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Here's an interesting discussion question...

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 9:19 am
by markcrobinson
Thank you again for your donation and support with Lambie's Smile Fund this past summer with the Animal Rescue League of NH.
Now, since you deal with handicapped pets, I have a question. I'm writing a children's book and would like to present it in the correct way. It's about a fish that I describe as being handicapped. Someone asked me if that was the right wording or is disabled correct to use. So I would like to know who to ask... which is correct to use for a fish that can't swim because of a physical problem.... handicapped or disabled ?

Thank you

Re: Here's an interesting discussion question...

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:08 am
by westminster pet sanctuary
For us here at the Sanctuary..I use neither..We call them all "Special Needs'"

I do not know the "politically correct" word, but I have never considered any of our rescues to be anything else..they just have "special requirements and needs"..are not handicapped or disabled..they get along fine as long as their special needs are addressed, and I do not consider them any different then any other critter I have met once we have given them what they need :) Other than the fact they are even more special in a positive way!

This is just IMHO..

Re: Here's an interesting discussion question...

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 10:11 am
by Cindidoxiemom
Disabled means broken to me...and Oscar surely isn't broken. I think the term "special needs" would fit well. I am not offended by any of the terms, but given the nature of the book, and the age group it will be written for, I think "special needs" fits the bill.

then how would I word this??

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:18 am
I like the special needs way.... here's part of my book... how would that fit?

“I’m a fish.” she said, “I’m supposed to swim.” “I don’t understand why I can’t.”

She looked at Jane with her big sad eyes.

“You’re trying so hard.” Jane said. “I won’t give up on you as long as you keep trying.

We’ll get through this together. You’re not sick, you’re only handicapped. Being handicapped isn’t a bad thing. It’s just a word to explain things. It just means you can’t do some things. It also means that you can do other things. We just have to learn how to do them different. We can do it.”

Re: then how would I word this??

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:27 am
by Paul Coover
An interesting question. I use all of the above, including
Handicapped, Disabled, cart dog, special needs, etc.

I don't get bothered by any term nor do I prefer one to another.

It reminds me of an interesting situation. I had Johanna and Pork Chop out one day when a woman in a wheelchair saw them. She was very curious and excited. Her response was," Wow! They are crippled just like me!" The term "crippled" is a little derogatory to me, but if she was willing to use it, who am I to judge?

As for a fish, that is very interesting. The term disabled denotes losing an ability that you once had or should have, so berhaps disabled is the best term.

But who am I to judge? Good thought-provoking topic.

Re: then how would I word this??

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:39 pm
by westminster pet sanctuary
How about something like this....

“I’m a fish.” she said, “I’m supposed to swim.” “I don’t understand why I can’t.”

She looked at Jane with her big sad eyes.

“You’re trying so hard.” Jane said. “I won’t give up on you ever but you have to keep trying.

We’ll get through this together. You’re not sick, you’re a special fish. Being a special fish isn’t a bad thing. It’s just a way to explain things to other fish who are special in different ways than you. It also means you can’t do some things the same way other fish do. . We just have to learn how to do them different. We can do it!

Hmm..what do you think?

Re: then how would I word this??

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:35 pm
by westminster pet sanctuary
Just another FYI (oh goodness I am a blabber mouth you can say it!!)

We have a saying anytime someone "new" enters our Sanctuary door..

"I promise never to give up on you, unless you want me too.."

Just another tidbit bubble that errupts from my brain every now and then! ;)

I think I need to write a bit more.....definitions

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:30 pm
Found these through an on line dictionary.... guess it's the best way to go... then if anyone comments - I also have something to refer them to.??? But... it was good to get some thoughts from "real people" first. Thank you.... if anyone would be interested in knowing if/when the book gets to print... let me know and I'll be sure to post it or email you privately.

So it looks I have a bunch of rewriting to do again...... looks like it's going to be disabled adding the saying physically challenged and special.

hand·i·capped [ hándee kàpt ]



1. physically or mentally challenged: physically or mentally challenged ( often considered offensive )

2. for people with disabilities: for use by people with disabilities
the handicapped entrance near the parking lot

plural noun


offensive term: an offensive term for people who are physically or mentally challenged

Word Usage

Although handicapped has a long history of use by those so affected, physically challenged and people with disabilities are preferred over the adjective and noun uses of handicapped when referring to people.



1. unable to perform particular activities: describes somebody with a condition that makes it difficult to perform some or all of the basic tasks of daily life

2. unable to operate: incapable of performing or functioning

plural noun


physically challenged people: people who are physically challenged

Word Usage

Though physically challenged and people with disabilities are preferred over the adjectival and noun forms of disabled, the adjective disabled has a long history of use by those so affected, as in the name of the organization Disabled American Veterans.

Re: Here's an interesting discussion question...

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:00 am
by connie
what a great question,
i personally use handicapped or special. but no matter what i use, there are still people who do not GET IT!. i am cruel to keep him like this they say. jeezzz. lol.
his quality of life is so much better than some i see. he runs, plays, is healthy, happy, so we just ignore them.
except the man who was walking down my street limping badly, dragging his foot. he stopped , looked at cricket and said
.. i can't believe you are mean enough to keep him like that.
i said back, well heck, cricket walks better than you, should your dr. put you down? lol. his expression?
cricket and our pets here are different, but special. if mine could talk human, first thing he would say is" what is the big deal? i am fine>
the fish story sounds wonderful, will love to hear it all.
no kids here at my house, but am around a lot of them. i hope it is a winner.
good luck on it, and hugs to all here and their pets.
connie and cricket

Re: Here's an interesting discussion question...

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:09 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
Gabriel is Deaf. Gabriel is Blind. Gabriel exceeds and excels at everything he sets his dark little mind to. There is no word for Gabriel, except GIFTED! Our babies thrive, persist, LOVE and LIVE in spite of every single thing.
I say that they are all GIFTED! Handicaps are indeed present, but are overcome by these GIFTED beings.

more on handicapped.....

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:20 pm
my point exactly for writing the story.... so many people told me to give up on the fish... it's just a fish.... I said... it's just a life.... doesn't matter how big or small. If this fish is going to try so hard to live... who am I to tell it otherwise....(So what if I have a goldfish that's cost me a couple hundred at least already! and is getting so big that she needs a new tank already!) But in the same sense I know people can be offend so easily by just one word... so I'm trying my hardest to describe her in the right way. So.... I'll rewrite it (again) not a big deal. So.... thank you every one for your thoughts... they really do mean a lot. If anyone would like me to email them a working copy to help edit... or would like me to let them know when it's really in print... email me at: .

Changes and updates's this?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:09 am
“I’m a fish.” she said, “I’m supposed to swim.” “I don’t understand why I can’t.”
She looked at Jane with her big sad eyes.

“You’re trying so hard.” Jane said. “I won’t give up on you as long as you keep trying.
We’ll get through this together. You are very special. You’re not sick, you’re only disabled. Being disabled isn’t a bad thing. It’s just a word to explain things. It just means you can’t do some things. It also means that you can do other things. I guess we can say you’re physically challenged. We just have to take on that challenge and we’ll have to learn how to do things different. We can do it because we have each other.”

Re: Changes and updates's this?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:05 am
by ems736336
I know it is a little late to get in on this, however, disabled indicates she was just fine but now something has happened to make her not capable of doing the swimming. Handicapped indicates she always was not able to swim.
Perhaps, she is 'special' because she is just a little different from the others and therefore she cannot swim. Possibly, with some work and others that care, she could learn to do some form of swimming that would make is just as good as if she wasn't 'handicapped'.

Re: Changes and updates's this?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:16 am
She was okay when the story starts - I guess when/if you read the whole story - things would make more sense. Here's a sneek peek of the start of the story:

Princess Fish is a very special pink and white fish. She lives in a beautiful pond surrounded by flowers that have colors like a rainbow and some colors that don’t even have names yet. There are so many trees. The trees are so tall that they almost reach the sky.

Every day she plays with two orange fish that live in the pond with her. There are three big green frogs that come to visit the pond. They like to jump in and out of the water trying to catch bugs to eat. The birds come near to sing beautiful songs. Sometimes it sounds like the frogs are trying to sing with them.

Throughout the day, the sun’s light is so warm and bright as Princess and her friends watch it move through the sky. The frogs like to make waves in the water to see the sun’s light dance and sparkle like there are diamonds floating on top. Princess and her friends like jumping to the surface to try to catch the sparkles.

At night, the moon and stars reflect on the water as if it was a mirror, as they shine so brightly above the trees. It’s such a magical place. It’s a place where Princess’s imagination can let her do just about anything she wants. If you try real hard you might be able to imagine yourself at the pond with her.

Princess loves to swim around with her friends in between the water plants and the lily pads. They especially like when they have pretty flowers on them.

Being fish in a place they loved to be, they could imagine the flowers could change their colors. Some days they would pretend the flowers were blue, some days they might have dots on them or even stripes. They have so much fun using their imaginations.
At meal time, Princess Fish and her friends always get so excited when Jane, the human who owns the pond, comes to feed them. One day, while Jane was feeding her wonderful fish friends, she noticed her beautiful Princess just lying on the bottom of the pond. Jane got a net so she could pick her up to see what was wrong with her. She brought Princess into the house to put her into a glass tank to try to help her get better. In a glass tank, Jane could watch Princess and Princess could look out to see everything going on around her. But, Princess just kept lying on the bottom of her new home. She looked very sad. She wanted so much to understand what had happened to her. Princess was so scared. She felt so alone. Princess wanted to be with her friends in their magical pond. She missed watching the frogs jumping in and out of the water. She missed hearing the birds sing. She couldn’t even imagine the flowers changing colors where she was now. Princess just didn’t know what to do.

Well..... guess you'll just have to wait until it's in print and with pictures (my cousin in S.Dakota is illustrating) Unless someone would like to help edit for me then they get the whole sneek peek! Thanks again everyone for your advice...

Re: Changes and updates's this?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:59 pm
by ems736336
O.K., I'm HOOKED, and I would be glad to edit if you would allow me to.
She is disabled per your note and now I am very anxious to know the how, what and why of Princess, the pond, Jane, the frogs and everybody!

This is getting better by the moment!

Thanks for sharing.