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Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:27 am
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
tellingtontouch practitioners believe in essential oils. Lavender is one such. Ttouch is good for every thing from physical ailments to emotional issues.

Anything that helps. I saw a thunderstorm CD at wallyworld last night. You may want to consider getting the CD, turning it off and on and she understands it is just 'music' keep it low during your every day activities, turning up during happy silly times, so she associates the noise with good.

Ambrr is the same way. Cowers in a closet or bathroom. I don't comfort her, because that re-enforces the behaviours. I ignore her and play with the others, to let her know there is nothing to be afraid of. Two are deaf and blind and oblivious to everything the sighted, hearing ones are terrified of, as it relates to noise.

They are so pitiful when scared, and it is hard for me to turn my back on Ambrr, but I must.

Good luck with your baby!

Re: Old dog, Aromatherapy, New Tricks?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:44 am
by Billieswango
i cant believe a vet would prescribe clomipramine for a dog that was afraid of thunder storms!!! Never see that vet again. Clomipramine/clomicalm is a drug that is used for chronically nervous dogs and it is almost always to be used in conjunction with a training program (like you read). and your dog has to be on clomicalm for 1 -2 weeks before the drug even starts working properly. Anyway, if the valium is working, i recommend staying on that - it is gentle on an old dog's system and giving a little something to calm his nervs isnt that bed when its for somthing as occaisional as a thumder storm. i also recommend looking into a product called Comfort Zone with DAP. It is a pheromone spray that helps appease your dogs nervous habits. as a veterinary technician i have seen it help with various dogs (especially one sheperd that would become a nervous wreck and crawl under the bed everytime the neighbor's kid practiced his drums in the garage next door). You seem interested in aromatherepy, so i think its definitely worth a look into. Its a really great product. they make it in two forms: one is a spray (which i recommend for you because you would only be using it when you need to), and a plug in (like a glade fragrance plug in - for dogs that need it all the time). Here is the link to the page that specifically talks about how it helps with dogs that are afraid of thunder storm (i surprised myself finding something that specific on their website! Haha!) >

Re: Old dog, Aromatherapy, New Tricks?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:25 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
I urge everyone with behavioural issues to visit my Possum Thread in the seizures forum. Chlomipramine (brand Chlomicalm) is Rxd for CCD for both humans and canines. During aggression research I came across L-T. I now dose Ambrr with L-T during her stress times, which have been high lately, if you visit my flea thread. IT WORKS! L-T is an essential amino acid, fundamental in seratonin production. Seratonin is the feel good chemical. For all of us. I was on it 15 years ago for 2 weeks, not only did it cure my 'attitude' but I got rid of MIGRAINES for 6 months! I cannot speak highly enough about seratonin reuptake inhibitors.

I still believe in conditioning and exposure in a fun setting of the things that trigger our dogs.

Re: Old dog, Aromatherapy, New Tricks?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 5:51 pm
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
I might add, doc said chlomipramine was exacerbating her aggression, as it exploded. I yelled back NO! In spite of the chlomipramine, which has given her an additional 25% off her CCD. The LT combined with B12 has given her 90 % relief from her aggression (and me and Gabriel, not to mention Nana who has to body slam her when she attacks).

For fear, you can try the traditional aroma, DAP which is pheramones, silly happy attitude, and conditioning (playing a CD) and as your drug on hand when that storm slams unexpectedly, I dose two LTs in a meatball or peanut butter sammy. Bachs Rescue Remedy has never been strong enough for high stress, but as a mood evener, it is highly touted. Floral extracts. Shoot, when my show dog was rescued and came home after a year as a fighting dog (to me and the critters, sorry critters) I was gulping Bachs myself. So I do have first hand knowledge that for high stress it is ineffective.