Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
Robin Stevens
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Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

I have a question about the convalescence of my 5 year old Cocker Spaniel. But, I will give some history of her condition first:

On Jan. 8, 2007, after taking her to an emergency clinic at 3:00 in the morning (they said nothing was wrong with her) when she was in extreme pain, I woke up at 8:30 am to find her completely paralyzed from the waist down. I rushed to my vet who sent me to a specialist who performed surgery that night for ruptured disks. Apparently this sudden rupture was so bad that they couldn't see all the way down her spine so they also checked her from the other end of the spine and hoped they had fixed everything. The surgeon gave her a 50/50 chance of ever walking again. The surgeon also said it would take 6 months to find out what kind of recovery she will have.

After the surgery she was still paralyzed from the waist down but I started physical therapy on her 4 times a day as soon as she came home. She had no bladder or bowel control and I had to manually express both. After four weeks, the surgeon was rather pessimistic and lowered her chances of walking again to 40/60 because she was showing no response at all to reflex tests.

I contacted a vet who does acupuncture and began treatments 2x a week for 4 weeks. My wonderful dog showed IMMEDIATE improvement from the very first visit and has shown improvement after each treatment. She began to stand to drink water and to eat. Then there was more movement in her legs - she wasn't just dragging them around. We then went to once a week for 4 weeks and are now down to every other week. (If this isn't sufficient we will return to every week). I am aware that each improvement that she makes could be her last.

She can move her legs and again has bladder and bowel control although I get her started when I want her to, since she no longer has regular (doggy door) access to the outside when she needs it. She wears a diaper (which I had to rig so it wouldn't keep sliding off - if anyone wants to know what I did, I'll be happy to tell) .

She also wear special "braces" to help her keep her toes flat instead of curling them under and they do help somewhat. She can "walk" although it is more like hobbling and sliding but she does take REAL steps sometimes. She has to have her feet protected if she is outside because she scrapes up the tops and sides of her feet very badly.

I feel that if we had access to swimming therapy this would be beneficial but as I live out in the middle of nowhere there are no therapy centers near here.

My question: She gets her hind legs tangled with each other. The left leg, mostly gets stuck behind her right leg, sometimes in front of her hind leg. I still do physical therapy with her 4 times a day and I have doubled the therapy on her left leg to try to strengthen it. Does anyone know of some other kind of treatment - physical therapy - that can help correct this condition? I KNOW that if she could keep that leg straight she could be walking much better. I'm hoping to use my mom's pool when the weather gets warmer.

I know she will never be able to do Agility again, but I want her to be in the best shape she can. Her attitude is very upbeat. I'm sorry this was so long and look forward to any help you can offer me.

Robin & Luthien
Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

I forgot to mention that the Vet Acupuncturist is very pleased with Luthien's progress. She said it was much quicker than usual.

I'd love to insert a pic of her but don't know how to do that.

Robin & Luthien
Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

It's me again - sorry. Can someone please explain what "spinal walking" is and how I can tell the difference?

Robin & Luthien
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Bobbie »

Some people do water therapy in the bathtub- fill it up so the dog's legs are off the floor of the tub and let her paddle.

Somewhere there is a video of spinal walking but I'm not sure where.

You might consider a cart even though she is walking. It would help with getting the proper gait and be part of her rehab. My Wesley (corgi) used a cart even though he get around at home; the cart allowed him to walk much further and run and keep up with us on long walks without dragging his toes.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Cindidoxiemom »

I agree with Bobby. You can do water therapy in your own tub. Fill the water up so there is just a little weight on the dogs feet...maybe just below the shoulder. Encourage your dogs to walk around in the water.

Spinal walking occurs when a dog is deep pain negative. The signal from the brain no longer reaches the legs. The nerves from the spinal cord send out the "walk" signal. I think Connie has pictures of Cricket spinal walking.

I also agree with Bobby about the cart. My Oscar is just now learning to walk a little bit and he is 1 1/2 years post op. I know "walking" in his cart has helped him with balance and control. He is able to place his feet and walk without the weight.
I am not a vet; please consult your vet before making any treatment decisions.

Hunter IVDD Surgery x 2~Walking
Oscar IVDD Surgery x 1~ Paralyzed
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Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

Thanks so much for your help and suggestions.
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

Thanks for your information and your suggestions. Where can I find Connie's pictures?
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by CarolC »

Hi Robin,

Yes, tips on keeping diapers on are always welcome! Pictures, too, if you've got them. :) I'd love to know the size and brand of diapers you are using and the weight of your dog. We have a diaper chart where we enter the information so that other people can buy the right size for their pets.

On the question of legs crossing, I know what you mean, my dog does that constantly. The official name for it is scissoring. She crosses her legs, then they get locked together, then she trips and drags. Then I am running along behind her calling, "Uncross! Uncross!" or I reach down and uncross them for her. I don't know of a way to cure crossing, I try to keep my dog's legs stretched and we just live with it. She does it less on pavement, more in grass. She has been walking (and crossing) since 2004.

If your dog has bladder control, chances are there is sensation in the feet and your dog is really walking, not spinal walking. With my dog, spinal walking looked like a mindless automated flutter kick that was totally out of time with the front feet.

Here is a definition of spinal walking.

"Occasionally a dog that has transverse malacia of its thoracolumbar spinal cord (no deep pain sensation) can learn to "walk" again using the crossed extensor reflex that may still exist in the hindlimbs. Without motor connections to the brain, this reflex is "released" and causes the involuntary motor movements that are frequently observed in the limbs. Through extensive physiotherapy, many of these dogs learn to swing their bodies to get their hindlimbs under them and allow the reflex walking movements to be effectual. This form of walking is called spinal walking and looks a bit "motorized" but serves the function well."
Robin Stevens wrote:I am aware that each improvement that she makes could be her last.
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure, regardless of what they may have told you. My dog has been paralyzed since September 2003, and she is still showing little improvements. Cindi's dog was paralyzed for a year and a half before he started walking, and there have been others like that. Recovery from paralysis can continue for years. :)
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis and A thank you to Carol

Post by SnowyWhiteGSD »

Carol: I just wanted to thank you for your inspirational and informative posts. Your caring and understanding are inspiring and I have seen only POSITIVE responses to everyone's posts.

As a 'newbie' myself to all of this spinal information, I have learned a great deal that I hope I never have to use, but I am taking notes. We have been blessed with a dog that started walking again shortly after her surgery, but I still want to learn more about spinal injury and your posts always provide information we all can use.

You are truly a blessing to this group! Thank you!

Angela and Snowy
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by connie »

my videos's of cricket spinal walking are on
in video seach type in conniecpu's videos. i will make a new one very soon and post it. he doesn't cross his legs and feet now, but it took months. i just undid them and made him stand right OVER AND OVER AND OVER. it gets tiresome, but so owrth it. he started doing great after 10 months. vets say he has some deep pain now, just slowly coming back. he is healthy, happy and doesn't know he is disabled. hope you got my private message i sent. keep us informed.
connie and cricket
Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

Hi Carol,

I haven't figured out yet how to post pictures here but I will try to explain how I keep Luthien's diapers on. You may pass this information on to anyone who could benefit by it.

Luthien is a 5 year old Cocker Spaniel. She weighs about 25 pounds. I buy my diapers from They are a wholesaler who sells to the public and has incredible stuff for dogs (and some for cats) at really great prices. I order size MEDIUM for Luthien.

Inside the diapers, I add an ALWAYS (or store brand) OVERNIGHT pad with wings. The pad is too long for the diaper so I fold the top down where the wings start and stick it to itself. Then I put it in the diaper. I've never had a leak using the pads inside the diapers. Also on the diaper there is a flap where the hole for the tail goes. I cut the flap off - it has no use and only gets in the way.

OK, it stopped accidents but the minute she moved around the diaper slid off, so this is what I did:

I bought one of those denim cloth diapers that close with velcro. On the top side that faces towards her head, I sewed two pieces of elastic about 2" long on each side of the center of the cloth diaper. Then I sewed velcro strips to the ends of the elastic. Luthien uses a harness instead of a collar so I put the harness on her. I put the cloth diaper on over the disposable diaper. I open the velcro strips, and put the back side of the harness between them and close them. It's kind of like suspenders. I also take a piece of white bandage tape and slip it under the disposable diaper and out and over the denim diaper. This keeps the diaper from slipping down under the denim. I hope this doesn't sound too complicated.

Here's another thing I did when the vet told me to stop using the sling and to keep her standing and walking by holding her tail. I couldn't walk all bent over like that since she's a small dog, and she's too fast for me to run with her like that anyway. I cut a hole in the rear of the denim diaper right in front of the tail - I made the hole in the denim part, not in the binding part. All I had on hand that was strong enough for this was speaker wire (LOL) so I cut a length of that and tied one end through that hole. The other end I tied to the D-ring on the harness. The length of wire is long enough for me to hold her standing up without my bending or leaning over, but short enough so that the wire doesn't get caught under her legs when I'm not holding her.

I hope this helps. If someone could tell me how to upload pictures I will post some. I tried that "Img" but it didn't let me do anything.


Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

Hi Connie,

Thanks for the videos. Luthien seems to have some of the same kind of movement Cricket has. I've seen her lift her rear end with her back - that is a very strange thing to see. And she shuffles a lot but she also deliberately moves her legs. My vet who does the acupuncture told me today that she is probably not spinal walking since she does move them and that she is probably not deep pain negative. But after seeing your videos I wonder if the walking can be a little of both.

She's come a long, long way in only 3 months and the vet also solved the problem of her scraping up her feet so badly in the braces. She rubbed one nail right down to the quick. And she feels it. The vet got one of those bendable splints. Cut a long strip out of it, curved it and taped it to the brace, so now the braces have a front on them. I'm sure this will help a lot.

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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by connie »

hi robin,
those video's were taken last spring, cricket is doing so much better than that now. vet told me he was doing some spinal , some real walking also now. he has trouble on anything except firm ground going fast. he used to tibble ( raise up back) a lot, not so much now, he just stands. yes you really have to watch those feet for scraps, cricket got bad infection on 1 scarp till i used baby socks. you sound like you are doing everything right. we are impressed at people like you that are trying so hard. it is hard on us all, but so worth it for our babies right? anything i can do to help just ask. i swear to you that it gets easier with time. i thought i'd break down at first. i have elderly mother to take care of, i work taking care of elderly all day, i work so much. but i took deep breath and let cricket guide me, he does all the hard part. lol.
take care, keep us informed.
hugs to you both,
connie and cricket
p.s. i will post a new walking video soon, i promise, just has to get time, so busy on job. lol
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by CarolC »

Hi Robin,

Here are some instructions on uploading pictures. I'd love to see some!

Your description of the diapering is very clear. I'm attaching a picture of someone else who fastens the diaper to a harness, thought you'd enjoy it. The picture is from :)

The method of attaching something to the diaper to assist the dog to walk instead of tail walking sounds really interesting. I know they say it's OK to tail walk but I never like the idea of it and think there are better ways to hold the dog up.

Will be looking forward to your pictures! You might add some to the gallery, too (there's a button at the top of the page).
Robin Stevens
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Re: Ruptured disks caused paralysis

Post by Robin Stevens »

he was doing some spinal , some real walking also now.

I'm glad you said that because after looking at your videos I paid closer attention to Luthien and sometimes it seems she does spinal and sometimes real and I wasn't sure if that was possible.

Now that the braces have been modified, I think the problem of scraping her feet so badly will be resolved. She was outside for a couple of hours today on concrete with the braces and the bandages and the bandages are still intact.

I am so thankful to you and to this site. There's no place else to talk to people and their pets going through the same thing. And it helps to know that you are (or aren't) doing the right thing.

I look forward to your new video of Cricket walking!!

Robin & Luthien
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