
Orthopedic/Arthritis: Problems associated with joints, bone, and connective tissue, and CH (cerebellar hypoplasia), or brain damage.
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Post by MyBezzo »

Im not sure if I'm posting In the right part,

I have another question I was hoping someone might help ,
Len my lab mix 13yr old as I discussed in a previous post about incontinence,

I've noticed he is urinating a lot and he doesn't drink hardly any water , also he yelped when I was moving him,
Think it was his belly on the side, it was only once but still I'm worried and when I tried to get him to get all the urine out it seems it's hard as rock down there,
Is this normal? For a dog with spinal issues and arthritis who's lost balance and all muscle in one leg and not much left on the other one?
Thanks in advance
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Re: Incontinence

Post by CarolC »

Is he on any kind of medication? You said he has congestive heart failure in the other post, is he on lasix? That will make them urinate fluids that had built up in the body.

When you said he yelped when you moved him and his abdomen is hard, it makes me wonder if he is having some discomfort associated with the disk or arthritis, and that could be making him tense his belly. Or possibly he is simply resisting being expressed. Perhaps you can gently feel around on him and see if you can narrow down where the discomfort is?
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Re: Incontinence

Post by MyBezzo »

No he doesn't have CHF they vet had told me was, and put him on frusimide (I think that's how you spell it) and also the other heart one ,
When I didn't see any improvement after some days I just had a feeling to take him off the medication ,
And I'm glad I did as the vet I had seen after that said "why did they think it was CHF" I told her cos she could hear the "swooshing" noise with her stethoscope and so forth ,
And the vet checked and said he's barely a 1 (as I'd researched everything on it I knew they measure it from 1-6 heart murmur) ,and said that could be he's a 1 because len gets REALLY worked up over the vets ,
I found a lump inside his neck when he was 5 and the vet was shocked at how I managed to find it ,

Well then they did a biopsy I received a phone call to say that all was well and that he had taken the lump out and it was just a fatty lump, I was so relieved ,

Until a few days later when I heard a squelching sound from his wound of stitches, basically they hadn't stitched len up properly and he had to go every 2 days for 2 weeks to have dead skin cut away ,
(I can't imagine what he went through) but since then a vet or anyone looking like one and he will bark like mad ,
When they sent me the bill for £425 I wrote back and said they had a nerve to charge me , there was no way I was paying them it would have been a "thank you not stitching him properly and making him go through ####" I soon had a letter back apologises etc ,

That's what makes it hard for the vets to check him he had a red warning triangle on the screen , he'd never bite anyone but because he barks they are scared he will bite so they muzzle him , but they never check over him properly ,
I begged every single vet to help me 2 years ago to see why he was panting really bad and I knew something was wrong , he's NEVER had any blood work , tests etc they don't think it's Nessasary , but I was trying to explain to them it is for me to actually have a proper diagnosis ,

He's been on "Tramadol" 50mg twice a day for 6 months and "lexicom" anti inflammatory , that was all they did when he first started limping , she said it was arthritis and I asked is there anything I can do to help it slow down and she said no "it's just he's an old dog" and even looked at me peculiar when I said I'd bought a dog cart,
Don't think she had heard of them ,
The vetinanary care I've noticed is much more caring and more understanding in the US ,
I'm in Wales UK and ALL say "put him to sleep" and that was before he had muscle atrophy and I think he has spinal damage , she did say once something about nerve ******** disease ?

I feel sad for my partner because he is out of breath a lot through carrying him everywhere, I took him In the car yesterday so he wasn't stuck in and I opened my boot and lay the back seat down with a duvet under him and he lays looking out to the beach and he still barks at any man with a cap on lol,

This is what I struggle with when he's had say for example 2 days where he is down and depressed doesn't want food I think right it's time and I dread the following day thinking of the call to the vets to ask them for len to be put to sleep ,.
But guarantee it he's full of joy he eats and even grabs his toy (shuffling over to it and then back onto his duvet and he will squeak it , and his dad's will play with him by making sure he stays on his duvet he will sit at the side of him and try n grab it and hide it under him and he will try and claw it back off him ,
How am I supposed to put my dog down when he DOES get those days not as often as he used to but is say 2-3 days a week ,
I've gone so down , my routine is always the same me And my partner don't do or haven't had 1 day out just the 2 of us or even one of us going somewhere because len gets distressed (which is my fault because I always took him everywhere) ,
And then I feel mad at myself because I'd do anything for him ,
I have chronic asthma and I'm.... Allergic to dogs and cats (I've built up a tolerance to len but still have bad allergy days , the few times the ambulance has been and I'd always end up getting a nebulizer and they stabilise my breathing because they know I will not stay in hospital) .. The things we do for our pets ,
I must be gluten to punishment became I've fed 3 stray cats out my back Every day for 10 years only 1 remains she still won't let anyone stroke her but my back garden is her terrortory and she adores len when he would go out the garden she would put under his belly and he would push his face to hers, it was so cute,

Anyway I'm blabbering again sorry , I just love him so much ,

Thank you all for your kind words and help it has been a miracle to me to find out I'm not alone that others too have had or going through the same
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