HaleyBop's progress

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HaleyBop's progress

Post by KimK »

Hello everyone! Just wanted to give you an update on the Bop. Sunday was 7 weeks post injury, and today Haley had her first hydrotherapy session. At first she wasn't exactly thrilled about the whole process, but the wonderful therapist got in the water with her and soon Haley was paddling around like crazy. At first, her back legs didn't move at all, but after some gentle massage and the warm water....Haley was moving both legs! Just at the hip flexor, but still....I was thrilled. :D She started voluntarily moving the paw on her left on Saturday, that was a first also. And now, if I tickle her hair between her paw, she'll draw the foot up very slightly. She still is very stiff legged, the knee isn't bending at all. But the therapist thought that with time, warm soaks and gentle massage....it should loosen up. The knuckling under is still a problem, but since that is the last to come back, I'll be patient.

Haley still spends the majority of time in her crate. I've been slowly extending her "play time out" to 45 minutes to an hour 4 times a day. I just don't want her to re-injure herself. She'll pull herself around for a time, then go back and lean against her crate. I know then she's tired, and she wants to rest. She'll snuggle back into her blankets and sleep for an hour or so. Such a wonderful little soul, she has.

Thanks so much to all of you! I'll keep you up to date!

Kim and the Bop
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glad for bop

Post by SandyNY »

:P :P
good news is good news
progress is progress
so happy to hear the therapy went well
stay possitive!! :)
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Post by kristenv »

Kim and the Bop (your reference always makes me smile)
That is such wonderful news. You both have worked so hard to get to this point, and I am so glad to hear that you have a good therapist. They are truly a treasure to find. I can imagine your excited with her leg movement. Funny how these situations cause you to really appriecate the important things.
I pray for continued improvement for "the Bop" :D
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Post by connie »

wow kim,.
great news. cricket didn't like the water either, but i got in bathtub with him and he finally tured duck. lol
my vets said to bycycle his legs 3 times a day in water and out.
as far as knuckling, stand her up, bend feet the right way over and over. i had to do that for weeks and weeks till cricket got it down on his own. everytime he bent them, i put them back.
as far as tickling paws and pads, mostly that is just reflex, but it still a good sign. when you pinch hard on feet and she jerks them back and growls you got some deep pain my vets said.
aslo remember it took cricket 10 months to show improvement. so don't get discouraged. even now he is doing more each day.
if you saw my spinal walking videos you can see what even a paralyzed one can overcome.
keep up the hard work and i know it's hard. miracles happen every day if we work hard and pray for them.
this site told me how to do hyrotherapy on cricket and it helped his legs most of all. but keep up the P.T. i did that 4 times a day for 20 minutes. vet to me to bicycle legs, push them up and down and this site has the list of all you need to do. it is worth it all. after 7 weeks, she seems to be doing great, just give her time, she'll amaze you like my boy did.
give that baby a big hug and smooch from us
hugs connie and cricket
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Post by CarolC »

The same thing happened with my dog. After several sessions of the therapist being in the water with my dog, she started moving her legs by herself. A lot of cheering that day. Congratulations to little Haley! :ecstatic:
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