Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

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Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

I've lurked alot here. Life has been soooo darn busy! Everyon\e hereis doing great. Weebs had to have a cyst removed from above his right eye. Came thru it fine, but he still is so very frightened around anyone new.
My boyfriend had his 4th heartattack last July & was in the hospital for 2 months & in rehab another 2 months. Don't know what I would have done, but his son was here every other weekend to help me out.(I got spoiled with him clean the horse pen! :D)
We do have a new addition to our family.... another Chinese Crested! He is a full brother to Hotwax & his name is Bemr. a big worry wart :lol: He worries if I'm outside & he's inside, worries when I'm in the horse pen, but he snuggles right in at night with all of us. So that makes 6 dogs & 2 humans in a queen size bed :shock:
Larry's son Bucky was here this week & accidently hit the casing for the well. We're told we need a new well drilled :x , just hoping home owners insurance will cover it, or will just to have it repaired.
I'll try to pop in more often, but with Larry's appointments (I have to drive him as his eyesight is pretty bad) & now the well thing, not sure when life will slow down!
Love all of you folks!
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Oh, BETH! You are such a strong and cheerful person! I want to be just like you! :wub:
We want pics of Bemr! :) and HOTWAX! And Mr. Himself, WEEBS!
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by CarolC »

Boy, that's a long time to be in the hospital and then in rehab. And you were probably going back and forth every day, and you don't live in town, do you.
I wish you luck on the well. A real craftsman can do wonders. There is a house at the end of this block, being rented can I say this...a group of young people who are too low income to be living there. They managed to take out the corner pillar of the garage with the pickup and wrecked the garage door. They couldn't get the truck out, it was stuck in the collapsed debris for days. The neighbors called it in to Code Compliance repeatedly because it looked like the whole roof was going to fall in on that side and of course they weren't fixing it. When they finally had someone out, he fixed it so you'd have to know it was there or you'd never see it, it was amazing. And it was an unusual brick but he matched it. I hope they can do similar wonders with your well. Ask around, there may be someone in neighboring counties that does this kind of work.
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

Karen you make me smile :D You want to be like me I'd love to be like you! :mrgreen:
Carol, nope I don't live in Albuquerque,we live in Los Lunas, about 40-45 minutes from the hospital Larry was in. Yup I ran my tail off, sometimes going back & forth 3-4 a day. i fell asleep at the wheel of my car one nite going up to spend the nite at the hospital....popped 2 of my tires. Then I missed a driveway & drove over the curb, popping my other 2 tires. Well I'll say this much, thats one way of getting new tires :shock: tho I really don't recommend it :wink:
Karen I'll have to find the time to take pics of the whole crew......dogs,cats, horse, donkey,the 2 ponies, & the goats then I'll have the board FLOODED with pics :!:
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by kodiblue »

Wow! I was wondering where you were. I wish I was close so I could help. Weebs sis Chelsea will have knee surgery this summer, Jack had bad knees too. Hope Weebs is good, I never found a way for Jack to trust strangers. He was even scared of my son at times. I wish you the best, you deserve it! yes, pics please!!
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

Did they do a rescue railroad to get Jack & Chelesa to you? Weebs was soooo very tramatized by the trip here.
As soon as I get over this stupid cold & sinus infection :x I'll take pics & have Larry teach me how to post them.
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by kodiblue »

i was in Fort Dodge then. I saw jack all alone in the top cage at the shelter and fell in love with his wobbly little self. he was eight weeks old. That was Sept 06. In Feb. 07, i was asked for some of Jacks blood for a study being done at harvard on CH, I went to the shelter for the mailing kit, and lo and behold, there was Chelsea in the exact same cage. She had just been brought back and was terrified. I couldn't leave jacks sissy there so I adopted her on the spot. She loved and took care of jack till he passed and she has seemed lost ever since. I give her extra loves to help her cope with her bad knees and her loss. I think the fear they have is something in the genes, or maybe the feeling of helplessness they have.
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

When I first talked to Danielle about Weeble, she told me she would take him everywhere & that he loved everyone. I had told her that was NOT the case here, of course she had told me he wasn't that big too, of course he was way under weight when he got here.... I would say he probably weighed between 25-30 # :shock: & now he weighs around 40#! :D
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Re: Thought I'd better pop in too & say HI!

Post by kodiblue »

jack and chelsea both weighed about 40 to 45 lbs. they were exactly the same except for color and fur type, jack was tan and smooth and sissy is black/ white and wiry. Chelsea loves anybody she meets but is very submissive and whiny with strangers. jack wanted to hide and usually peed if he met someone new. I am glad Weebs has you, he went through a lot.
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