The Latest on Bully

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The Latest on Bully

Post by karkorny »

Well, it's gone from bad to worse. Bully, who became totally paralyzed two and a half weeks ago, has been in a rehab center for the last week, making slight progress, doing pool therapy, acupuncture, etcetera. Yesterday I was making the four hour drive to visit him, so excited, and got a call from the vet at his rehab saying they were transporting him to an emergency surgery center. They feared he had bloat. I arrived at that center about the time Bully did. They took him right into surgery and it turns out he had a perforated ulcer. He's doing okay today, one day post-op. He has a feeding tube in, to bypass his stomach and let it rest. His bloodwork looked good today, so they think they're going to release him to me on Saturday. No sense in sending him to rehab while he's recovering from surgery. I've not had him home since his paralysis and I'm kind of nervous. I'm trying to plan ahead, but it's all going to be rough. He weighs 100 pounds, can't move much of anything but his head and wagging his tail! Any encouragement is welcome!
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

Well bless both of your hearts!
Remeber this...he is fighting and making progress! I know it is slow, but it is in the right direction.
Sometimes being home helps excellerate the healing process. Is there anyone who can stop by to help you with Bully?
Sheets can be used for leverage to turn him..just like nurses use on humans. Also, you might want to check into getting a harness that you can put on him to help you.
Sometimes Vet Techs will do home visits on the side for a little extra money.
I know two of mine have helped me out.
Stay positive and keep your head up. Your dedication and love for Bully are inspiring.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by critters »

What a setback, but it happens sometimes. :(

Do you need a stretcher? Walking aids?

I can't remember and don't have time to go look now, but can he poop and pee on his own? Do you need diapering or expressing info?

Good luck!
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by karkorny »

I understand they've been expressing his bladder, but now with the stitches on his belly, I'm going to have to catheterize him 3 or 4 times a day. Haven't a clue, but I'm sure I can learn. Also have to stimulate him to move his bowels, but then he does, so I'm sure I'll figure that all out too. Amazing what you don't mind doing when it's your pup! I am nervous about the catheterizing, haven't had time to prepare for all this. I'm going to call my local vet's office tomorrow and inquire about the idea of in-home help for a little while. Hopefully I can line something up. I'm so excited to have him home, I feel like what I lack in training I'll make up for in love! Hope that's right anyway.
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by BethT »

My dog Waffles' back legs have been paralyzed for the last 2 years. He gets around in a cart and is an extremely happy dog. Just wanted to let you know that cathetering a male dog is pretty easy once you get over the fear factor. I had to catheter Waffles for the first year of his paralysis. He was on a preventative dose of antibiotic the whole time. It took a year before he got his first infection. By that time I had finally figured out how to express him totally without cathetering. I actually think that it is a good thing that you are going to be cathetering Bully at first. You do it while Bully is lying down which will really be helpful considering he is a large dog. It is so much less stressful because you know you are getting all the urine out. Once Bully's stomach heals you will be able to practice expressing his bladder and still have the cathetering as a back up so you will not be taking him back to the vet everyday because you can't get the urine out like so many people do when they first get their dogs home. So don't be too frightened of cathetering him. Be gentle and be as clean as possible and you will get the hang of it pretty quickly. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with all this. Don't give up. These aniamls have an amazing ability to heal. We are all here to help. BethT
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by karkorny »

Thanks for the encouragement,Beth. I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. Going to see if I can find a vet tech in my neighborhood who could help me out the first few days. It's all just such short notice. I think I'm bringing him home tomorrow. If I can't find someone, I don't know what I'll do because I haven't a clue. I found a website explaining how to catheterize, and the vet from the rehab explained a little on the phone, but not enough for me to do it. I don't even know where I get the supplies. I'm going to be busy today. That's why I've been up since 4 this morning, rearranging my room to accommodate his cart, etc, etc. Can't wait to have my boy home.
By the way, Waffles looks like an adorable dog. People like you give me such hope! Three weeks in I'm still in shock. Karen
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Karen, I too share best wishes for Bully, and pray you find something to keep you going. That tail wag, Karen. That is him saying, I love you mom...
Let us know if you get something more,
and you will be one in the future, who encourages others to keep moving, keep pursuing.
Keep the faith, Karen, and lean on us.
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by critters »

There is cathing info on the expressing page, too.
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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I think Beth's idea of preventitive antibiotics is a must while you are cathing... Also, Stay at the hospital until you are sure you have it down hon. They are there to teach you.

Make sure your vet is on standby incase you have problems, and YES make contact with your Vet Techs.

Keep your head up!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I think Beth's idea of preventitive antibiotics is a must while you are cathing... Also, Stay at the hospital until you are sure you have it down hon. They are there to teach you.

Make sure your vet is on standby incase you have problems, and YES make contact with your Vet Techs.

Keep your head up!
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by Mom2AnnaBelle »

Just want to send you some more hugs and encouragment for you and your Bully!

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Re: The Latest on Bully

Post by BethT »

You can buy the catheters from your vet. THEY need to tell you what you need. When I got Waffles out of the hospital I took him to my regular vet. She had the vet techs down on the floor with me and step by step taught me how to put the catheter in, get the urine out with a syringe, remove the catheter, store the catheters in a sterile solution, etc, etc. There are all different kinds and sizes of catheters so the professionals should be telling you what you need to use. Make sure you understand what you are doing before you leave. Sometimes people who do this stuff for a living leave out some of the little details because they are so used to doing it everyday. Try to think of all your questions ahead of time and right them down. Like I said before just go slowly and be gentle and as clean as possible. The preventative antibiotic is important although Bully maybe on one already because of his surgery. You will be able to do this and we are here to help you. Beth
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