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Any experience with Cosequin?

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:42 am
by Les
Does anyone have any experience with the supplement Cosequin for animal joint problems? Simon, our big Tuxedo boy who is about 12 I'm guessing, is limping off and on. He started this years ago and we took him to the vet to get him checked out because he would occasionally "click" when he walked, but she checked him and couldn't find anything major wrong. Now with age and the weather change he is doing it a little more, so we started to give him Cosequin again; we have to mix it in with his wet food and hope that he takes it but he knows it is in there! And we can't use pill pockets because he doesn't eat treats although he eats anything else like crazy! We also mix some with water and give it to him from a syringe but that isn't fun doing that!

Just wondering if anyone else has had any success with it-thanks as usual!

Re: Any experience with Cosequin?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:40 pm
by SandyNY
I had some cats on cosequin - can't say as i honestly remember if it did much good for them. given- it is not a med but a suplement so results over time... i also gave it to a dog and do believe it helped her -she had very stiff (arthritic) joints. The cats - I opened capsules and mixed it with interferon/ water to wash down pills. Cats not on pills would almost kill to lick the cosequin mixture off the syringe. of course, the ones to take it - not liking it as well! I think the cat's is fish flavored & the dog tablets are beef. maybe a shaving of dog cosequin would be more to his taste? Just a thought.