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eliminination in the wheelchair

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:45 am
by PeopefoodforDogs
glad to have found this group - you all will know the answers to all my question.
My Dibbs is a 14 year old Collie-Chow mix, I found her directing traffic when she was about 6 months old. She has raised many foster puppies and taught them all to be good dogs. Now my indipendent, stuborn, wonderful girl has lost the use of her left hindleg. My brother in law is building her a wheelchair. That will make a big difference to both of us, I think.
Dibbs is a big girl (about 60lbs now) and still has control of her urine. As I carry her hindend, she will swing both legs forward and "squat" to pee. How will she do that in the chair? I have seen several pics and videos where the hindlegs are in straps behind the dog to keep them out of the way (and safe). I will have to do that. How will she elimininate? Do they just get used to the new position and deal with it? She has been incontinent of bm for a while and I just clean her up. I really don't want to start using diapers unless I really, really have to. Her fur is so thick, even clipped down to the skin there is a whole lot of fur. That would be a mess to try to keep clean....
Thanks for whatever info you have!
Dee and Dibbs

Re: eliminination in the wheelchair

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:28 am
by Bobbie
Most of them just do it, they either don't realize they aren't squatting or don't care. Females can have some issues with getting the saddle of the cart wet or dirty but you can put a light-day pad on the saddle and just change that out as needed. (And some have no problem, just depends on anatomy.)

Some very well trained dogs worry at first about going in the cart, but if you take them to the regular spot and say it is okay, they will be okay with it soon.

Re: eliminination in the wheelchair

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:18 am
by PeopefoodforDogs
Thanks Bobbi, you seem to have a lot of experience. I can't wait for the chair - it'll be great for her to be able to go snooping! Dee