Need some support after annpe dx

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Need some support after annpe dx

Post by Lisac1818 »

A week ago today my mom’s dog was excitedly, running and jumping around when she all of a sudden let out the loudest screech. When we turned around to look at her, she had collapsed and then started dragging her back legs. Rushed her to an emergency vet, but they did not have an MRI, so had to drive an hour away to NYC where they did an MRI 24 hours later and diagnosed her with ANNPE. No surgery was needed, they said just crate rest for four weeks and then PT. They gave her a 50% chance of walking again. 😔 At the first animal hospital she still had deep pain sensation (she pulled her paw back a bit when they squeezed her paws with the tool)but by the time we got to NY they said she had no deep pain sensation or reflexes. she spent three days in the hospital, and when she was sent home she had regained her reflexes but still no deep pain. She didn’t have any type of movement whatsoever in her legs. Over the last few days, we have seen her legs twitching, tighten, lift very slightly, move her paw a tiny bit when tickling her paws, and she lifted her tail a little bit when she went to urinate (while laying). Her leg also seems to shake/very quick almost vibrating feeling at times, especially after doing stretches and home PT). When we sent videos to the neurologist, she seemed very pessimistic about it just saying that it’s probably just reflexes. But we were really praying that some of the twitching and tightening of her legs were some good signs. Even when we do some stretching at home and we have her on her feet she sometimes so stiff that she can almost stand with much less support from us. can anybody tell me what their very very first signs of improvement or recovery was? Besides the obvious of standing and walking.

Another question I had is when did everyone start outpatient physical therapy? I thought we should start way before four weeks. But the Nuro insisted on crate rest until four weeks, no PT during them except the at home exercises. I understand not let her do any type of hard PT, but I feel laser therapy, possibly Hydro therapy, stretching, etc. would be good for her in these early stages. Any and all recommendations are appreciated! We are all truly devastated over this. so sorry if this was long-winded. We just are alll so very upset and really looking for any sign of hope.
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Re: Need some support after annpe dx

Post by CarolC »

Hi Lisac1818,


I don't know how many replies you will get on this new post since dogs with ANNPE tend to go on to lead normal lives and their pet parents do not stick around and read new messages. One way to possibly get more replies is to post a reply in an existing ANNPE thread. The people who posted in that thread will receive email notifications that their post got a new reply (if they have notifications turned on) and some of them may gladly log in to respond. Here is a link to see previous ANNPE messages (139 full length messages) if you want to find some to reply to.

search.php?keywords=ANNPE&terms=all&aut ... mit=Search

If you are on a mobile device, this link may be easier to use. It brings up the same results (139 messages) but only gives the first 300 characters of the message so you can decide if you want to read it without so much scrolling.

search.php?keywords=ANNPE&terms=all&aut ... mit=Search

The question about when to start PT for your ANNPE dog has been brought up before. The answer is unclear. If your dog was seen by a board certified neurologist who said to rest for 4 weeks, I'd go ahead and do that. I am not someone who automatically says to do things without questioning, but in this case that would be my inclination.

A few months ago I wrote a very long :oops: post about the developments in understanding ANNPE in the veterinary community. Basically, I think they are still figuring it out. Here is a link to possibly give you some context on the when-to-do-PT decision.


I'm sorry the vet gave such an iffy prognosis. You might like to see this article, which gives much better recovery rates than what the vet said. It talks about 157 dogs with ANNPE, and 44 other dogs with FCE (spinal stroke) and says 99% of the ANNPE dogs went on to recover walking, though most of them showed a legacy of the injury when they walked. Dogs don't seem to care if they have a perfect gait, they just get on with life!

Presumptive ANNPE and FCEM were diagnosed in 157 and 44 dogs , respectively. Ambulatory function was regained in 99 per cent of cases, with persistent motor deficits in 83.6 per cent and 92.5 per cent of dogs with presumptive ANNPE and FCEM, respectively. The presumptive diagnosis was not associated with motor function recovery, recovery times or urinary continence. Faecal incontinence was five times more likely in dogs with presumptive ANNPE (23 per cent) compared with presumptive FCEM (7.5 per cent).
The report also says 83% had some residual fecal incontinence at the time of the study. This is something that can be handled with feeding the right diet to produce outstanding poop texture (well formed, low odor, non sticky stools that you can just pick up with a Kleenex, without needing to spot clean your carpet). I did a video of my one dog who is incontinent (not ANNPE) and eats Science Diet w/d dry kibble. The point of this video is that when the stools fall on the clean white puppy pad, they do not leave a mark. Imagine if that was your carpet. :wink: :wink: So don't panic if your dog's walking comes back first, but bowel control takes longer.

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Re: Need some support after annpe dx

Post by Lisac1818 »

Thank you so very much for taking the time
To post all of this!! It was all very informative and helpful! This has just been so scary and the unknown gives us such anxiety. So this was really appreciated!! I will try to reply under an older post and see if anyone sees it then. Thank you again!
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Re: Need some support after annpe dx

Post by critters »

:slant: If you ask me, any movement is good movement early in the game, reflex, intentional, or whatever; a complete paraplegic doesn't necessarily have any of that, so I take it! :D
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Re: Need some support after annpe dx

Post by Lisac1818 »

Thank you so much!! That’s how we feel! Especially since the first few days she has no deep pain sensation and she lost her reflexes. So we feel it could a good sign that her reflexes have returned. She had her first follow up today and she slightly yelped when they tested for DP in one leg but the other leg it hasn’t returned yet. We are praying so hard that the return of deep pain to one side is a good sign. 🙏🏻🤞
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