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Advice Needed - Best Boots & Harness f/Spin

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:30 pm
by eureka
Hi All:

I need some direction, recommendations as to the best equipment for Spinner, our female Dalmatian, 10 yrs old, tri-pod (ampt front right leg), who is very near to not able to stand and/or walk at all due to a gradual build up of arthritis, calcium deposits in leg joints, hips, and spine. Her front left leg can no longer support her weight. The joint is huge and misshapened from arthritis. Her rear legs function more like a rabbit's rear legs than alternating and her right rear leg bows in, crossing over the left when she attempts to walk. We do have stairs to the bedroom and Spin has always slept with us. We carry her up to bed each night, my husband takes her front and I take her back. Neither of us can lift her alone. Coming down the stairs is easier as she lets her back legs slide down to the next step and must only step down to the next step w/her left front leg. I always keep her against the wall, with her collar gripped and I am right in front of her to prevent falls. We do have tile floors that she continually falls on. She toes under also on all legs.

I have looked over the boots and harnesses and feel that they will help us to get her around and even allow her to take some weight on her muscles which is important. Over the last few years I have had to find equipment for my male Dal, now deceased. A very frustrating task as many things didn't work, money spent or wasted, etc. I need to be able to manuever Spin across the room to a slider to the backyard for bathroom needs, she perfers this to using piddle pads, dog litterbox, apt. poddy station, etc. She also wants to be by me always so I need to manuever her to spots in the backyard as I work out there. I also need to get her in and out of my car for vet appts., and occasionally up the stairs on my own. All this without injuring myself at 57 which I have done too many times.
I am 5 ft so need lifting straps that are short. Money is an issue as the dogs treatment has been high the last few years.

Therefore, I would like a recommendation for a harness to meet the criteria I've laid out and I need a recommendation for boots that will keep Spin's feet flat, padded, and protected while giving traction and perhaps support. Orthotics are out of the question although I'm open to all ideas of support for her legs. She is in good health except for her limbs. My main goal is to get what will work w/o trying and failing.

Sorry for the length, I cannot seem to be brief no matter how hard I try. I am hoping the details will aid in recommendations. Thank you so much.


Re: Advice Needed - Best Boots & Harness f/Spin

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:15 pm
by CarolC
Dear Eureka,
All this without injuring myself at 57 which I have done too many times.
Heart to heart, are you sure you can do this safely? Bless you, :angel: the best harnesses and boots in the world will not assure you don't injure yourself. Using proper body mechanics every single time will not assure it either. I do not recommend lifting a dog you cannot lift. Perhaps you and your husband should ask your doctor whether you should do this. You might have been able to go the extra mile for your previous dog, but that does not mean you can or should do it now.

If you are really going to do this, I would suggest the Hartman Harness, or at least email the lady and see if it will work for a front amputee.

It might be better to make a downstairs room into a temporary bedroom instead of carrying her upstairs every night.

I used an engine hoist for my dog when I could, but I couldn't do that for every lift and move.

I took the back seat out of the car.

Here are some boots to prevent knuckling. ... lints.html

If there is any room for your dog to lose weight, I would consult the vet about putting her on a diet and get her down to a low normal range.

Best wishes in this. :angel: