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Feel LAME for asking

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:13 pm
by Mary and Roxy
I now am the proud owner of Tiglet,, His parents decided to stay and live in Italy. I was told he was fixed BUT. I see his "little fuzzes" still. I'm only wondering if he wasn't really fixed because he still has them.. and he humps, my legs a lot at bed time.. not just the pawing thing cats do like "kneading" but actual humping..I didn't want to ask anyone face to face this question.. because welll yea haha .. but wasn't he supposed to lose the "little fuzzes" when he was fixed???
Thanks.... Mary

Re: Feel LAME for asking

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:22 pm
by Bendy Kitty
(had to do that, sorry)

those little fuzzes would be BIG fuzzes if he wasn't fixed.
If a male cat is not neutered, his testes are very large and round. Kinda like those big grapes. When he is neutered, he still has the sacks, and they might still have a little shape to them but they are much smaller. If you haven't seen intact male cats, it might be confusing.

and yep, neuterd males still have a sex drive, still hump things. a favorite thing around here is to hump mom's pajamas when she takes them off to get dressed!!!

she is not so thrilled with this.

it is normal, not all cats do it but many do.

Hey, with all the things we talk about here, looking at cats' privates is just oe more thing :)

If you still aren't sure, post a pict and we'll give you our opinion. Mom would post a pict of my cute lil butt but my longfurr covers everything. I'm a modest little guy.

headbonks ad purrrs


Re: Feel LAME for asking

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:50 pm
by Mary and Roxy
Thanks Bendy Kitty ;o)

And that's just why I wasn't gonna ask in person. I figured he had to be, my vet has seen him and he didn't say anything about Fixing him..I was thinking about it and I never really knew any short haired cats. he's got short hair and seams to "display" them proudly.There not real"pert" but there.
He was always a outside cat, was still getting into fights a lot.When I got a hold of him I changed that right away,kept him inside for a long time. The first time I let him outside he came back with a puncture wound on his face..Soooo he was inside again only.
The humping thing is something I don't tell many people ha ha it isssss kinda creepy.. If I touch him while he's "doing it" he growls at me, When done he falls over and goes to sleep. He (ha ha ohhhh gawd I cant believe im saying this on the "world wide web") he dosent leave anything messy.. I mean he falls over like he's in a dead sleep.. if I reach over and touch him he hops right back on my leg. Ankles actually..
Some nites it takes us over a hour to fall asleep,sometimes Roxy will wake him and he's up and at it again..
He's kinda abusive also he walks right next to my feet and if I don't go towards the kitchen he nips at my legs and feet, guiding me towards the kitchen..if we are in the kitchen to long before I pour him some cat food he bites my leg, he eats like 7 times a day, he will only eat a little each time and if there's left overs he wont touch it. and were talking dry cat food,,
He's a bossy little cuss, but he sure makes me laugh..Thanks again about the "fuzzes" kept me from getting red faced at the vets..:o) Mary

Re: Feel LAME for asking

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:58 am
by critters
I don't know HOW I missed this before but yes, boys neutered as adults don't lose the "bag" completely. As for, shall we say, "getting off," Domino, who was neutered at 6 months, is my only offender, and he's TERRIBLE. He shouldn't even know about such things!! :oops: