Dogs: back leg paralysis

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Dogs: back leg paralysis

Post by jazzybaby »

Hi, I am new to this group and was hoping to get some insight, my cocker spaniel is recovering from IVDD surgery it has been just about 4 weeks today since the surgery. Her neurologist gave us a 50% chance of her ever walking again. However now after her two rechecks with him he seems worried that she still does not have any deep pain response even though at home we have seen her stiffening and flexing her backs. She still can't stand or walk howver she will sit up and pull herself across the floor. In the past week we have noticed when we tickle her paws or push on them she will kick us away. The doctor says it is only a reflex and it does not mean anything which i find very hard to believe. We even saw a tiny sore in between two of her toes which we have been treating and she will turn her head and even growled once and the vet still seems to think nothing of it he keeps saying it has been 2 weeks then 4 weeks she should be feeling things or even trying to stand by now. She has always had a very high tolerance for pain and will pretty much let you do anything to her without ever making a sound, so i feel that things are starting to come back to her. We do therapy at home with her a few times a day and that seems to be going well. She is still the happy little girl she has always been she still wants to chew on her toys and get treats. She can now get herself in and out of her crate all on her own. And she can get herself sitting up and back laying down with no help. I don't want to get discouraged listening to the vet however it can be hard. I was hoping to find someone else who has been through this and see what they thought. We would do anything for her she is our baby so any info would help.
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Re: Dogs: back leg paralysis

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! I am going to move your post to the paralysis forum, because I'm afraid folks might miss it here under old wbbs. I was very heartened to read your post. You are the one who sees the minute differences in her abilities, and those tiny moments are the ones that count the most.

Follow your heart and you will find hundreds of folks here who feel the same way you do!
WELCOME! I'll PM you so you know where you 'got to' WELCOME!
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Dogs: back leg paralysis

Post by jazzybaby »

Thank you
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Re: Dogs: back leg paralysis

Post by smithpk85 »

If she is kicking her legs when you touch or squeeze her paws, she is feeling it! I don't care what that vet says. My Maggie has regained her feeling in her legs and she kicks hard when I squeeze her toes and pads on her paws. If you don't have access to an underwater treadmill, put her in the tub every night. Fill the tub high enough to hold her in a standing position and bicycle those legs. When I bicycle her legs, I make sure her paw rubs across the bottom of the tub so she can feel like she is walking on it. I have been doing this every night for Maggie and she is making progress. I put her in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes every night. She is now using her back legs when she is in her cart. Another good thing to do is to hold her in a standing position several times a day. Hold her for a few minutes at a time and let her rest, then stand her back up again.

Does she wag her tail for you? The tail wagging is supposed to be a good sign.

I wouldn't give up on her - I believe there is a chance she will get better.
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Re: Dogs: back leg paralysis

Post by jazzybaby »

Thank you for your post, it is so good to hear from others in our postion, we have not seen her tail wag but we have seen it move when she is dreaming. But she just started kicking about a week ago so i am hoping the tail wagging well be next to come back because that is one thing i really miss seeing she would wag her tail so hard her butt would wiggle. Thanks again for the info, we will give it a try.
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