)
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by Bendy Kitty »

Mom always tell me, and my fursibs, that we are her life insurance.
she needs us as much as we need her.

hm, sorry to hear your vets are so uncooperative there. that is sad. i'm fortunate to live near a vet school, which means there are a zillion vet practices around all wanting to do stuff.

headbonks to ya!

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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by critters »

bakeneko wrote:No vets here will even give me an x-ray! So I can't even know what's wrong with him! Also he's already been like this for over two months, so I'm afraid they've already healed. I know it will be expensive, in the thousands, and that's okay. To be honest, this kitten is saving my life, and I feel like I owe it to him to do everything I can for him. Thanks for the welcomes :)
Yes, he's probably already healed; cats heal really quickly. Still, it's not the end of the world, and cats usually find a way to do what they want to do!! :smart:
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by sdrakkan »

I swear that is the cutest freaking face on the earth! <3 My favorite quote: "Who saved whom?" It really is true. My hardest time in the last few years were only dealt with by my animals loving me for me. My python means the world to me since she was my only cuddle buddy during the end of a very abusive relationship.

I agree on the amputation. Odds are the healing already done isn't easily fixable depending on the extent...and with no x-rays, it's a tossup. Stewie was a mutated kitty, but even without usable back legs still kept up with kittens his own age. They really are incredibly adaptable. He may call the shots onto what happens!
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by Bendy Kitty »

Twobit says you should check out her story.
she is on youtube, too, but i don't have that link handy and mom is hogging the computer for work! the nerve.
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by FYI »

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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by bakeneko »

Yea... that was back when he was still technically with the shelter. Maybe that broken leg could have been helped if I had taken him to a vet myself, but the shelter kept telling me to wait. :( Now he's just all healed badly and waiting to see if there is any hope for either of his legs. He's finally starting to try to stand on his "good" leg, the one that isn't broken. Have I mentioned that? He's been at that for a few days now, maybe even a week. I'm still in shock. He's not used that leg for two months, and then all of a sudden he's standing on it! Really putting weight on it! Not just curling it under his body! WOW fuzzy buddy! Maybe you can keep that leg. I think he's starting to try to hop on that leg, too, but he can't support his weight very much and just falls down each time he tries to hop... but he's always fighting and trying. He's a total optimist.

Everyday I've seen him try and strive and accomplish so much. It still tears me up to think that the vet didn't even give him a chance. The vet didn't even examine him. He didn't put on gloves, put him on the table, feel of him, ANYTHING. They told me he was probably born with the deformity and wouldn't listen when I tried to tell them a dog did it. They said more problems would probably become apparent as he got older and I was trying to tell them I have pictures that prove those back legs used to work! Later on, my mom took a dog to that shelter to get spayed, and they removed her dewclaws without anyone's consent. She was under anethesia too long and died because of it. I am never going back to that vet. I honestly thing an animal would have a better chance if I did an operation myself. Disclaimer: I would never ever try to do an operation on an animal myself. That's stupid and mean and I don't even have any training.

OKAY I'm just ranting a little bit. I'm calm. I'll be good now.

I've heard of lots of happy and healthy two legged cats! The hard part is convincing a vet around here that I can have one. I'm really thinking about traveling out of state. Memphis isn't that far from me and they HAVE to have better vets. right...? I even heard of a NO legged cat, but without a video I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it.

With my previous recscue kittens, I used to always joke that I was going to break their legs if they didn't stop trying to run away from me, but now that I have a kitten with broken legs, it's kind of funny to me. Like the universe really thought I was asking for it.

Sdrakkan, oh my gosh. When I was an angsty teenager, a kingsnake was my cuddle buddy. I just used to hold him at night and cry and tell him my problems, lol. Most people had friends, or a dog or something, but I just had that snake. My mom gave him away though and I never found out what happened to him, and I still cry over it sometimes. I loved that snake more than I loved myself, which... actually wasn't very much back then. Remind me sometime to tell you about my broken childhood.

Um... not sure if there is anything else I wanted to say. Slapchop is also teething for the second time and I'm not sure if I'm going to survive this round. It's brutal.
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by FYI »

bakeneko wrote:I've heard of lots of happy and healthy two legged cats! The hard part is convincing a vet around here that I can have one. I'm really thinking about traveling out of state. Memphis isn't that far from me and they HAVE to have better vets. right...? I even heard of a NO legged cat, but without a video I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it.
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by sdrakkan »

I now have three snakes, Satinka, Severus and Solaris. They are pets I never thought I would have, but they are probably ALMOST my favorite. Rats are my favorite (I know, a walking contradiction. I feed frozen/thawed). I run a rat rescue. :) They get to go to classrooms and teach kids about proper animal care and respect. Pics of my babies and of Stewie are on here

It will take awhile for his muscles to get built enough to start carrying the weight. The balance takes a bit as well. But once they find it, they are unstoppable. I've had a bit of a problem finding vets I trust and don't do things I didn't ask for. I have to travel 45 minutes to see my cat vet and an hour to get to my exotics vet. Totally worth it.

HAHA that teething...lucky for me my foster kittens get passed to their new parents before that takes full hold. But Adair was a HUGE biter when teething. There is a catnip worm by a company called Okra I think? It's orange and very durable and great for chewing on instead of mom. They also make little mice that you can put catnip inside.
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Re: My little mangled fuzzy

Post by catlady5555 »

Soooo---I'm assuming this little guy has been taken in?
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