Indigos Pupdates.

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Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

So I figured that Indigo is no longer an emergency , so I will post his pupdates here. So far we need to have a bunch of tests done , I am waiting for the vet to give me an estimate , so we can schedule things according to the rescues funds. We are still waiting on his boots and more diapers, and a friend of mine is going to make him some cloth diapers from a pattern she found for dog diapers. Shes going to do it for him for free out of the kindness of her heart , I am so grateful. He is a happy guy , he loves my other dogs , and he is frustrated that he cant really play and run with them. MY dogs sense his disability and they play with him gently , its instinctual for them I suppose. My females dote on him , giving him their toys and things , and lying next to him licking his ears. Hes doing really well , and I am enjoying having him here.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by GabrielDeafBlindPupFamily »


I know Indigo is your foster pup, but for right now, HE IS HOME! I have a lump in my throat the size of Chicago!

We will ALL be looking forward to Pupdates ! :) :wub:
Karen, Andy's ^i^ mom
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

Indy had his first outing today. We went to the pet food store and everyone loved him , and he got a free treat. Then we went to pet co for some supplies. Indy wants to go go go go go when we go outside , it is hard for him to realize he has limitations. He likes everyone and wants everyone to be his friend , and he gets upset when people dont pet him and love on him. Everyone wants to know his story and if he will "get better". Its hard telling them "No , Because he was abused." people get so upset. I hate that humans did this to him. Explaining it really sucks.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

I have decided I hate doggie diapers without waterproof liners. GAH what a mess. I alsl am not appreciative of puppy boots that dont stay on, and puppies that decide they dont want to take their medicine. Yesterday was a long day. SIGH.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by slshepherds »

Hi Katie

It's been just over a month and I'm only just getting the diaper situation down. I use a belly band fitted snugly with 2 maximum absorbency bladder control pads. In conjunction with expressing Carl 3 times a day my accident/leakage rate has fallen dramatically.

Carl wears Ruff Wear boots put on backwards. The straps are velcro and I tie them firmly as well. The straps do wear and break, so I have bought some industrial strength velcro that I cut into strips and use. I occasionally lose a boot down the yard, but generally they stay securely in place.

Can't wait to hear more Indigo updates.

Carl, Tiny, Freckles (paralyzed Lab, mix and Red Heeler)
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

Indy needs a diaper not a belly band because he has poop accidents. I have been expressing him , but he came to me with a bladder infection and hes on meds that make him drink a ton so he inevitably has accidents. I am hoping it gets easier and better, as his health improves.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by CarolC »

Yes, it should get easier. Are you taking care of yourself? That is so important. Are you in pain anywhere physically, other than stress and sadness over an injured dog? Back, neck, shoulders, elbows, etc.? I always expect people to be feeling stressed when they are first caring for a down dog, but in this case you are a seasoned veteran of caring for special needs, which makes me wonder if you are having some physical pain, too, and possibly suppressing it and focusing so much on the dog that you are not aware of how you are feeling, yourself. I am concerned that 2 weeks of lifting may be catching up with you about now.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by slshepherds »

KatieJones wrote:Indy needs a diaper not a belly band because he has poop accidents. I have been expressing him , but he came to me with a bladder infection and hes on meds that make him drink a ton so he inevitably has accidents. I am hoping it gets easier and better, as his health improves.
Carl is fecally incontinent too. I have found that having him on a low residue diet results in only 1 bowel movement a day, typically in the evenings (I try to stimulate him to go after his evening meal). We do have the odd accident but Carl figures (smell I guess) when he has pooped and moves away from it, minimizing the mess. I did think about using diapers but I figured that the poop would end up smeared all over him. Do you find this with Indigo?

Hoping that things get easier for you soon
Carl, Tiny, Freckles (paralyzed Lab, mix and Red Heeler)
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by Bobbie »

How big is Indigo? I know Merlin is a lot smaller but I use adult Assurance belted diapers from Walmart- they are like a baby diaper not a panty, without the velcro, and I just pin them on but if they didn't go around his waist you could put them in a belly band. Very absorbant though more expensive than a pad (I think, I haven't done the math.) Wider is the big plus for us.

Candy is on a grain-free food and has very easy to clean poops- unfortunately the same food doesn't do the same thing for Merlin. What do you use for a low-residue diet for Carl? I tried adding pumpkin but it didn't help and am going to try some kind of fiber additive.
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by slshepherds »

Carl is on Science Diet I/D. I'm not a fan of Hills products but Carl has colitis and this is the only food that prevents bloody diarrhea.
Carl, Tiny, Freckles (paralyzed Lab, mix and Red Heeler)
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

CarolC wrote:Yes, it should get easier. Are you taking care of yourself? That is so important. Are you in pain anywhere physically, other than stress and sadness over an injured dog? Back, neck, shoulders, elbows, etc.? I always expect people to be feeling stressed when they are first caring for a down dog, but in this case you are a seasoned veteran of caring for special needs, which makes me wonder if you are having some physical pain, too, and possibly suppressing it and focusing so much on the dog that you are not aware of how you are feeling, yourself. I am concerned that 2 weeks of lifting may be catching up with you about now.
I feel great, this is nothing like what I had to deal with in patient care and with my own son . I do have 7 other dogs here , 6 are mine and one is another foster. They are very helpful with Indigo , three of my females will actually straighten him out if he starts to slip and slide. They will boost his bottom up when he is scooting around the house. So I have good help LOL. Its also cute to watch , they know instinctively , that Indy needs help.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

slshepherds wrote:
KatieJones wrote:Indy needs a diaper not a belly band because he has poop accidents. I have been expressing him , but he came to me with a bladder infection and hes on meds that make him drink a ton so he inevitably has accidents. I am hoping it gets easier and better, as his health improves.
Carl is fecally incontinent too. I have found that having him on a low residue diet results in only 1 bowel movement a day, typically in the evenings (I try to stimulate him to go after his evening meal). We do have the odd accident but Carl figures (smell I guess) when he has pooped and moves away from it, minimizing the mess. I did think about using diapers but I figured that the poop would end up smeared all over him. Do you find this with Indigo?

Hoping that things get easier for you soon

Poor Indigo has a UTI but he also has coccidia, which he is on meds for. So he has yucky poo and yucky pee. He was in the shelter for quite some time on a cruelty hold , so he had opportunity to pick up a host of lovely infections. Right now he is pooing 5 or 6 times a day , and its runny, because of the infection. Hes clearing up and I have him on a bunch of dietary supplements , probiotics , cranberry , omega 3 oil, vitamin c, etc. Its getting better, but slowly.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by BethT »

Hi Katie,

My name is Beth. I discovered this discussion board 5 ½ years ago after my pitbull Waffles suffered a ruptured disk. Waffles had emergency surgery but never regained the ability to use his back legs. Waffles is a dog that has suffered terrible abuse at the hands of humans. He was rescued by animal control when he was 4 months old. He was a bait dog, found hanging upside down from a rope and ripped apart by fighting dogs. It took 3 months in the hospital for all of his wounds to heal. He was so full of wholes that the staff named him “Waffles.” I’m sure his eventual back issues are related to that terrible beginning. It makes me sick how abused and misunderstood this breed is.

Waffles’ spinal cord injury was life changing for me. I am fortunate to live only a few minutes from a hydrotherapy facility. I started as a client but now work there full time and get to help people with disabled dogs everyday. Without question the biggest struggle for clients with pets with spinal cord issues are the bathroom issues. I have been expressing Waffles’ bladder and bowels for 5 ½ years and honestly don’t even considerate it a chore anymore, it has become that routine. It is exhausting at first but once you get Indigo over these initial infections/problems you will be able to get him on a diet that works for him and get him on a bathroom schedule and it will become routine to you also.

I feel I can relate to you in a couple ways. I have a paralyzed pitbull and I presently am fostering another paralyzed puppy (11 months) that was picked up in Georgia on the side of the road when he was just 7 weeks old, his name is Calvin. Now with Waffles I don’t need to use any kind of diaper or male wrap, pee pad, etc. His bladder does not put out any urine unless I express it. I express him 3 to 4 times a day. Before I express his bladder I express his bowels. I take a couple of tissues and just lift his tail and rub his anus until he goes. I catch it with the tissue, flush it and no mess. If nothing comes out, then I know he isn’t ready yet. Rarely is there any accident in the house. It does seem like paralyzed dogs digestive systems are more sensitive. Once I found a food that kept his bowels firm (in my case it is California natural canned chicken&rice) I just stuck with that. He has certain treats that he has but I vary his diet very little.

Now Calvin is a totally different story. He does have some ability to move his legs. He pees if you touch him, or if he gets excited, or is hopping around. With him my routine is different. Waffles I express almost always in his cart. Bowels inside so I can flush and wash hands. Then I take him outside in cart to express urine. With Calvin I do use a male wrap with a human overnight pee pad. I just can’t get him in the cart fast enough so first thing in the morning I take him in the bathroom and put him in the tub. I hold up his back end (he usually starts peeing on his own by now) and I help him by expressing his bladder while he is peeing to make sure he is totally emptying. When he stops I splash water on him to stimulate him, he usually starts to pee again and I express some more. I repeat this a few times until he is no longer peeing. There is always more urine then you think in the bladder. By repeating this process I know he is empty. I continue to hold his back end up and I express his bowels with an ice cube. Because Calvin does have feeling this method works very well. With a paper towel I hold the cube to his anus, his little legs start kicking and it comes flying out (if it’s ready). I catch the poop with paper towel when possible and flush. Then I rinse Calvin off, towel dry put on a fresh pee pad and he is good for a few more hours. I do this 3 to 4 times a day. Maybe it takes me 5 to 7 minutes each time I do this, so say a half an hour a day. It is well worth the little time to save on laundry, aggravation, poop all over your dog and house. Even with Calvin rarely now do I end up with a mess.

It takes some time to figure out routines, diets, etc. but like someone already said it gets so much easier as you get more experience. I admire you greatly for taking on this foster never having done a down dog before. This board saved my life 5 ½ years ago. Come here often for advice everyone is so helpful.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by KatieJones »

I think part of Indigos current issue is the infections he is fighting. I am going to kind of muddle through until we know the infections are clear from his system , then I can evaluate him better when hes "normal". I cant see trying to establish a good routine when he is technically not functioning like he would be if he were bacteria free. We go back to the vet next week to recheck for infection.
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Re: Indigos Pupdates.

Post by Bobbie »

KatieJones wrote:They are very helpful with Indigo , three of my females will actually straighten him out if he starts to slip and slide. They will boost his bottom up when he is scooting around the house. So I have good help LOL. Its also cute to watch , they know instinctively , that Indy needs help.
Watch out, or they'll start helping with cleanup, too!
Bobbie Mayer
"Corgis on Wheels: Understanding and Caring for the Special Needs of Corgis with Degenerative Myelopathy or DIsk Disease available now!
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