RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by mom2irishboys »

Hello everyone! I am new here.. Tomorrow I May be adopting 2 RH siblings tomorrow. I have SN kitties at home, 2 with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and one with Scoliosis.. but this will be my 1st experience with RH. Any advice? Tips? The orange male has both front legs twisted n the grey female only has her left twisted. They are already 14 wks old.. they don't even have names :-( So suggestions on that would be welcome also!
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by mom2irishboys »

His sister
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by critters »

:slant: What cuties! Bent babies are pretty common. I would watch out for skin breakdown in case they're bearing weight on parts that aren't meant for that, but otherwise I'd just let them go. :D
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by CarolC »

He looks like he's going to be big. Some name for a big male cat, like Max or Dudley or Paddy or Arthur or Fergus or Butterscotch? For the little girl something like Angela? LIzzie? Joanie? Susie? Scottie? I don't know, you'll think of something. Hopefully it can be made into good nicknames, too.

Sometimes it takes a while saying different names out loud till one connects and the kitty lets you know! :D

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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by NapsWithCats »

Your kitties are beyond lovely!! <3 So beautiful they are!

Someone erased my previous post to you here, I guess it had to be an Admin. would be the only one who could - not sure why.

Anyways, I have a Radial Hypoplasia Cat myself, his name is Tiny Dancer (although he grew to be a very big boy!!) He does very, very well and scuttles faster than the other 2 can run, jumps higher than the other 2 as his hind legs are stronger from using them more than his twisted front arms (he also has a twisted under shorter tail, so there's extra cleaning to do there at times if he forgets to lift his tail).

The one thing I made sure of is that . . . okay; the TWO things I made sure of was to train him to land properly from the bed, so I would put pillows down where he would also jump from and he'd land right on them until he learned to land on his back legs and then his front would go forward, but he had the strength in the back legs to control that.

The OTHER thing that has been VERY helpful is that I got a few of those plastic (you can use anything if the right height) step things (just at any Wal-Mart, hardware store, etc.), and I sewed two pieces of fabric together around the outside, leaving an opening - stuffed it with batting, then sewed it closed. THEN (my "oh-so-creative-self" lol) super-glued it to the little step (I made a few of these), so when they get older, they have something to lean on when they get tired of laying down all the time.

Tiny Dancer also likes to walk on his hind legs - can to about 6-7 steps, and is always standing on his hind legs for long periods of time. But these little stool things, when your kitties get older, are SO helpful to an RH cat for resting purposes!

ConCATulations on your two beautiful new kitties!! :-D This is my Tiny Dancer (Now let's see if it works) It was when he was skinnier after I first got him and his "Profile Picture" :
Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by critters »

I'd be willing to bet you hit "preview" instead of "submit" after writing the message. Been there, done that! :oops: :mrgreen:


Tiny Dancer IS a big fella! He's quite handsome.

My Ares, who is severely brain damaged as well as being a functional tripod used a 5 gallon bucket as an intermediate step onto things when he was little. I filled the bucket to weight it then put soft stuff on top. He simply refused to use the stairs like the rest. :roll: Now it's pretty ugly when he gets down, and he's like a bowling ball when he jumps up, but it's effective. He's turning 2 about now, so he's come a LONG way!
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by NapsWithCats »

Thank you kindly for the welcome! :-) And you're probably right that I previously hit the "Preview" button instead of "Post" - That WOULD be something I would do, lol.

Awww I'd love to see a picture of Ares! He sounds beautiful! That's great using the bucket as an intermediate step when he was little! So glad he's come such a long way!! Kudos!! :-D

I love everybody here who takes care of, especially, the Special Needs animals!! :collar:
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by critters »

Thanks! I don't have pics of him on this computer, but Ares has 2 photo e-books. The first is when he was youngest. http://www.amazon.com/Ares-Easy-Reader- ... uslow+ares and http://www.amazon.com/Ares-Again-Easy-R ... uslow+ares . Baby was his first friend, but she crashed and died the Saturday before Christmas. http://www.amazon.com/Baby-Easy-Reader- ... uslow+baby I think he's in her book, too, but I don't have my tablets with me.
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by NapsWithCats »

Awwwwwwwwwww I love Ares - He is so adorably beautiful!! I swear I have only $0.92 cents in my checkbook or I would have bought the book! Sounds crazy, I know, but on permanent disability and 3 cats - 2 with special needs and 2 BIG bills to TRY to pay off (one is Care Credit for the cats' vet bills).

That's so cool that you're writing about disabled cats!! So sorry to hear about Baby, may she continue to rest in peace! <3
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by critters »

I UNDERSTAND poverty, believe me!

Ares is a cutie, but I swear he has a geranium in his cranium the size of a redwood tree. He's the weirdest little fella I've ever come across. He shares a bit of the physical stuff with Baby, like intolerance of cold, but he also completely falls apart with ANY kind of change, including changing the bed sheets! I call him autistic.

Yes, most of my disabled monsters, and my sister's deafie, all have books. The books aren't popular, but I mostly did them for me and my friends anyway, and if anybody else likes them, it's a plus!

Do you do Facebook? I put on my Facebook pages when I do a freebie. I gave Baby's book away at Christmas, in her memory, and I've done the same for Buddy. I can't remember that I've ever given Ares' books away, but I could.
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by NapsWithCats »

Well, Ares sounds like a lot of fun and in need of a lot of reassurance which I have no doubt you give him with those sudden changes. (I have PTSD and sudden changes, sudden noises, stuff like that really bothers me, too). I love autistic people (have a 100% autistic brother who doesn't talk at all) and am a volunteer for SOSC in San Luis Obispo as a sports Volunteer for the Autistic. Our local link is here. https://www.sosc.org

Yes, I do FB, although I don't celebrate Christmas or many of the holidays. Feel free to friend me if you'd like to.

Anyways, off to do kitty chores, meds, etc., etc. lol Have an awesome day and do feel free to FB me if you would like to.
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Re: RH kittens (Twisty Leg)

Post by critters »

Well, I don't know who you are to find you on FB. My "personal" page is https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006613178112 , which you might like because that's where the disabled critter stuff goes. My author page is https://www.facebook.com/A.L.Truslowauthor?ref=hl , where I post only book-related stuff. Feel free to find me if you want!
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