The Buffy Project for megaesophagus rescue dogs

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The Buffy Project for megaesophagus rescue dogs

Post by FYI » ... y-project/

Shelter and Rescue Assistance for Animals with Megaesophagus

The Buffy Project, how it began~

Buffy is a sweet tiny puppy surrendered at a high kill shelter. Her time there was ticking down very quickly. UCB members made several attempts to find a rescue to care for her to no avail. Repeatedly we were told rescues did not have the funds nor the experience necessary to foster an ME dog. We decided to form this out-reach program so more puppies like her would have a chance of living a happy life. Buffy is currently being fostered by one of our team members in our group and is doing very well.

The Upright Canine Brigade Inc., a 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit, currently has funds available to assist qualifying rescues and shelters with megaesophagus animals that are under their care. Since September of 2017 we have worked with over 75 different rescues and shelters and have provided over $50,000 in life saving feeding chairs, neck hugs, food, medical needs and more!
Currently we can provide:
  • A custom made “bailey chair” from Bailey Chairs 4 Dogs or assistance finding and shipping a donated one similar in quality
  • A custom “Neck Hug” by
  • Prescription food if prescribed by a vet
  • Shelter or rescue organization adoption fees
  • Veterinary expenses *
  • A personal one on one mentor for fosters or shelter personnel
  • Membership to our face book group with over 9 thousand members and over 300 files of information
  • UCB will promote your MegaE animal in our ever growing following on social media
  • The ability to network your megaesophagus animal within our group **
* when funds are available

** All vetting of potential adopters is solely the responsibility of the shelter or rescue organization. UCB can not verify or approve an applicant.

“MegaE Animals Return Your Love 10 Fold! Have a Heart, Adopt”
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