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Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:07 pm
by Jane Scott
It's been awhile since I posted - alot of water has flowed under my bridge!!!!! I finally left my job at the addiction centre (after 13 years - the last 4 were bad) in May; took most of the summer off and found a new career! When I stopped into our vets in May to pick up Harley's meds for Addison's, the manager asked me "so, what are you going to do now? - my reply was "look for a part-time job", she says "so how about here?" I asked for the summer off - needing down time real bad.
I started the end of July and so far so good; the only really bad part is that I assist by holding the pet when they PTS (put to sleep) - I just keep saying in my mind "I'm sending you with love." The pay isn't very much, only $11/hr but the perks are outstanding (after 3 mths employment) - up to 70% off for vet services and up to 50% off for medications!!!! Harley better not get sick until at least November!
Hope this finds everyone (furkids included) doing well and prospering! Harley is well, hasn't had an Addy Crash in quite awhile, although he did have a bout of diahorrea that lasted a week recently (lots and lots of hot weather here).
Jane :P

Re: Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:10 pm
by LisainCAN
Jane that is so wonderful to hear! You've had a hard time.

Does that discount extend to members of this board .... :lol:

Re: Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 11:57 pm
by Bendy Kitty
Jane, that sounds great!!!
you'll help lots of furkids
we wish you lots of happiness in your new job.
around here at least 11/hr ain't too bad.

i can't wait for my box of meds in the mail! ;)


Re: Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 5:33 am
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
I am jumping up and down with excitment! I wish I could support my crew on a vet assistant $$. PTS is so hard, but know that you get to help families make this journey. Your experience, love &L caring will benefit everyone. I have held my babies as they were PTS, 3 in the last almost 2 years, and the folks who cried withme meant more than th world.

Hugs to you and yer HarleyBoy! :wub: :wub:

Re: Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:02 am
by Christine
How blessed they are to have someone like you on their staff! And I agree about the owners and pets having your loving presence as they take that journey. I hope things go better for you as your find your second career path. Take care.

Re: Harley&Jane Update - new job

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:09 am
by Jane Scott
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and support. All the people with HPdotcom are the best!!! Yesterday's shift was unusually quiet so it was a good opportunity to get to know the people who work there. The stories they told!! Most funny, none too gruesome - quess they didn't want to scare me off! Yesterday they gave me a key and an alarm code, so I assume I've passed the muster. Oh, and that discount doesn't even extend to my daughter's brand new baby Chocolate Lab so sorry guys no boxes of meds will be arriving in the mail. :lol: