Smokey: How is Abbey?

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Tinker's Mom
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Smokey: How is Abbey?

Post by Tinker's Mom »


I think it's been about 2-1/2 weeks since Abbey's disk surgery, and I was wondering how she is doing and how you are coming along with her care.

I'm assuming that the catheter has been removed by now. Have you gotten the hang of expressing her bladder? Have you had a follow-up visit with her surgeon yet (possibly to remove stitches or staples)?
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Post by Smokey »

Thank you so much for asking, Tinker's Mom! We have been so busy here lately!

Abbey pulled her catheter out herself last friday! It turned out that she had a bad bladder infection. She is on an antibiotic and feeling much better.

She had her stitches taken out on Monday. She has been dry since then, with the exception of one accident during the night. When we take her out to potty with her sling, she sniffs around and then goes quite a bit...until it comes down to a trickle so I am assuming she is getting most out...our surgeon said that no one gets all of it out...not even us!! I am wondering if she wouldn't just go right away with the pressure of the sling pushing on her bladder. We are hoping that she has some bladder control.

She is beginning to wag her tail a bit and I am aslo feeling a bit of resistence when I do her range of motion exercises. When she "walks" in her sling, her back legs have begun to move sort of in a walking motion, but still dangling.

I am anxious to speak with her surgeon again, to see what he thinks.
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