10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by mandymmr »

Hello everyone, I am new here/very old to dog ownership!
I am deperatly seeking advice, tips about my 10 year old rottweiler who over night couldn't walk very well. I took her to the vet 2 times and was diagnosed with ruptured disk and spine damage. They gave her cortizon shots, that worked for a day and I was amazed how she turned around. But then last night she seemed worse again! Her spriti is up and happy, she does whimper a little when laying down and getting up and partial paralasis. The vet said today that we need to wait at least another week before making a hasty decision.
I have researched wheelchairs and I think that would be really helpful for her to get the weight an pressure off her back end.
She is currently on oral cortizone pills and we are having her lay down and rest as much as possible.
I would appreciate any help from those with experience. This is my baby girl whom I have had since she was 3 months old!
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spin damage!

Post by jazzybaby »

Hi I am very sorry to hear about your baby, my baby a 4 year old coker spaniel is home recovering from IVDD surgery . She started having problems one day and wnet down hill very quickly we got her to a nerulogist as soon as we could and she was rushed into surgery and has been given a 50% chance she will ever walk again. I would not wait a week time is very important when you are dealing with spinal damage. I hope this helps and good luck.
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spin damage!

Post by mandymmr »

jazzybaby wrote:Hi I am very sorry to hear about your baby, my baby a 4 year old coker spaniel is home recovering from IVDD surgery . She started having problems one day and wnet down hill very quickly we got her to a nerulogist as soon as we could and she was rushed into surgery and has been given a 50% chance she will ever walk again. I would not wait a week time is very important when you are dealing with spinal damage. I hope this helps and good luck.
she can not have the surgery, and I can't afford a 2,000 bill.
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by mandymmr »

There isn't any improvement form yesterday to report! :help:
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by Dianne »

Hello Mandy,

CRATE REST...did the doc tell you about that? You need to put your pupper in a confined area and ONLY help him out to go potty. You've got to treat the spine very carefully, and keep him confined! No cheating for 6 to 8 weeks.

Did you see:

Crate Rest instructions: http://www.dodgerslist.com/literature/CrateRRP.htm

Paralysis information: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10626

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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »

I am so sorry for what you and your baby are going through. I have no parapup, and nothing to offer you except to tell you that the folks here have the deepest experience you will find anywhere. Have you looked at the stickes in this forum? They are genius and cross the line to most mobility issues as well as all comfort issues. Dianne's link to PT I recommend to everyone, no matter their disabiliity. They are comfort times one thousand.

Welcome and hang in there, each day is a challenge you can meet, we deal with this moment by moment, day by day, and eventually weekly. Your new normal is a shock to both of you and finding your new normal is the hardest journey you will ever undertake, but all of us have found our new normal, some in not so serious situations and some of us in life-threatening situations. We have all crawled through one way or another. We are here for you.

Again, I am sorry I have no parapup exp., but I do have heartbreak exp. We are here, lean on us.
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by CarolC »

Hi mandymmr,

I agree with you, I see no reason why you should have to make a hasty decision. As long as you are physically able to put your dog in a wheelchair and give her the nursing case she needs (mainly that will be assistance with pottying, and in some cases turning the dog to the other side several times a day if she can't turn herself) then you can care for her. The only thing is, right now she is having some back pain and you are waiting to see whether that will resolve or at least diminish.

Not sure how it was diagnosed, but older dogs can have spinal arthritis or other conditions associated with aging and sometimes a dog can go down from that. It does sound like a disk but I would not feel 100% sure without advanced imaging. I just lost a 14-year old dog who had a fall several years ago (injured disk at that time) and recovered and was able to walk again and even trot a little if he felt frisky, but he gradually lost bladder and bowel control as he aged and by the end of his life he was knuckling both back paws and unable to stand. Various conditions can combine to bring a dog down. For example, spinal arthitis, a bad hip, kidney problems, and a previous disk problem did it for my dog. Weight will also complicate things for some older dogs. You might want to consider whether your dog is down only because of this recent back problem, or whether other things are also contributing. I only say that because of your dog's age. Given the discomfort she is feeling, and the fact that surgery is not an option in this case, rest and steroids would be a common treatment, and as you said, a wheelchair is your best back-up plan.

There really isn't a lot you can do right now, other than additional testing which would be expensive and would probably not change the course of treatment. Some dogs do respond to crate rest and steroids given enough time. We have had a number of good reports about acupuncture from credible people. You are kind of in a waiting pattern right now, that is unavoidable. If you are the kind of take charge person who wants to do something, it is hard because about all you can do is give her her meds, make sure she rests, and give it time. There is no hurrying recovery from a spinal injury unfortunately. So the good news is it does not sound like you have failed to do anything, or are failing to do anything, you are already on track. I would be inclined to give it quite a bit more time than the one week your vet mentioned. The 6-8 weeks Dianne mentioned is no exaggeration. Dogs with a disk injury are sometimes given muscle relaxers or pain pills. Some pain meds are OK to give with steroids and some are not. Tramadol is safer than some of the pain meds when used with steroids (I am not a vet). As long as your dog is on steroids, they recommend giving something to protect the stomach (such as Pepcid a/c) since steroids can do a number on the GI tract, from diarrhea to bleeding ulcers. There have been cases where dogs have died from steroids so if your dog is not already on Pepcid or the like, I would ask the vet about this and find out the right dose.

I would like to know if she has bladder control and can she turn herself. Also how you have her bed or crate set up? What are you using to assist her outside? Do you have a harness?

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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by Dianne »

Hello Mandy,

Are you still here, or did you leave?
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Re: 10 year old Rottweiler ruptured disk and spine damage!

Post by Caroline »

I really can understand how frustrating it is not having the cash we all would spare no expense on our dogs if we had money trees in the back yard.
I too could not afford the MRI on my boxer and it was really hard taking care of him.
I just want to say hang in there I am keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome.
Your Rottie is just awesome just keep her on the meds an see if she heals a bit.


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