Help for my puppy!

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Joined: Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:28 pm

Help for my puppy!

Post by Secretsof2113 »


This is my little guy, Jin. He's a 2 year old Shih-Tzu, and means the absolute world to me. He was completely fine over the weekend, and everything was great. He was running around, being the crazy little fool he always has been. On Monday, I noticed he was walking funny, so I set up an appointment with my vet to get him looked at. Upon looking at him, I was told that he may have a pinched nerve in his back, and a ruptured disc may occur. Upon telling me this, he also told me that surgery to get this fixed was going to be well over 4000 dollars, and asked if that was something in my budget. Of course, trying to pay back my college loans and live from day to day does not make this much of a possibility. He was given a shot, and we went home. Overnight, he went from being able to walk, to being completely paralyzed in his back legs. The next day, we took him up to the emergency room to get him set up for surgery. The doc there only gave him a 20% chance of recovery, as he's already lost all deep pain response in his legs. I was given a couple options: I could try the surgery, spend the 4000 bucks, and have a super low chance of being right back at the beginning where I started. We could get him a wheelchair, and have him use that for mobility. Or the last choice, being euthanasia. Other than this, my dog seems to be fine. He's eating, drinking, and is super attentive to everything still. I'm not going to give up on him like that. But hearing that news was like a semi truck crashed into my chest.

I ordered a Walkin Wheels chair for him last night, and we're going to try a cheaper alternative that might work for his legs. My vet recommended cold laser treatment for him, so we're starting that. At 300 dollars for 6 sessions, it's a lot cheaper, but in my financial state, even that is going to be a burden on us. So I come here asking for any help that can be given.

I was going to start a Chipin, as I saw the suggestion was there. But the site is closing down in two weeks, so new Chipins can't even be made. But I do have Paypal for anyone who can and is willing to help me out! My Paypal is I have a Gofundme page for him as well.

Jin and I are extremely thankful for the help we have gotten so far! :thankyou:
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