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Glaucoma or cataracts?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:27 am
by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily
I keep thinking I see a milky reflection in Ambrr's beautiful eyes. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it isn't ...
Glaucoma is build up of aqueous humor draining ... as I read it here:

And there are medical treatments including laser treatments ...

For cataracts, there appears to be conflicting info, ie, drops or surgery as the treatments available.

Here's one link I found: ... info_id=13

which sounds extremely hopeful ...

Here's another:

http://www.irishredwhitesetterassociati ... aracts.htm

Gads. I have 2 to get to the vet before Ambrr can get in there.

We don't have a local opthamologist, we have visiting in Savannah, and there's one in Charleston, I have been told.

Gads. I hate this. Having blind dogs has never been an issue, but the Nanner really needs her beautiful eyes...

She turned 9 on January 1. She is a lab husky mix, so she's elderly, but I'm not telling her.

Re: Glaucoma or cataracts?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:16 am
by critters
Probably cataracts; glaucoma doesn't look white. I've never heard of treating cataracts with drops. :?

PS--For either of those problems, you may not need a vet optho. There are 2 human optometrists here, including my own, who are willing to see well-behaved critters. That's what I did when the vets were insisting that Old Charlie had glaucoma (he didn't). I'd call around & ask, anyway.

Re: Glaucoma or cataracts?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 6:29 pm
by Diana R.
My dog Quincy developed cataracts---he was also diabetic but the vet said they were do to his age (10 years). His cataracts were surgically removed and a vet opthalmologist had to do it. I also have never heard of drops as an option although drops several times a day were required post-surgery as well as him wearing an e-collar and limiting movement to the point I had to pick him up when I put him in the car. Diana