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Joint problem in a tripod cat

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 2:47 pm
by Marin
Dear all,

I have a hadicapped cat who only has three legs. He can only partially use the single rear leg. He is a rescue which was shot on the spine by a gun, so making him paralysed. One hind leg needed to be removed and the he managed to use the remaining hind leg partially in time. He has no feeling below the knee joint, but can balance himself up on the leg and does not drag his body. However, since the paw and the lower portion of the leg is completely paralysed, the area is deformed now. His paw is curled in and he steps on the hoof of the paw.

He is with me for 3 years by now and doing great. However, I am worried about the hind knee joint now since the joint has become softer and seems not to support the leg completely. His whole leg is getting increasingly curved out when he is using it. I am worried of him loosing that leg and so I had him checked, but the vet does not believe there is much to do.

I found the website and was thinking about ordering a splint, despite my vast financial problems (have multiple disabled pets). I think this is very important. However, how should I adjust the splint to fit on his deformed paw? The paw is permanantly bent backwards and the paw region of the rear splint will not fit.

So I am looking for any opitions for how to support the leg so that it does not go worse. I know it is hard to visualize, but I am not sure how to clarify it more.. I basically need something that would support the knee joint and prevent it from bending out while he is moving. I tried vet bandages, but they do not stay in place and they are not so supportive either. I would appreciate any help or suggestions about this problem.

Much thanks,

Re: Joint problem in a tripod cat

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:23 pm
by critters
Weolcome!! You should stick around; you'll find yourself in like company here!

The regular splint won't work in this case; in fact, I'd bet it'd cause pain and/or skin breakdown at this point. A custom splint would be necessary to fit the deformities. I'll try to come up with some ideas and add them; I can't spare 2 windows at the moment. custom bendable splint material custo custom

Re: Joint problem in a tripod cat

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 10:00 pm
by Bendy Kitty
might be time to consideer getting a cart for him. does he do a lot of climbing?
how is his health otherwise? getting the limb amputated might be an option down the road. we have a 2 legged cat (born w/out hind legs) who walks on her front legs.

do you have a website? we'd love to meet your furcrew


Re: Joint problem in a tripod cat

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:15 am
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
Bendy's mom made a tiny little cart that was so cool!
Do you have that photo you could post, Bendy?

Re: Joint problem in a tripod cat

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:59 am
by Bendy Kitty
we made a cart for Mimosa from a kid's toy. it was mostly for PT, we would have worked on it more if she had to be in it for long stretches of time.

she was held on by vetwrap, but a collar or harness could be used, too.
here she is.
