Golden w/ possible DM

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by justme »

Goldenz2 wrote:I joined Handicapped pets 6 months ago and as you can see from my first posting, he has slowly been getting worse. I don't post often but do read the Support columns daily. If you could send a good thought to my boy I sure would appreciate it. We are continuing to do EVERYTHING we can for him to keep him happy and comfortable!


Jeanne in NJ
Goldens, Angelo & Archie
I wish you the best. I wouldn't wish this heartache on anyone :( :(
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by MaryAnnKacz »

After losing our Mia last week, we got a Golden Retriever puppy. Part of the reason was seeing Angelo's pictures on this site. He is so beautiful. I have Angelo in my thoughts.
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by Goldenz2 »

Thank you Carol, Justme and MaryAnn :wub: We appreciate it.

Angelo just had a Vet visit and I decided to have a full blood panel done. Will get the results on Monday. His weight is down to only 63lbs due to the Atrophy. But he is still rallying and is one stubborn boy! On Sunday he is officially 13 1/2 years old. WOW how lucky am I for my first Golden Retriever?!

He is still maintaining the same strength and can actually walk a little bit now (once we get his legs untangled) that the weather has cooled down. The Summer was not kind to him and as I read the heat affects the nerves. We will have another problem as it gets really cold but I just deal with one day at a time. We are supposed to have a gorgeous fall weekend :D He hasn't had bowel control for a really long time but can still pee on his own as long as we hold him up with his harness and hold his legs. My Vet said that he will likely become incontinent as this works up his body.

For those of you that may get Dog Fancy Magazine...I was notified that a photo I sent in won a place (not sure which one though) in their "Golden Years" Contest. It is the photo I submitted in this thread that shows him at the beach in his harness. I am SOOO proud that people from all over the country will see my handsome boy and see how special old dogs really are. And how even with their disabilites, they can still be very valuable members of the family.

Jeanne in NJ
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »


Congrats on the picture, and thanks for the update on your sweet Angelo! I pray for him daily.

Chloe's condition is about the same, though she has a harder time getting up and more often needs assistance now. Her walking (in the carpeted house only, with many strategically placed beds and other soft places to fall!) is stiff and stilted and precarious, with legs going everywhere, but she can still manage, and we try to let her to slow the atrophy. She still has complete control of her elimination process, but needs one of us to assist her outside with the use of the Hartman Harness.
She's eating enthusiastically... twice a day feedings of the best quality organic senior dry food, mixed with fat free low sodium chicken broth, a dash of garlic powder, a dollup of canned pumpkin (said to reduce the diahrrea and encourage firm stools) and some chicken strips. She also gets home baked organic cookies we buy from a specialty "Barkery" and the occasional rawhide chew stick. Of course she also gets bites of whatever we're having! She LOVES chicken.....! It's her favorite thing in all the world! For her physical ailments and she still takes her pain meds and joint support wafers for arthritis, medication to regulate the thyroid, herbal meds for the mylopathy, digestive enzymes, and the gastrodia 9 for overall health, and we're somehow managing to stay out of the poor house paying for all them all! I would find a way to do it come #### or high-water. She's my baby girl (even if she IS between 16 and 18!), and I'll make sure she gets what she needs and give her every chance for as high a quality of life as we can possibly provide. When I watch her slowly rising to a standing position, a feat for which she frequenly needs assistance these days, it occurs to me that this could well be our last winter with her. I cherish every warm and loving moment with her.

Keep doing your best for Angelo until he lets you know he's ready to let go. I will hold him (and you!) in my heart and prayers.

Always and forever Chloe's Mom...
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by CarolC »

Goldenz2 wrote:For those of you that may get Dog Fancy Magazine...I was notified that a photo I sent in won a place (not sure which one though) in their "Golden Years" Contest. It is the photo I submitted in this thread that shows him at the beach in his harness. I am SOOO proud that people from all over the country will see my handsome boy and see how special old dogs really are. And how even with their disabilites, they can still be very valuable members of the family.
Hi Jeanne,

I saw it!!! :D Plus there's a quote from you. Very nice! Congratulations to you and Angelo, whose picture has now been seen by people in every vet waiting room in the country.

:trophy: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »

Wow, Jeanne! How fabulous!!!! As i've told you in the past, I believe dogs are high spiritual teaching masters masquerading in fursuits.... now Angelo has become a good will embassador for the cause of all older dogs with handicaps or infirmaties, proving how valuable (and valued!) they still are by their loving families, and how much joy and pleasure they can still get out of life!! This is HUGE!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I've heard ignorant people utter the statement "He (or she) is just a dog!" With the help of Angelo in the role of embassador and all the good work this site does in educating and informing, hopefully that attiude will become a thing of the past. I always look such folks in the eye and ask innocently, "Would you put an elderly human family member down just because they could no longer use their legs??" It shocks them into thinking a little deeper about the value of love and loved-ones, and how they come in all sorts of different "suits" and packages.... smooth, furry, and feathered!!!!

Best to you and Angelo. As ever, you are in my heart and prayers!

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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by puremutt »

Carol In New Mexico, just want to say every time I see that picture in your post it melts my heart!
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »

Ah, thanks! My sweet Chloe is a heart-melter for sure!!! She wrapped mine around her little paw from the first moment my late husband and I found her wondering around our neighborhood, lost, abandoned, frightened, alone, thirsty and hungry, the poor baby!! We took her in, and although God took my beloved husband from my side only about a year later, I am always and forever Chloe's Mom......

Your boy (boy is right, isn't it? If not, my appologies!) is a handsome one. I love the alert and intelligent look in his eyes... such awareness! Is he still with us, or has he gone over the Rainbow Bridge? I wasn't sure by your post and the signiture at the bottom. If he is no longer here in the physical plane, I'll be he's frollicking freely and happily in the Summerlands with all those who have gone before him... forever missed and loved, never to be forgotten.

Aren't dogs just the most magnificent gifts? It's no accident dog is God backward :wink:

Best to you and your furry "child", whether here or elsewhere....
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by puremutt »

Mine was an abandond puppy as well 14 years ago.

He went over the Rainbow 7 weeks ago, every Friday I count another week............
I was doing the dishes last night and I was thinking he was really the best dog you could wish for and at the same time the lights flickered!

He found me so hopefully one day another dog will find me, it's too early for me now, the house still has all the toys and the beds in the same place.
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »

puremutt wrote:Mine was an abandond puppy as well 14 years ago.

He went over the Rainbow 7 weeks ago, every Friday I count another week............
I was doing the dishes last night and I was thinking he was really the best dog you could wish for and at the same time the lights flickered!

He found me so hopefully one day another dog will find me, it's too early for me now, the house still has all the toys and the beds in the same place.
Oh my God, I'm so, so sorry!!!!!! My heart goes out to gently embrace the shattered and fragile essense of your own. I have lost so many... so many that had to be released from their suffering bodies. Each final goodbye ripped my heart right out of my chest. You never get over it... you just learn to live without them some way. Please, please know that I am sending you love and comfort, and know too that he "heard" your message and responded with his own when those lights flickered! I have no doubt but that another loving spirit wrapped in a fursuit will find you when the time is right.. till then, just know that you are not alone and many, many of us share your pain. Perhaps knowing that we carry it with you will somehow make the burden of it lighter for you. If there is anything ......anything at all!.... I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. I am surrounding you and your sweet Mickey with love and blessings. May you find comfort in these difficult and challenging days.....

Love Always,
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by Goldenz2 »

Thanks Carol & Carol! (Puremutt, I am so sorry to hear about your Mickey :( )

I am so proud and honored to have had his photo chosen as the winner!! I have uploaded the photo for all to see :D

Angelo is now 13 years and 7 months old and still hanging in there! His will to live is incredible! He needs help getting up most of the time and can walk a little bit once I uncross his legs and de-knuckle his feet. We have beds all over for him to "land" on. He can still pee on his own when we hold him up but he has no bowel control.

The last trip to the Vet his bloodwork was all normal despite being on several meds for a long time. But I just had to call and get him back on antibiotics again. He keeps getting these large scabs on his inner thighs due to the air not getting in there. I have had my eye on them and discussed it with the Vet and we want to be better safe than sorry because it is likely a Staph infection.

So other than that we are all hanging in there. Exhausted, but hanging in there :wink:

Jeanne in NJ
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by FurmomInNewMexico »


God bless you and Angelo! Keep on loving him, and he'll keep on loving you! And may I add I also love you both, and the wonderful demonstration you bring to the world of just how important a single life is AND how much they can contribute, even when cruel physical conditions rob them of certain capabilities and places restrictions and limitations on their lives. LOVE is what it's all about!!!!!

Sending you strength, hope, and faith! May you find joy in each day, hour and minute you have with him......

Love Always,

P.S. the picture and article are fabulous! Angelo's a star, and we can all say we knew him when!!! :)
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by puremutt »

I am sooo happy for you! You can be proud!
What a sweet white face, love both of you!
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by CarolC »

Goldenz2 wrote: He needs help getting up most of the time and can walk a little bit once I uncross his legs and de-knuckle his feet.
Goldenz2 wrote:The last trip to the Vet his bloodwork was all normal despite being on several meds for a long time. But I just had to call and get him back on antibiotics again. He keeps getting these large scabs on his inner thighs due to the air not getting in there. I have had my eye on them and discussed it with the Vet and we want to be better safe than sorry because it is likely a Staph infection.

So other than that we are all hanging in there. Exhausted, but hanging in there :wink:
Wow! I just noticed the exhausted part. Do hang in there!

Here is a picture of Sheba the quad dog. It shows a leg separator. I guess what your dog needs is more of a knee separator, rather than a leg separator, but this gives an idea. They were selling something like this through Harriet Carter, but wouldn't you know I checked right now and they don't show it. When I see one again I will let you know where I saw it. Perhaps you can improvise by stuffing something inside a gym sock.
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Re: Golden w/ possible DM

Post by puremutt »

First thing that comes to my mind, it resembles one of those memory foam pillows.
A cheaper option would be to cut a piece of foam to size maybe?
mickey 1994- sept 26 ,2008

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