Popping in again

A forum where caretakers of elderly, disabled, and handicapped pets can chat with one another about topics that don't fit in other categories.
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Popping in again

Post by BethWeeble's:o~mom »

Sorry I have'nt been around. I lost my mom May 6th, after a month long illness. She was in the hospital twice & the Dr's did everything they could......she was willing to fight, but her body was tired.
Things have once again been crazy around here....if it wern't for Larry(he has been my rock) & all of our fur kids don't think I could have handled this. Am attending grief counseling to help me cope. On top of this I have lost my sweet cat Kepple. Screen got torn a couple of weeks ago & things here were nuts. Kepple had been coming outside with me, but always stayed in the yard. I got home last Monday after grief counseling & no Keppel. I have looked all over the property & driven around the neighborhood calling her name. I have gone to shelter with no luck, but plan to keep checking. Left food & water out but neither have been touched. I fear she has been killed by some dog somewhere.I feel like I wasn't careful enough & it's all my fault..... I do have to get out of here for a while. I plan to go to Portland Or. to visit my girlfriend & get some much needed rest next month. Larry will be here to take care of all of the indoor babies & I have a pet sitter coming to take of the horses & goats & get Weebs in & out.
On the up side of things Larry & I have set a date. We will be married on August 17th.
Love all of you here & think of you all often.
Hopefully future posts will be more upbeat as the last year has been a rough road.
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Re: Popping in again

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Oh, Beth, I am so sorry about your mom! As my sister said once, we are always too young to be orphaned. A piece of who we are dies with our parents.

Keep up checknig for Keppel. I had a dog stolen once, and I got a case number. A year later, when he was found, I testified in court (against myson's wishes, the perp was a crack-dealin, gun fencing horror) and I never gave up hope.

Put up signs, blog Keppel, call all vets in the county, take a photo to a/c, and keep calling them, contact humanes, and put foood out.

Never give up hope.

I am so happy you & Larry will be starting a new and magical life together. WE WILL WANT LOTS OF PICS! :wub:
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
Lethal White Aussies Rule!
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Re: Popping in again

Post by CarolC »

Hi Beth,

I am very sorry about your mother and I sure hope your kitty will turn up. I would go out and walk and call her. I had one that was found 8 blocks away 2 weeks later. He always stayed nearby but I think that day he went out and a dog spooked him and he ran out of his familiar territory. If your kitty got out of familiar territory, she is probably hunkered down in a location where she found outdoor food and water, and she is staying there because she doesn't know which way to go home. It may just be a few blocks away. I would keep looking. Congratulations on your engagement, that is wonderful!
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