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Post by BingosMom »

I was just curious if anyone "knew" about anti-inflammatories?
My boyfriend and I have purchased DGP for his 100 lb dog who is old and has dysplasia.
The DGP seems like a miracle for ailing or hurting dogs with a 90 - 95% rate and is all herbal.
It says not to combine it with other anti-inflammatories.
He has been getting one from the vet daily. To discontinue, does anyone know how long they stay in the
dog's system? Want to make sure it is out of his system before starting the DGP.
Wanted to mention the DGP for others out there that might could use it for their "best friends" in need.
Thank you for any response of knowledge. Take care, Lea (Bingos Mom)
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Re: Anti-inflammatories

Post by Bobbie »

It's not an anti-inflammatory, its just a bunch of herbal stuff. Where do you get this 90-95% rate? Rate of what? As far as how long it lasts, that probably hasn't been studied; that's one of the problems with using things like this. Feverfew, one of the ingredients, tends to provoke allergic reactions in humans.
Side effects from feverfew can include abdominal pain, indigestion, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and nervousness. Mouth ulcers, loss of taste, and swelling of the lips, tongue, and mouth may occur in some individuals who chew raw feverfew leaves. Allergic reactions to feverfew, although rare, have also been reported. In fact, people with allergies to chamomile, ragweed, or yarrow will likely be allergic to feverfew and, therefore, should not take it.

Feverfew may increase the tendency to bleed, especially in individuals with bleeding disorders or taking blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin or warfarin. Do not use feverfew if you have bleeding disorders or are taking blood-thinning medications unless you are under the supervision of a doctor.
I would not be discontinuing the vet's anti-inflammatory which has proven effectiveness and substituting a mix of ingredients. But that's just my opinion. You might consider adding SAM-e (which IS safe to use with the NSAID from the vet and in fact may make it safer and is also an anti-inflammatory.)
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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Re: Anti-inflammatories

Post by sunspirit »

I just ordered Dog Gone Pain too, on my vets advice. She has wanted to get Tucker off of prednisone for awhile. She said DGP is an anti-inflammatory as well as pain reliever. I would definitely talk to your vet about what to do.

She is having me taper him off the prednisone over 4 weeks - 2 weeks e/o day, then 2 weeks 2x week. He was taking it daily. I have been tapering him off of prednisone for the past 2.5 weeks and have another 1.5 weeks to go before switching him over. She said ideally he should go 1 week without anything.

I'll be interested in sharing experiences. I haven't been on the board for awhile but was coming to check on posts about DGP. I seem to recall someone else posting about it here before.
Lauren & Tucker


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Re: Anti-inflammatories

Post by Bobbie »

Well, I'm rarely a proponent of mixtures of anything, because then you do not know what is working and you are probably giving a number of things that at best are doing nothing and at worst could have side effects or interfere with some other medication. If you price out the active ingredients, if there are any, usually they are cheaper when not part of a snake-oil mixture.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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