Possibly Putting My Cat Down...So confused.

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Possibly Putting My Cat Down...So confused.

Post by abrookes »

Hello everybody-

My CJ is 17 and has been on thyroid meds for about a year-cleared up the weight/hair loss/vomiting/dark brown to black diahrrea. HOWEVER, she has had several bouts of increased pooping out of the litter box (even though she also uses it) AND is always 'leaking' when she sits or stands. The shot for initial episode (to stop the flood of feces about three months ago) worked for two days & then she started her prescrip diet.

I tried her on a diabetic diet (Purina DM wet only) after some other prescip foods for IBS (as vet recommended)...It has helped to make her feces mildly formed and light brown. In the last three weeks (I did go away and she was living with relatives on the same schedule of meds and feeding) I have had to keep her in a large dog cage and I wash everything everyday-she just leaks all the time. I've tried diapers and she ripped it off, even with secure fastening. My husband is adamant about her being PTS-aside from his own tolerance level for the mess which I can deal with, he makes a valid point with the expense and the poor quality of life due to having to be caged at night & sometimes during the day. I currently am not working and we have other cats-I spend at least two hours a day cleaning up after her & watching her when I let her out of the cage. I will be having surgery soon and off my feet for two weeks...nobody can help aside from hubby. And then when I resume my work/school schedule I will have to leave her in the cage during the day too.

I am at my wits end-her kidney levels etc. are all incredibly normal for her age-just the thyroid (low normal) and some geriatric behavior (staring at walls, crying out slightly for no reason)...otherwise she is responsive to ehr name-comes to me for affection, eats and drinks well blah blah. I intend on speaking to my vet but I wanted to share my story-I will not put her to sleep because of inconveinence...I'm having trouble and so is my hubby deciding how to handle this...It's starting to feel so draining & upsetting as I watch her be upset in the cage & by always bathing/drying her. ANy advice would be appreciated...Thank you. Anj
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Post by critters »

:banner: Has she had the SNAP test for Giardia? Giardia used to be a tough bugger to diagnose. Has she been through the diarrhea protocol (you cycle through antibiotics, gut meds, etc)? Sometimes even changing to w/d (high fiber) food can help a lot. How about an internist?

Butt wipes can go a LONG way toward cutting down on baths.
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Post by hollypetsit »

I am sorry for your frustration. I had to go through a lot of reorganizing when my ferret got sick. She became paralyzed and very sick quickly. I had to help her pee, eat, and take water. I took a crappy at home job long enough so I could take care of her. I totally understand what you are going through. My suggestion is contact a local humane society or maybe even a good vet and see if you can come up with volunteers to help you out. Even if someone can come over for 30 minutes it will help a lot. If you are religious check with your local church. I wish I could help. Since my sick ferret I started a pet sitting business and focus on elderly pets. I hope this helps. Know you are not alone.
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