For all financial topics related to handicapped pets, including fundraising, financial aid, affordable equipment, assistance needed, and items to donate. A list of financial aid organizations is provided here. This forum does not give financial assistance.
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Joined: Thu Feb 28, 2013 2:47 am


Post by stitarev »

On the road, we found Alabai. He lay on his side and could not get up. Thought at first that dog shot down, but when they lifted, they saw that he was all in the holes of the fraction. Apparently the dog was shot. The dog was taken to the hospital, examined .... bullet holes, knife wounds, multiple fractures and bruises from gemotomy .... For first operation, osteosynthesis, stitched cut wounds, put drains, removed a large number of fractions ..... Maybe perelevanie need blood because dog large blood loss. 2 weeks later another operation, it will be necessary to collect the spade. Really need help paying for the operations of the hospital and treatment. Do not pass by, please help!!
We can not pay bills without your help!
I will answer all questions!
Offer prescription bills from the hospital!
Please help the dog, because he experienced so many, betrayal, hatred of people, let us to believe that there is a dog and good people.
Can help even the penny!
For all questions, please contact us, I will answer all!
web Money
Sorry for my English, translated in Google.
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