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New dog with eye infection?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:26 pm
by MarieYad
We adopted a shelter dog today, he is a full blood mini schnauzer and is so sweet. He has been neglected, and is skin and bones. My big worry, however, is that he has some sort of eye infection. Both eyes are very green and pussy constantly. What is this infection and can it be passed to my dog we already have, or even us humans?

Also, he pooed out worms and cried when he did it. They dewormed him at the shelter today, but is that any cause for concern?

We love this little guy, is he ok?

Re: New dog with eye infection?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:34 pm
by Christine
Hi Marie,

Bless you for adopting a shelter dog. The eye infection could be conjunctivitus and could be extremely contagious. You really need to take him to the vet to address this for his sake and the sake of your other pets. At the same time, you could discuss the worms with the vet. Poor little thing must have received no attention at all before coming to the shelter.

We would love to see a picture. What is his name? Keep us posted on your little guy.


Re: New dog with eye infection?

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:41 pm
by Christine
I've been thinking a little more about this. Since you just got him today, you might call the shelter tomorrow and ask who the vet is who administered the worming medication and if anything had been determined about his eyes. If you could make an appointment with that vet, perhaps the cost would be less since he should have performed some testing. Also, do you know if he has been neutered and if his vaccinations are up to date. These are all things the shelter should be able to tell you.

Re: New dog with eye infection?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 7:22 am
by critters
Some worm meds have the worms come out alive, whereas others kill them, and the worms are digested. Given the whole state of affairs, I'd agree with Christine and get him checked out by a vet; worm meds are OTC and probably weren't given by a vet. With green eye goobies there's a fair chance he'll need antibiotics, so he'll be best off with a trip to a vet.