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Bast has a vet appt Wed pm

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:08 pm
by Bendy Kitty
Bast is 14, not a young girl anymore. she has been drinking more and more and more and more. mom has been feeding her canned fud 2x day for quite a while now. today she was very dehydrated and needed fluids. mom says either kidneys or thyroid, so we're going to find out which.

Bast has mellowed out a lot in the past year, we actually get along sort least she no longer tries to eat me for a snack when she sees me. i'm not sure i want her to feel better but mom says we have to see what is wrong.

hm...hey, this means Bast will be getting poked with needles! hahahahahahahahaha ok, a vet visit IS a good idea!
