Snuggle Safe Warning!!

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I see smoke coming out of the pad and it's burning

Post by FYI »" wrote: Opinión del cliente
Cliente Amazon
1,0 de 5 estrellas Peligrosísimo!!
Revisado en España 🇪🇸 el 30 de enero de 2019
Tenía uno desde hace años y me decidí a comprar otro. Lo calenté 5 min, para evitar sobrecalentarlo y salió del microondas templado, lo puse en la caseta del gato y me fui a dormir. Una hora más tarde mi gata maullando a lo loco, que me hace levantar, y empiezo a oler a quemado y algo químico, buscando veo que sale humo de la almohadilla y se está quemando...literal!!! Cojo la almohadilla y está hirviendo, me quemo! ¿como es posible que se auto caliente más? , la cojo como puedo la saco al balcón y ventilo la casa!!! Me ha quemado la mano, la caseta del gato, y el sofá.!!! Es Peligrosísimo.
Pongo fotos!!!
Google translate wrote: customer opinion
amazon customer
1.0 out of 5 stars Dangerous!!
Reviewed in Spain 🇪🇸 on January 30, 2019
I had one for years and decided to buy another. I heated it for 5 min, to avoid overheating it and it came out of the warm microwave, I put it in the cat house and went to sleep. An hour later my cat meowing like crazy, which makes me get up, and I start to smell burning and something chemical, searching I see smoke coming out of the pad and it's burning...literally!!! I take the pad and it is boiling, I burn! How is it possible that it gets hotter? , I take it as I can, I take it out to the balcony and ventilate the house !!! It has burned my hand, the cat house, and the sofa.!!! It is very dangerous.
I put photos!!!
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Dangerous…..caught fire

Post by FYI »" wrote: Customer Review
1.0 out of 5 stars Dangerous…..caught fire
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 19 December 2021
Verified Purchase
Bought this product about 3 months ago and have used it every single night with no issues however this recently unexpectedly caught fire in our microwave ruining our microwave. Please be careful using this product as it is not safe! We are lucky with noticed when we did otherwise this could have been a lot worse when we opened the microwave door the whole thing was lit with flames
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Snugglesafe nearly caused a house fire.

Post by FYI » ... ire.56918/
Wheeky Oct 19, 2010 11:01PM wrote: Snugglesafe nearly caused a house fire.

Well maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but my heart is still pounding after what happened.

I bought the boys a Snugglesafe from P@H today, and just tried to microwave it. After literally a couple of seconds there was grinding noise and bright flashes coming from the microwave so I rushed over and switched it off. The flashes were coming from a square panel in the top of the microwave, not the Snugglesafe itself.
Any idea what caused this? I daren't try and microwave it again, we used it for food earlier and it was just fine so I don't know why the Snugglesafe caused it to spark like that. :(
lily 74 Oct 19, 2010 11:47PM wrote: usually if something sparks in a microwave that means there is something metallic like metal on it.

Have you checked it hasn't any labels on stll etc?
Wheeky Oct 19, 2010 11:49PM wrote: There is a label, but I don't think it is meant to come off. It has the list of times and settings etc and is firmly attached.
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Re: Snuggle Safe Warning!!

Post by cb2b »

My offer stands: Anyone who considers their Snuggle Safe unsafe is welcome to send it to me. I will use it to keep myself and my pets warm, in the same way I have used my other Snuggle Safes for almost 2 decades.

It boggles the mind that some people would want to interfere in my relationship with the producers of Snuggle Safes by seeing their production banned.
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Re: Snuggle Safe Warning!!

Post by pilotmama »

Please do come and retrieve what is left of ours - ashes.
There is NOTHING left of our Snugglesafe - and it was used as per the instructions. In fact, I thought our microwave was 1200w and it's only 900w, so we even microwaved for less than the time indicated.
I have received full compensation for the damage caused, "as a gesture of good will". Given the fire report and trading standards investigations, as well as the fact that the seller I bought from is no longer stocking these, it's clear it's been taken very seriously. How many more fires will there have to be I wonder?
I'm also really shocked at your lack of compassion and empathy, so I really hope you won't join us in reporting your fire or Snugglesafe-burnt pet in the future.
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Re: Snuggle Safe Warning!!

Post by LisainCAN »

cb2b wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:00 am It boggles the mind that some people would want to interfere in my relationship with the producers of Snuggle Safes by seeing their production banned.
Do you receive compensation, then, for using and defending the product? If not, why on earth would you prioritize your 'relationship' over the lives of pets and humans?

There are plenty of alternatives that can be used. Think outside the box and look at farm supply stores. There are heated mats and even wall-mounted screens that are safe for use in barns. There are infrared lamps. The list goes on. There are risks with all these types of products, but the percentage is far lower. If you suggest to me that heat lamps burn down barns, I would counter that I did not suggest them and that if used properly (with bulb shields, hung over concrete, cobwebs cleared, etc.), they are highly effective.
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Re: Snuggle Safe Warning!!

Post by Christine »

My offer stands: Anyone who considers their Snuggle Safe unsafe is welcome to send it to me. I will use it to keep myself and my pets warm, in the same way I have used my other Snuggle Safes for almost 2 decades.

It boggles the mind that some people would want to interfere in my relationship with the producers of Snuggle Safes by seeing their production banned.

I would respectfully say that you do not belong here. Your comment diminishes tragic and near tragic events caused by this dangerous product. I actually "hear" the laughter in your statements. I pray for the safety of your pets, and, as well.
Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: Snuggle Safe Warning!!

Post by FYI » wrote: Pleiades
1.0 out of 5 stars Used as directed, burnt our rabbit hutch down.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 on 10 February 2023
We used the pad for a week or so before arriving at the rabbit run and discovering that there was nothing left of it - rabbits fortunately survived (with a burn) thanks to having a large enough run to escape. Snugglesafe denies knowing about our case. Plenty more cases like ours, as well as someone who sustained severe burns as a result of using the product. If you are reading this, you are covered by the Consumer Protection Act. Salmon Associates and Trading Standards are helpful in case of fire. This product should only be used 3m from anything you don’t want to burn - including animals.
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