paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

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paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by jojo »

Hi - new to this website; need info, if possible. Our little three year old Sammie in 24 hrs went from running around the house to paralyzed in lower legs; disc problems. We had very expensive surgery ( had to make a decision on the spot) it has now been one month; no bladder control, has bowel control, but since he can't move, we have to "time it just right.";obviously not walking, but I think he has feeling in the top part of his back legs. He is now off of prednisone and we check in with the doctor next week.
We are adjusting as is he - so sad; there are no rehab places nearby, so we are in the process of ordering a cart; we need recommendations; we are also wanting a sling; right now we're using a long scarf.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by CarolC »

jojo wrote:it has now been one month; no bladder control, has bowel control, but since he can't move, we have to "time it just right.";obviously not walking, but I think he has feeling in the top part of his back legs.
There is a wonderful trick for getting your dog to eliminate at the time and place of your choosing. Around here it is usually called "poop on demand". Here is a webpage that will explain all the ways you can make this happen.

Are you expressing his bladder? Does he dribble any? My dog's physical therapist says with bladder control you have to give it at least 3 months to see if control will return, and 6 months to be sure. Since it has only been 4 weeks, you are only beginning the healing process. Here is some information on bladder care.

It seems like dogs do not usually get "depressed" over immobility, though I guess it is possible yours is. It seems just as likely he is still a little uncomfortable from his surgery. I think if I had major spinal surgery 4 weeks ago, I might still be experiencing some discomfort. Has he been on any kind of pain meds?

Someone else will be along soon. You can look at harnesses on this webpage:

I just used a scarf for my small dog, as you have been doing.

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Re: paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by jojo »


So many thanks for the great info; I read about expressing the bowel and will certainly give it a try, tonight, even!!

Thanks again.

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Re: paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by ems736336 »

Hi JoJo,
Sorry about your Sammie. This is so stressful. You have the info about bowels and bladder.
We also used a scarf for our dachshund when he needed to have a sling. It worked just fine.
If you had surgery a month ago, Sammie should still be confined so he gets a chance to heal. He needs to be crated at least six weeks if not eight. He should be carried out to go potty and carried back in.
Are you doing any range of motion exercises? There are instructions about this. If you do not have any I will find them for you.
Many dogs take much longer than a month to start coming back. While you sit and watch TV in the evenings, sit and massage his toes and legs.
Are you doing any supplements like gluscosamine and chondroitin? These could help some too.
Just rememeber, this was really major surgery and Sammie is still recovering.
There are many of us here and you might go look at Dodger's List which is a site about IVDD. Mostly dachshunds but they will not turn you away.
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Re: paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by Sue »

Hi Just wanted to let you know my thoughts are with you. I know what you are going through as our Scottie also went from running around to paralysed in a matter of hours. She had her spinal surgery a week ago but has not shown much improvement since . She also has no bladder control but does have bowel control. She is still at the vet but we have decided no matter what we are not giving up on her.

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Re: paralyzed shih-tzu - Sammie

Post by Libby »

I use a bottom's up leash for my standard poodle. I was using a towel and then I got a belly sling. That's great for lifting him to his feet or helping him into the car, but it doesn't work for going to the bathroom. The bottom's up leash seems to stimulate his bowel so that he goes more regularly and it allows free movement of pee and poop. We have an Eddie's wheels cart for walks and longer outings but I usually use the leash for a quick bathroom trip. Good luck!
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