Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

I forgot to go look for cheap candy on Friday. :shock:
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Sorry haven't been on line
was Kinda depressed, I know you said it would happen
we was making good progress Skipper and I
then for a few days Skipper didn't want to do anything
couldn't even get him to move with his favorite treats or eat or drink much
thought ok, maybe he knows he needs a break
then got to realize he was constantly rubbing his nose on the bed and wanted his ears and neck scratched
called the Vet, took 3 days to get in without it being an emergency visit
Both ears got a inner ear infection, how, we just got done with the treatment
so prescribe different ear drops stronger for 14 days
I always make sure Skippers ears are dry and clean
most be working, he got up and went to his water bowl, walked 1/2 way both times, well kinda a walk
and ate like hasn't ate in years, but put chicken his bowl

I know it's a up and down maybe maybe not will walk again
just sorta threw me for a loop and hate seeing my big boy in pain or sad
I know Skipper is getting old, just want him to enjoy his last few years with me
just at times I wished he could talk and tell me what is going on
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

Wow, yeah. It is so true. Whatever might seem like a common no-big-deal ailment for a normal dog can really affect your dog when they are borderline walking. Maybe the first medicine didn't work well enough. Maybe this is also related to his allergies? I wonder if the allergies will improve as it gets colder. That's great if he is feeling more chipper now, hungry as a horse, and walking halfway to his bowl, woohoo! My dogs would love to have chicken, they want to come eat at Skipper's house! :D

I do know that when my paralyzed dog has had a bladder infection, her walking really went all to heck, which is another example of how a normal thing (like a bladder infection) has greater effects on a pet with a delicate condition. You may get to where you can detect an ear infection coming on by how well he is walking, before you notice any other symptoms.
CarolC in wrote:My dog is like yours, she learned to walk again after being paralyzed but it doesn't take much to throw her off. When she has a bladder infection, her walking goes all to heck. She sits, scoots, and drags. I will notice problems with her walking before I see or smell anything in the urine.
I think he's probably still happy as long as he has you. He just wasn't feeling good from the earache. It sounds like he is doing well. That little wobbly kinda walk is how they do it when they are recovering. It's endearing if you ask me, because you're just so proud of them, doesn't matter what it looks like.

I don't know if you've tried a long scarf, like a super long knitted or crocheted winter neck scarf, and pass it under his tummy and use it for a sling? It should work for standing and walking exercise when you aren't taking him to potty, and it would be easier than getting him into a sling/harness every time. I found one at Goodwill for under a dollar. I was thinking of that because surely it must be too cold for the pool now, it is here, we have to cover the plants so they don't freeze.
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Your dogs can come have some chicken anytime and so can you
Skipper is good at sharing, as long as it's not his bones, that's fighting time he won't let me close when he has his bone never has, but don't get to often, special treat

Sorry haven't been on line
been really pissed at these so called Vet's
finally took Skipper for a long 3 well 6 hour drive there and back to a Vet
rented a hotel room for the night didn't want Skipper or me to get car sore
Called so many Vet's and most only could talk to the receptionist unless i was already a client

Finally talked to 1 that can relate
I started off First,
I apologize if I sound like a Bitch I'm really not
tired off getting the runaround here and explained what was going on
and this Vet has a lab on site

Skipper has a UTI, Ear infection and allergies are dissipating Thank You cool weather

This Vet has treated many handicapped pets and he says he just can't understand why alot of Vet's
kinda snub you off when the Pet is at a time when he needs someone to care other than the ones who Love them already, he says we all to a oath and he says honestly some nights he goes home and cries
told him I would really like to make him my Vet, but honestly can't travel 6 hours
He also let me know I was doing the right exercises and massages are a great plus

I like the scarf idea, going to raid my sisters closet haha she's gonna Love me

I can tell Skipper is feeling better, he even goes gets his toys and wants to play
not walking yet tries
just brings me to tears and I lay and watch him when he is sleeping and wonder
what will my poor baby have to go through next, like he isn't going through enough already
Just not right, he is going through this, oh tears got to stop

Got some cold here, not cold enough to cover the plants yet, but got my sheets ready
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

I've been thinking about you and wondering, but I figured you were busy. How much longer do you have to stay and help your sister? It sounds like she must be getting better if you can get away for a day now, that's really good. It has to be awful to be away from home and away from your own vet when all this happened. I can just imagine if I was visiting the town where I grew up and something happened, I'd be freaked out trying to figure out where to take my dog. They have vets there but I don't know any of them. It may seem like a lot of driving going 3 hrs each way and staying over, but I know what desperation is like. For example, my chiropractor for 20+ years moved to Salt Lake City and I've been trying different ones hoping to find a new one and not getting the results, and I keep thinking that for the money I've been spending with slow or no results I could have flown round trip to Salt Lake City and back and this would be fixed already. But I can't get away. Don't blame you if you decided to just go someplace you could get good care. It's just too bad that's what it takes.

The last time you said he was on an ear medicine and it didn't work, so they put him on another one. Is he on a third one now? I hope it does it this time.

Don't know if you normally do anything special for Christmas for Skipper. I'm wondering about getting some treats or something but I don't know what's good. Maybe not anything spicy or processed, but just something different. I used to buy special food for Christmas. I remember one year they had some kind of turkey and cranberry canned dog food at PetsMart and I got that for them, that was years ago. I'm sure they'd like something special or different though. It's only once a year. I'd like to do something special since I haven't really done anything the past 3 years since we moved. Any ideas welcome. It's funny, I used to buy packets of instant oatmeal for 2 of my dogs when it was cold. Doesn't sound like much, but they liked a hot breakfast. Maybe I'll do something like that. :D My dogs mostly aren't too interested in toys, and they're older and only one still has good enough teeth for any kind of chew bone. I used to buy rawhides for Christmas but can't really do that now. I want to do something this year...they never get cheese...hmm...
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Still on the same drops for the ears and antibiotics
think the trip did us both in

I know what you mean you find the right person and the other ones just don't have it
was talking to my niece she does show dogs, even went to Westminster dog show with 1 of her dogs
about 5 years ago, she has seen so many Vet's it's not funny, she found 1 and he plans to retire next year

No my sister isn't doing much better, couldn't take her would be too much on all of us, she did good by herself though, think she would do better if she would do her therapy like she should, she will on occasion join me and Skipper doing his, but slacks off on doing hers, I do some with her when I can, it makes it go much easier, might have to do it daily with her 2

Why did I never think of giving Skipper hot Oatmeal, he likes my oatmeal cookies and something warm in his belly

For Christmas I will get Skipper a new toy and peanut butter cookies and breakfast he will get eggs and 1 piece of bacon, for Christmas Dinner he will get a little Cornish game hen and some cranberries
i am not a big Turkey fan and just to much meat, thought about cooking up a ham, but really couldn't give him any they are usually to salty and Cornish game hens work 2 this year have to dig out my recipe for peanut butter cookies it's for dogs, I don't give Skipper people food often, but he deserves it

I really haven't seen much change in Skipper yet, I know it is going to take time, just feel so bad, like I am suppose to be a better watcher for mt Skipper Doodle, that's what I call him, besides my handsome big boy
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

Yes, retiring is the other problem.

Glad he is setting an example with his exercises. :lift:

The idea of peanut butter cookies sounds good. I've never tried to bake any but they might have something like that at PetsMart. I need to see what they have. I just don't want a big huge bag, these dogs are small and they don't need to load up on treats. I used go to McDonald's or Wendy's and get food for some of my dogs. Fish sandwich, nuggets, or even hotcakes for the chow. I'm sure they'd like any of those around Christmas. They're all senior and one has no teeth and needs to watch her weight so that's a limitation. I keep a pair of pliers in the kitchen drawer to crumble up her milk bone, could do PB treats like that. Thanks for the idea. Just realized, will probably get a 1/4 lb of turkey from the barbecue place. They'll think it's great and it will last several days. Treats, oatmeal, and turkey.
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and hoping for a Good New Year

Got the UTI and Ear infection gone hope for good

Skipper is trying so hard to walk, just not yet
we still do exercises and massages daily
mainly inside, been rainy here and cool
tried to set outside a few times and by time get everything set up here comes the rain
today it was a fine mist all day, so in and out to pee and poop and dry off
don't want him getting another ear infection or

I ended up buying already made peanut butter cookies that you just put in the oven and bake
and did make Skipper some oatmeal, big time pigo he was, I put a little cinnamon in it
I go to Wendys and Skipper gets a little of my frosty and they always give him a burger plain for free

I went to Pet Supermarket and got Skipper his Science Diet and the manager seen me outside with Skipper before hand he had to pee and went to get his food get to the counter she raced up to the counter had a bag there with treats and a big bag of science diet and a couple toys, give this to Skipper it's my Christmas present to him, I have talked with her a few times about Skipper, first time she has seen him, so we walked out to the car and she got to meet Skipper

we did have cornish game hens and he saved room for pumpkin pie
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

kandykane wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:44 pm Hope you had a Merry Christmas and hoping for a Good New Year

Got the UTI and Ear infection gone hope for good
Yay for that!!! Finally! :ecstatic:

Skipper is trying so hard to walk, just not yet
we still do exercises and massages daily
mainly inside, been rainy here and cool
tried to set outside a few times and by time get everything set up here comes the rain
today it was a fine mist all day, so in and out to pee and poop and dry off
don't want him getting another ear infection or
Lovely weather. :rain: We are too dry here, but I'd rather have that than too wet when it comes to dogs. I don't think it matters if exercises are indoors or outdoors, though. I wonder if there is a shopping center nearby with a covered awning. That's where I like to go if it is too wet to walk. We have one here called Sunset Ridge that has what seems like miles of covered walking, not sure when it was built, maybe the late 50's or early 60's before malls. I was thinking something like that might be a good place to just put the rear harness on and practice harness walking a little ways. It would be someplace different with interesting smells and sights for him. Hopefully it would be safe, there shouldn't be big dogs running loose off leash. Attaching a photo of Sunset Ridge. The covered walkway goes around all 3 sides of the shopping center, it takes a while to walk the whole way and back.

I ended up buying already made peanut butter cookies that you just put in the oven and bake
and did make Skipper some oatmeal, big time pigo he was, I put a little cinnamon in it
I go to Wendys and Skipper gets a little of my frosty and they always give him a burger plain for free

Lucky him! Wendy's chicken nuggets are good, too. :wink: :wink:

I went to Pet Supermarket and got Skipper his Science Diet and the manager seen me outside with Skipper before hand he had to pee and went to get his food get to the counter she raced up to the counter had a bag there with treats and a big bag of science diet and a couple toys, give this to Skipper it's my Christmas present to him, I have talked with her a few times about Skipper, first time she has seen him, so we walked out to the car and she got to meet Skipper

Oh, wow, he's like a celebrity. 8-) That lady was so nice. What a sweet thing to do.
Things got complicated here. I got the flu in mid-November, and it went away in about a week but I still had the cough forever. I coughed so hard that I cracked a rib, and that was a whole new experience in pain. I've had a broken ankle and it wasn't that bad, but a cracked rib is about an 8 or 9 on a scale of 10 for pain, you don't dare do anything. Tylenol helped but you can only take it for 10 days and the rib takes 6 weeks to heal. I couldn't bend over, if I laid down I couldn't get up, and I couldn't pick up my disabled dog. My legs began killing me from doing everything by squatting with my back straight.

I had already bought the Christmas treats. So I managed to fix up a bed for Dolly in an empty bottom crate. She had trouble getting into it because there is a 3" high wire edge she has to go over to get in the door, so I went to PetsMart and got a 2" thick foam mattress to put underneath the plastic floor of the crate to raise the floor. Then I put her playpen mattress on top of the floor, it is like 3/8" thick and washable, with all the usual absorbent bedding so it is like her playpen. That worked so now she is just going up a 3" step, not trying to drag herself over a 3" wire barrier. In the morning I put her diaper on by dragging her whole mattress out the door of the crate with her sitting on it (Aladdin and the magic carpet) because I do not want her bare bottom on the carpet where she might get germs. Pulling the mattress out gives us something like a changing table on the floor.

Thank goodness for the Christmas treats. They're chicken flavor. I got the soft kind where I could break each one into 3 pieces and share 1 treat with 3 dogs. If I put her treat in her crate, she goes in by herself and I don't have to lift her into the playpen or out of the playpen, which I could not do. She quickly figured out that at 11 PM we put a treat in her crate and she goes in, smart puppy. As she is eating the treat I remove her diaper. And surprisingly, I think she actually likes having a crate like the other dogs! That part never even occurred to me. I am still doing a lot of squatting to change her diaper at floor level, but I can grab the crate to squat down or pull myself up, and put her diaper on in the morning and take it off at night. The afternoon diaper change we do in her bed on the kitchen floor and that works, too. I grab the kitchen table or another crate for getting down and up. Since she likes the crate, I am thinking we will just keep doing things that way and not use the playpen anymore. I've got till Jan 24 when this thing is supposed to be healed, though I've been able to bend over for about the last 3-4 days, but I don't want to risk cracking it again before it's healed. I haven't tried picking her up yet.

There are 2 lessons in this. Number One. If you have a bad cough, and especially if you have osteoporosis, buy cough medicine right away. Duh. Number Two. You have to be creative when you have a disabled dog and you suddenly aren't able to lift or carry. I'm starting to think we need a thread here on "Caring for a disabled dog while disabled."

we did have cornish game hens and he saved room for pumpkin pie

Bet he was in Heaven. :D My dogs didn't get their turkey yet, but they still will, hopefully today or tomorrow. I am stretching Christmas (because of the above) so we are kind of celebrating it for a week.
:newyear: A Very Happy New Year to Skipper and his family! :party:
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Shot sorry to hear you were sick
that sounds bad a cracked rib- ouch can feel your pain
I like the way you figured out different ways to things work with the dogs
I think they can sense when we are not doing good and they want to help make it easy for you
Glad she likes the crate, maybe she felt left out not having a crate of her own
Never put Skipper in a crate, did a make shift 1 when he first got injured, not right away as you remember but as soon as found this form and thanks to your help

I know when my back was out Skipper was doing his best to make things easier for me, of course I told him I'm in pain and I know you know what I'm talking about, we make a good pair here both our backs hurting but we will be ok - funny I talk to my dog and tell whats going on he understands I think
Hope your feeling a little better, be careful, sounds like you got a good system going

Glad you got their Christmas treats and Christmas goodies will come do time

We have had nice weather here the last couple days cold but no rain, warms up in the afternoon so we spend time outside then
I tried finding a place where I could take Skipper that was covered, problem is other people take their dogs there and they don't pick up the poop, that ticks me off, had a place at the animal thrift shop I go to, but they changed that area to dogs that have parvo and other sicknesses got it split in 3 sections, so that messed that up
I just like making sure Skipper gets outside, he likes sitting and looking around and nothing like fresh air
No improvement walking wise, he tries but no go, he is pushing back alot better when I do the push the paws
Thought about holding his front paws and have him try to stay on his rear paws, we used to dance a little, nothing fancy, I would have music on and ask him for this dance and we would for a couple minutes

Skipper was in Heaven with the Cornish game hens, got to sit by the table kept nudging me, told him I got to eat too nope nudge nudge Love my big boy, he has his ways and that's good for the most part

It would be good to have something where people could give tips on how they manage to take care of their disabled dog when they suffer an injury, always like to hear and learn different techniques
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by critters »

kandykane wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:30 pm S

Skipper was in Heaven with the Cornish game hens, got to sit by the table kept nudging me, told him I got to eat too nope nudge nudge Love my big boy, he has his ways and that's good for the most part
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

kandykane wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:30 pm
No improvement walking wise, he tries but no go, he is pushing back alot better when I do the push the paws
Thought about holding his front paws and have him try to stay on his rear paws, we used to dance a little, nothing fancy, I would have music on and ask him for this dance and we would for a couple minutes
Pushing back better, or a lot better (!) sounds really good. :trophy:

I'm not sure but I'd probably be afraid to try dancing, to be sure he doesn't accidentally strain his back again. They talk about modifying the dog's lifestyle after IVDD, no climbing stairs, no jumping off of furniture, carry the dog evenly supported, etc. I'd think the safest way would be lying on his side or lying on his back and let him push back that way, which I guess is what you are already doing, but it sounds like it's helping! Good for him, this gets exciting. :D
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

Are you making any plans for this possible coronavirus situation? I bought extra pet food and Milk Bones and extra Poise doggy diaper pads. Kind of feel like I'm sitting around not knowing what else to do, waiting to see what happens.
What is important to have if nobody wants to go outside, or maybe the stores close because a lot of people get sick?
I got some extra cleaning supplies like laundry soap, dish soap, hand sanitizer, Lysol wipes. Just not sure what we should be doing... :?
:wash: :dishes:
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by kandykane »

Hope you are feeling better

Been a big mess here
my sister fell and broke her leg 2 weeks ago
went out in the morning when we had the 25 degree weather here rained the day before and of course she hits the ice patch, so loaded her up and off to the emergency room

But Skipper seems a lot better no more infection big time hooray there
I didn't try the dance thing, well it really wasn't dance it was hold his front paws so he would be on his back paws only thought no
as he is still slow to respond on the right rear paw
seems like he has a lot of strength in his rear left paw
he even got it so he could scratch his neck on his own, just a couple times but it's working

I was thinking about the infections, not sure it was all of it just part
some nights he would pee through the night and I didn't get up to check on him and change blankets
and his pee had a ammonia smell to it cause he wasn't drinking a lot of water on some days even though would take him out at 10 for last pee, so now I get up at 2 and change his blankets and ask if he needs to go out, no just change blankets don't got to pee no more and then give him a wipe down in the morning
so I think he was smelling the ammonia and was getting to him, but the Vet said his lungs sounded good, maybe no damage there but, maybe it was irritating his nose and throat, just guessing here

I have been stock piling too for the coronavirus, it is scary
I walk down an isle in the store and someone coughs or sneezes I'm nope not going down there
I see a lot of people wearing latex gloves, thought about that, but then you get it home and your going to touch the box or bag with bear hands I do carry a mask with me
good thing is the Pet store I go to always has good deals and I shop at Publix here and they have had b1g1free deals on detergent, wipes, etc and then I use my coupons
I get all that then I think, shot I got to buy people food now haha
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Re: Please help new to this Skipper my dog is lame both back legs

Post by CarolC »

I am so sorry that happened to your sister. You guys had enough on your plate already, sheesh!
If he's scratching his neck, that is fantastic!!! :trophy: Bet he's happy about it, too. :D
I see what you mean about the ammonia smell and it makes sense. Being near ammonia fumes is rough on your eyes and nose and sinuses and throat. I'm sorry you have to get up at 2 AM, but we'll do anything for our pets, won't we?

I bought some disposable gloves but I'm not wearing them yet. I've only seen one lady wearing them in the grocery store so far. I bought some hand sanitizer (which I NEVER buy) because they've been recommending it. I found some without any fragrance, since I doubt my pets want me to pet them and get that strong perfume smell all over them. But even with fragrance free hand sanitizer, I don't really like it. When I keep it in the car, I can smell the alcohol in the car. And it's messy and it's cold on your hands when they're already cold to begin with. :cold: And it's hard to refill the pump thingy because the gel is so globby. I like hand wipes better. :pardon:
I got even more dog food and Heartgard today.
Will be glad when this is over and we can get back to normal!
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