Update on Weebles

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Beth Weeble's:o~ mom
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Update on Weebles

Post by Beth Weeble's:o~ mom »

Been stopping by here on a regular basis & thought I'd let everyone know how Weebles is settling in.
He has really become a momma's boy, wants to have me in his sight at all times. Still having issues with people tho :( of course with all the banging & hammering going on with the remodel has not helped. He has gotten used to my boyfriend Larry, but still won't take any food from Larry's hand, but will give him a wag of his tail. Hmmmm he is a tipical pup.....lets see he's chewed up a tennis shoe, a sandel. Started after Larry's $130 shoes YIKES!! He is very sneaky about how hw does it tho. He inch his way over if we're there in the room with hinm & just lay his head on whatever pair of shoes he has his sights on....did this the other nite with Larry's shoes, I told him NO! & Larry said aww, he's not doing anything, & yes he was looking up at Larry with those inocent eyes! Before we knew it he had Larr's shoe in his mouth :D Needless to say Larry now puts his shoes up out of mouth's way!
He loves his stuffed toys, tho he thinks shoes are much better :) & he eats like he hasn't been fed in 10 years. Larry is really spoiling him...gets down on the floor with him & loves on him & tries to get him to take treats from his hand. It's going to take some time, but I have no doubt that Larry will win him over.
Next month he'll be a year old so we can measure him for his cart (what fun that will be! Trying to get measurements on a wiggly pup! :D)
Will be sure to keep you all up to date on how it goes!
Love you all,
Beth & Weebles
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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Sounds so wonderful! I just know Larry will win weebles over!

When Oscar was a pup, he chewed five perfect holes in five pairs of my bf's jeans....rotflmao...oooops! Oscar also chewed through half my house! Thank God those days are over!

Post pictures when you can!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Beth, just thinking how this all worked out still chokes me up and probably always will. How lucky were the weebles that BETH was there for them.
Your Larry is a wonder so full of patience, love, and silliness.
Hugs to all y'all.
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by kodiblue »

I'm new here and missed your first posts about Weebles. I'm curious to know if you got him from Iowa. (from a gal named Danielle) If so, I have a brother and sister of his. Jack, the boy has cerebellar hypoplasia bot Chelsea the girl doesn't. He is the watchdog of the family and detests strangers. He is the most full of life ,happy pup I ever had. We got them both from the local shelter. The vet they use (who thank god isn't my vet) said they were useless and to put the whole litter down. Good for you for caring for him and standing up for him. You go girl!!! (BTW, my BF lost a $600.00 pair of boots to chelsea and her new teeth.)
Beth Weeble's:o~ mom
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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by Beth Weeble's:o~ mom »

OMG! YES! Danielle is the gal I got Weebles from! How are Weebles siblings doing? LOL I know he's in good company chewing shoes!
Wondered if you have considered a cart for Jack, or if he isn't as bad as Weebles. Will be measuring Weebs next month for his cart. I know once he gets his wheels there will be no stopping him! Please lets keep in touch!
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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by kodiblue »

What a totally small world!!! Jack is doing O.K. He weighs 42 lbs. and looks more like Noodle than Weebles. Only all tan colored,with short hair. Chelsea looks like a border collie with a beard and wiry hair. I'd guess some wiry terrier in the mix. We've just discovered that Jack is slowly losing his eyesight. With no apparent cause. I have the best vet though and we just deal with the problems as they come up. He also has luxating patella on both knees. Because of the CH surgery wouldn't help much and it is no longer painful, he takes antiinflammatory meds. I don't really think a cart would work, he doesn't like to be held onto, and gets this determined look on his face, puts his ears back and runs headlong to wherever he's going.(thats how he injured his knees) He usually crashesinto something along the way, but I can't keep him from doing it over and over. He can't really walk, and falls down a lot. I wanted a stroller for vet visits and trips to the park, carrying him is getting to be a pain. I dont think he'd mind that cuz he likes to ride in the car and look out the window. He and Chelsea are really close, and always sleep in exactly the same position near each other. A few weeks back she got out and ran off and was gone overnight, Jack cried and fussed all night. She was found and we got her back. Last week we took her for a microchip, and when she got home she ran right out the back door to where Jack was and hovered over him as if to say, I'm still here, did you miss me? We also have a Visla named General, a St Bernard-Austrailian shep. mix named Gus, A black cat named Salem, a scarlet mccaw named Rocky, an african grey named Pepper Anne, a moluccan cocatoo named Baby and a slew of smaller birds that are all tame. Everyone gets along and likes each other. My life in a nutshell, I will keep in touch, talk later, Lisa
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Re: Update on Weebles

Post by weebles »

Hey Lisa! Nice to see you here too!!! I'm sorry to hear that Jack is losing his eyesight. :( He is so lucky to have ended up in such a good home. It takes special people with big hearts to care for these doggies!

I still go and check on Weebs, Jack, & Chelsea's mom Molly on a regular basis and make sure she has food since the guy is barely able to care for him and his son. She is doing ok but seems a bit lonely since there are no longer any other dogs out there with her (I took them in and found them homes, but he won't let me take Molly). She doesn't usually warm up to most people but when she sees me pull in she gets all wiggly and excited and whines for me to hurry and get out of my car to pet her. She tries jumping in my car whenever I get ready to leave. She is such a special girl and has been through a lot. She has had at least 9 litters in about 5 years & the CH pups were her last litter. Thankfully he let me get her spayed - I don't know what I'd do if he ended up with another litter of special needs pups!
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