Toby can't walk / help needed

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Toby can't walk / help needed

Post by rickydeb »

Greetings from Rick and Debbie + toby, March, 1, 2008

We have a mixed breed dog named Toby. We love him tremendously. Around 8 months ago he tore his ACL in the left hip/leg. My wife and I took Toby to our local vet. He then sent us to a specialist here in St Louis Missouri. We were prepared to do the surgery and put the bill on our Credit card. You see we really could not afford it but we also would pay any price for our close friend. Especially when we witness the pain he endures. After researching and consulting with our Vet. We determined that at Toby's age 12 and previous signs of weakening in his rear legs accompanied with shaking of the legs. To not do the operation. Toby recovered somewhat with an ever present limp. even to the point of occasionally attempting to run and play as he used to. We would let him run a bit but then stop him for fear
of his other leg tearing.
Well, the reason for this letter is the worst has happened. Yesterday he apparently tore the other acl. We called the vet and he informed us to give Toby a full dose of Rimadyl and there was nothing else that could be done. Continuing, If Toby is not better by Monday to call back. It's just horrible now with Toby hurting so. He weighs 60 lbs and we have to carry him outside at potty times. Trouble is he can manage to go #1 but I think he has attempted to go #2 a couple of times but just can't maintain the 'position' needed without falling. What can we do if anything to help him through this? At least for a week or so to see if he can recover. Otherwise he is a happy healthy and trusting dog. Again much loved. Of course I have the dreaded thoughts of having him put to sleep. Our old dog a shepherd. Lived 15 years and developed cancer as well as loosing her ability to walk. I used to clean her bedding area everyday after I came home from work. I really made her to live beyond what I should. Again, for great love. I don't want to make this mistake with Toby but as well want to give him a chance at healing.
Is there a harness or contraption of sorts that can help him get around? Possibly enabling him to 'maintain' the going #2 position?
Lastly, and a tuff one. Should we dare attempt (on the charge card) for Toby to have both legs fixed? If that is even possible? Financially this will max out our card. If we can be encouraged or discouraged ????
Your advice would be greatly appreciated. It's 5 AM here in St Louis. Toby needed me to carry him outside for potty time. He does not like how I pick him up so my wife Deb had to help. I opened the screen door and out she came with Toby in hands. We place him down and try to help him to 'get going'. There is a quarter moon out and a bit of a chill. He wobbles around trying to do the 'circles' that dogs usually do. He falls and my heart weeps. I try to pick him up and help but think I am more bother to him then assistance. After a while we simply carry him back and place him again, on our bed. You know he wasn't to be a bed dog. My wife said not this dog. We will train him to stay off things.
As I said we placed Toby on the bed 'in his favorite spot'. Between me and her.

Please help,
again thanks Rick
thank you,
Ricky and Debbie Duncan + toby
Toby - Our little boy.
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I saw your post above, and was thinking

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

about what I had to do when I found St.Jude. First I saw he was shot in his front leg and starved. I asked a local vet if they would take him, as opposed to taking him to shelter where he would be put down without a chance. They took him! I contacted my local humane associations, and they both came through in a huge way, enabling exrays to be taken of crushed hips. I contacted The Big Dog Fund out of Augusta, GA, and got the media involved. The vet said after all donations they would do the rest for free ( I won't talk about the $8,000 bill they later presented me with, but we had a serious meeting of the minds, or mine).

I urge you to contact your local humane associations as well as any animal welfare you may have in your community. Press is a beautiful thing and doing good to help a devoted family member is about the best expenditure of $$ you can imagine. Poor little Buckshot (shot and paralized as a very young baby) raised ALL his $$ from IMOM. Please go to IMOM as well and see what you may be able to accomplish.

:hotpink: Welcome Rick Deb Toby! :welcomeheart:

My St.Jude had crushed hips and shot front leg. One good leg, actually. We have passed our 5 year anniversary for a little guy supposed to die. St.Jude has pretty much constant discomfort, sometimes pain to severe pain. I keep deramaxx and rimadyl back for those bad, really bad days. Anything is possible, sometimes :)
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Post by rickydeb »

Thanks to everyone for your support with our care of Toby. We will keep searching for a set of used 'wheels'. We are keeping Toby from any steps and using the Rimadyl to help with the pain. He is now able to go potty but not much else. We recently had a heavy snowfall and Toby likes to lay in it. A kind of mother nature ice pac. I am considering purchasing an ACL support brace. Has anyone ever used one of these braces? Also today iI picked up some Flax Oil for pets and as well some ActiPet Hip and joint gravy. We are going to purchase some Glucosamine for humans and give him a smaller dose more fitting his weight.
Thanks again for all the assistance 'help' and please continue to send me your ideas and solutions for helping Toby. We have to learn how to help Toby.
Rick and Debbie
The Sleepy Puppy<br />Toby 5 months old
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Post by critters »

Have you asked the brace question up in mobility? I can't remember. You're most likely to get a response there.
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Post by Bobbie »

There is a yahoo group for conservative management of CCL injuries (sorry I don't have the link.) You would likely find more information there. If you can't find the link try Orthodogs as that group would also have the info or at least the link.
Bobbie Mayer
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Post by SandyNY »
keep an eye on the classifieds - maybe there will be a cart or other equipment you can use. checkout the classifieds on petfinder and maybe you could place a want ad there too.
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