help with paralyzed doxie

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help with paralyzed doxie

Post by marilynb »

havng knee surgery,need help with paralyzed i

I will be having knee surgery and I need some ideas on how to be able to put my dog in something other then his crate as I will not be able to pick him up to feed him and he doesn't walk.
As of right now I keep him on pee pads on the couch but while i amlaid up IL will not be able to pick him up. wally weighs 14 pounds and he has been down for 9 months. He moves his legs once in a while and he has taken a few steps but that was three weeks and nothing sinse. He also stood up a few weeks ago and ate and drank his supper but nothing since. Wally never had surgery but he was on steriods and pain meds when it first happened. Like other people I was told to plut him down,but I am so glad I didn't these dogs show so much love and they are so thankful for all that is done for them. I would appreciate some ideas on how I can lift and carry him while I am laid up.
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Re: help with paralyzed doxie

Post by CarolC »

Hi Marilyn,

Can you ask somebody to put his crate up on the kitchen table or someplace high like that? Then you will not have to bend your knees. My dog's crate is on the kitchen table so I never have to bend over to get her. You must be really careful when you open the door of the crate so your dog does not come out and fall off the table.

Some people have used a baby crib for their dog. A baby crib is good because the mattress is pretty high up so there's not much bending. Easy to clean, too. Here is a picture of Tinker in a crib from Tinker's website

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Re: help with paralyzed doxie

Post by Dianne »

Good Morning Marilyn,

I'm so sorry to hear about your doxie, and also about your upcoming knee surgery. There are several of us with paralyzed doxies in various stages of recovery. Some dogs have had the surgery and some did not.

I like Carol's idea of the crate on the table, but you might also consider a box, or open topped crate on the floor. I used a moving box with the side cut low on one side. My dog did NOT try to get out of the box. Your pup could also wear a rear end support leash so that you could pick up the rear end leash and walk him outside to potty or to the piddle pads. He should probably NOT be jumping up steps. Since doxies are prone to back injury, you would do better *never* to allow him to jump up or down onto steps, or anything again. The injury can lead to total paralysis, and incontinence (as with my dog and several others on this bb).

Are you having arthroscopic surgery, or something more involved? With arthroscopic, you'll be told not to be lift for several days. When my husband had it they walked him to the car, and he never had crutches. You'll want to ask your orthopedic doc when you can lift 14 lbs. You'll probably need rehab exercises for your knee within the week, and should also ask the OT people when you can lift and twist.

*Paul, Cindi, and Connie, and others with paralyzed/post op pets may suggest something more helpful.*

I hope that you are able to register for this board, and would keep us posted about both of you. You could also post a question under "Paralysis: Neurological and IVDD". IVDD is invertebrate disk disease, of which doxies are prone.

If you have any problems registering, just ask us, and someone will help.

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Re: help with paralyzed doxie & knees

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Will you be in a full length cast, or a brace? Can you sit in a low chair (your upper body strength is going to really increase during this time)
Can you start exercising from a chair?
I know you cannot carry a dish, a glass, do housework when on crutches or a walker, so would a low wheelchair work to help you get your dailly activities accomplished, which would be first and foremost puppers?
I know surgery has come a long long way since I had it done, so I hope it is arthroscopic or something...
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Re: help with paralyzed doxie

Post by Paul Coover »

Well, I would suggest the crate on a table or counter, something like that. A baby crib would work too. We keep Johanna in a baby crib at night when she is not in her cart. Anybody else have any ideas?
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Re: help with paralyzed doxie

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

If money isn't a problem, you might consider putting Wally in rehab for a week or two. It sounds like a good stint in rehab might help him recover some function and give you time to rest.

If that isn't an option, then placing the crate on the coutner sounds like a good way to go.

You say you keep him on piddle pads:
1. Do you express him?
2. Is he leaking? If so have you had him checked for a UTI?
3. Have you tried belly bands and pads?

Remeber, most dogs that are paralyzed have some degree of bladder function loss...even if he can pee, he might not be emptying his bladder fully.

Let us know if we can do anything else...hope your well soon.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: help with paralyzed doxie

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

By the way, I hope you will register and join our group officially!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

Hunter IVDD Surgery x 2~Walking
Oscar IVDD Surgery x 1~ Paralyzed
Sage and Misty
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