Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

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Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by sgrant1 »

First I have to thank all you wonderful pet lovers. I have been reading your stories and have been touched to tears.
My husband and I have a dog, Isaac. George found Isaac in a dumpster 14 years ago as a newborn pup and has raised him ever since. They are inseperable. Isaac has some very bad arthritus in his back and some paralysis in his hind quarters. He takes rymidal and glucosimine condritin and then also an acid reducer because the rymidal upsets his tummy. For an old old man he is really in very good health and he loves life. He adores his daddy and loves his new mommy (that's me! :) He plays a little each day with his younger puppy siblings and he just gets such joy out of life. He's always smiling. And he brings us so much joy too. He still gets around very well and we installed a doggie door for him since he has had urinary troubles "holding it". But now for the past year, he's had bowel incontinence issues. Poor old guy. He's not had a tinkle accident in the house in a long long time, but about three times a day he poops in the house. Sometimes he falls backwards into it or at the minium he manages to walk thru it and track it all over the house. It wasn't as bad, because until about a month ago, he at least made it off the carpet onto the hardwood floors which is much easier to clean. But it has gotten to the point of when it comes on him he rarely even makes it off the carpet... and I feel like I live in a poop house. Both my husband and I work and it's so very frustrating. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm to the point where I'm considering euthaniasia. But Isaac wants to live. He's such a happy dog and his pain is well managed and he never complains unless his tummy is upset, but I think we now have that under control. I'll hurry up and get to the point now. What do you do with a dog who is a chronic pooper? We will be having a baby soon and I CANNOT have a poopy house with a baby around. Even with all the cleaning I do, I hate walking around in my bare feet. Diapers won't work for him. At least not well. (And he doesn't need a tinkle diaper. ) He is a big boy and he poops about a pound or two of poo 3-4 times a day. And as he has aged it no longer solid in consistancy. It's harder to get HIM clean after a poo than it is to steam the carpet out. And because of the sheer quanity of waste the diapers can't hold it all. We tried pampers size 6. The largest. And it of course runs down to his penis area and I'm afraid he will get a UTI from the contamination. He also poops in his sleep sometimes and gets very upset about that, because he invariabley end up sleeping in it. We are all at our wits end. Do you have any alternate suggestions to diapers. I found the "super-catcher" and that seems to be exactly what our boy needs. But they do not sell it yet. I'm going to try and make my own version of it, using a converted harness, a D-ring for under the tail, and the flushable poo-bags... but I have my doubts... It has to be comfortable enough for him to wear most all of the day. Please, if anyone has any suggestions, I really want to hear them. Thank you so much! Sarah, George, & old man Isaac.
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by puremutt »

Your story sounds almost similar to mine!
My 14 yr old ( found him was he was 3 mo old) doesn't feel his bowel movement as well.
We were completely stressed out by this as well.
I try to have consistency in feeding times for starters, after meals I go outside in the yard, he falls on his butt and I let him lay in the grass then i see the tail movement and I pick him up to hold him and if we;re lucky he poops.
Mine does it usually after his morning- and evening meal.
Ofcourse it also could happen when he sleeps at night and I have plastic bags nearby to pick it up and dispose it immediately. Try baking powder it absorbs the smell quickly.
I heard that adding canned pumpkin, (NOT THE PIEFILLING) will make the stools firmer.
Look in this board ant the incontinence websites with more tips.
Hang in there.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by critters »

:red: Also look on the incontinence bb for the sticky post with poop on demand info; if he's empty, no landmines can hit the deck!

As you've heard, try firming the poop. If you should try diapers again, don't forget toddler diapers, big kid overnight diapers, and even teen or small adult diapers. Teen diapers, for instance, would probably be a special order through a pharmacy, but they CAN be had!!
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by Goldenz2 »

Hi Sarah,

WOW I felt like I was reading my own words! We are in the same position with my 13 yr old, 70lb Golden Retriever.

Thankfully he pees on his own with us holding him up, but the pooping...ugh. We keep charts of when he goes so we can try to figure out the timing. We spray his butt with cold water when we think he has to go. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. We give him canned pumpkin with EVERY meal but his stools are still a little soft.

We also put wee wee pads under his butt when he is laying down so if he poops we can just slide him over and throw out the pad. We bought ADULT SMALL diapers for him and they fit perfect. We just cut a tail hole obviously. They have tape on the side so you can tighten or losen them. We made the mistake of getting a package with the belts but threw them out with the diaper by mistake...ugh

We cover our living room carpet during the day, and bedroom at night with old blankets and sheets. (you could go to the $1 store and get plastic tarp to go underneath if you wanted) We also cover the dog beds and cushions the he sleeps on. We will have to replace the carpet anyway but try to cover it when at all possible.

Can you gate him in one room for a while and cover the floors so he doesn't walk the poop through the house?
It is very frustrating at times, believe me I know...but we never let it show in front of him. Just know that I definitely know EXACTLY how you feel. Hang in there!

Jeanne in NJ
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by CarolC »

My golden retriever dumps (sorry) :oops: in the house about twice a day. Like your dog he does it frequently in his sleep, and he also does it accidentally while walking, and sometimes he does it knowingly while walking. The whole secret to living with the problem is quality stools. If your dog has stools that are too soft he will track it and also it will stick in the carpet. You can save yourself a lot of grief by finding a diet that gives him firmer stools. My dog is on Science Diet. You might try Science Diet prescription diet w/d dry. It made my dog's stools so dry they crumbled, but they sure didn't gum up his coat or the carpet. If you find that the w/d isn't working, I would take a hard look at the Rimadyl. My old dog was on Rimadyl for 6 months and it really helped his mobility, but at the end of 6 months it had done a number on his GI tract and he was having diarrhea. The next time you take your dog to the vet, you might ask them to shave the area under his tail so you can keep him clean easier. (Mine wets in the house, too, you are lucky!)
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by sgrant1 »

Thank you all so very much!
We changed his eating schedule about 8 months ago.. He only eats in the morning now and it has cut back on the night-time accidents... Last night I tried adult diapers on him - the belted kind, but unfortunetly the legs weren't quite tight enough... I also bought him a new kind of food yesterday for sensitive tummies, in hopes that will work. He sure gobbled it up this morning. TASTY!! (Personally it smelled like dead fish to me and I nearly lost my cookies, but he was crazy about it.) I'll start adding pumpkin to it tomorrow morning and I'm sure he'll be in HEAVEN!! My boy LOVES his tasties!! This morning was a good day because he managed to eliminate Outside & in the grass!! Woo-hooo!! But then the poor guy tipped over and sat in it. :( Nothing like a early morning doggie bath when you're already late for work! :) But I got him all cleaned up and he was a happy boy again! I'm a little unsure of the poop on demand... He doesn't like his bottom poked and he's a big boy to try and get to hold still... but I'll do some more research on it and talk to George about it. Unfortunelty our carpet was new in September... HA!! But thank god for carpet steamers! BTW - anyone know how to get dried pink pepto stain out of carpet? Poor old guy had such an upset tummy one day, I dosed him with pepto before I left for work and he much have vomited not long after and it totally stained the carpet pink. <sigh> :)

Anyways I'll try the pumpkin and if that doesn't help I'll move on to the pumpkin plus the Science Diet prescription diet w/d dry. If we can manage the P.O.D. That would be kind of good. Icky and kind of scary, but if it will make our house a happier place I'm game! Me, I get frustrated and sad and I cry when it get's overwhelming... my husband, bless his heart - he really is a woderful wonderful loving man and doggie-papa, but he swears and cusses up a storm... And Isaac, he just moans and groans about it sometimes... It's just not a happy place to be sometimes. Thank you all so very much for your help and suggestions. I will check out the incontinence bb too!! It's very uplifting to know we are not alone... I will copy all your resonses and forward to my hubby so that he can be encouraged as well.
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by sgrant1 »

Thanks all! I just read the Wiki post on Bowel Management... Sorry I didn't see it yesterday, I was probably too upset... And I think I really need the personal support anyways. So thanks to all. I printed it out and will take it home and I'll let you all know how the weeks progress!!
Crossing my fingers!
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by CarolC »

Goldenz2 wrote: We bought ADULT SMALL diapers for him and they fit perfect. We just cut a tail hole obviously. They have tape on the side so you can tighten or losen them. We made the mistake of getting a package with the belts but threw them out with the diaper by mistake...ugh
Hi Jeanne,

If you could provide the brand name of the diapers you use for Angelo, I would like to include your information in the diaper chart. It will help other people, we do not have any goldens on the chart.

Name: Angelo
Breed: golden retriever
Weight: 70 lbs
Brand : :?
Size : Adult Small

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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by Goldenz2 »

Hi Carol,

Sure, they are actually just the Shop Rite brand "Protective Adjustable Underwear". (They are similar to the "Depends" Brand)

Adult small/medium (28"- 46")

The have reattaching tabs instead of the belt. We kept throwing the belt away by accident so I do NOT suggest getting belted diapers!

Jeanne in NJ
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by CarolC »

Thank you so much. I put the information into the chart. Take a look!
Many, many thanks!!!

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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by sgrant1 »

:thankyou: Joy of all Joys!! Sir Isaac is now "pooping-on-demand"... We don't milk cows at our house, we "poop" dogs... LOL... Sorry.. I know it's kind of gross, but hey!! It's improving ALL of our qualities of life. :ecstatic: All we do is take a little ice cube, put it in a baby wipe and take Isaac outside, and after about 30 seconds of icey-butt-syndrome he hunches over and goes... All empty! No accidents in the house now for 2 days!! YAY!! For the stool consistency we tried the pumpkin and that helped some, but not quite enough so the hubby is picking up a bag of that W/D dry food tonight after work. I can't tell you what a relief this is... I wish our vet would have recommended this to us 8 months ago when we went to him... he said there was nothing you could really do... He sure was wrong!! Thank you!!
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by critters »

Oh, the joy of poop & pee!! :hysterical: The thought of an ice cube makes me laugh, though! :lol:
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Re: Bowel Incontinence in 14 yr old dog

Post by puremutt »

I am so happy for you, now that a big part of the stress is gone for you , maybe I am going to try this as well, if he lets me....
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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