Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Post by critters »

His bladder may becoming spastic, and he may need phenoxybenzamine, PBZ, to relax it some. PBZ was a godsend for Buddy, who also had a spastic bladder.
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Post by Sean »

I am happy to report Mik is walking pretty good. He has a little knuckle drag on his left foot. (If anyone knows of a good boot to help protect his knuckles I would love to hear about it) I have a boot that is made more for walking on slippery surfaces. I just turn it over so the sole is on top to protect his knuckles. He does a little scissoring with his back legs when he gets tired. He can go where he wants to go in the house. He can lay where he wants to lay. He still can't quite handle stairs. He can go down them well and can go up 3-4 before the back legs give out.

He has control over his bladder pretty much. He gets excited when we have company so I put the wrap on him when that happens. He tries to run and it kind of turns into a half run half bunny hop. We keep working on it. I am looking at returning his wheel chair in a couple of weeks. He can walk on his own about a half mile before he starts getting the legs crossed and starts dragging. I can't be more excited with what has come back to him. God has blessed us very much.

Anyone reading this. Please keep the faith and keep working with them. The whole time he was paralyzed you couldn't tell. All my friends always said "You can't even tell he has any problems when he is sitting. He just looks so happy." They are so strong and don't let this get them or you down.
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Post by CarolC »

:newyear: Whoohoo!!!!! Half a mile! That is really impressive!!! Good job!!! :party:
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Post by rubymomma »

My lab mix Ruby Tuesday was diagnosed with FCE late last night. At first I thought her back was broken from the lack of pain and movement she had in her back legs. As of this morning she has no movement in the left rear leg and some light movement in the right and she can wag her tail a little. I was really excited when my husband called me at work to tell me she took herself out side and went pee. She cant stand on her own or really walk, though she sorta walks and drags herself a bit. We have been using a towel with her to help her stay upright and we are trying to keep her legs limber.

I can tell that she wants to play and move around on her own. My husband and I have been discussing getting her a wheelchair, one of the Doggone Wheels carts. What experience do any of you have with these carts? I have a small house, thank goodness all one floor, and I am worried that she wont be able to use her cart in the house. Any thoughts?

I was a complete wreck last night and this morning. I've been reading your posts on this thread and they have given me hope that she will have some mobility again, though the vet wasn't sounding too optimistic because of the location of the injury is above her hips.

Any helpful hints or ideas are greatly appreciated. Please keep my poor Ruby in your thoughts and prayers.
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Post by Sean »

Dear rubymomma,

Your dog was just diagnosed last night and the vet is telling it doesn't look good?? My Mik had no movement and they had a really hard time telling if he had any feeling in his back end. My dogs vet said the same thing to me. If you read about the condition. It takes time to see what your dog will regain. My lab didn't move anything for two weeks and had to have a catheter. Keep the faith!!!

Mik (my lab) had a dog on wheels wheelchair. I got his through the hospital he stayed at his first two weeks. When he was put in that thing it was like he didn't even need his back legs. He moved really well. After a couple of weeks he could even get over curbs without any problem. Now he doesn't even need a wheelchair. I like the dog on wheels chairs because they have really big bike wheels and the wheels or angled in kind of like a human racing wheelchair so they don't tip easy. He probably rolled his about 5 times. Most of the time it was when he tried to go up some stairs on our deck. At first I let him use it in the house but he had a hard time with doorways. The biggest problem is he couldn't lay down when he wanted to in the house. I would always take him out for about half hour 2-3 times a day and then we would maybe stay out an hour one of those three times and just kept extending it. It got to the point that his front shoulders were huge. When we got in the house I would help him get to his bed and he would cool off there.
I also bought him a pool to practice walking/swimming in. We noticed more movement in the pool before we did on the ground.

Did your vet make sure it wasn't a ruptured disc?? It sounds like a FEC but if Ruby starts loosing more capabilities I would ask your vet about that.
With Mik I did lots of massages on his back legs and worked on practicing the movements. Today he can walk but cannot quite get the running thing down. He pees on his own. His accident was on April 5, 2010. Keep the faith, they are resilient little rascals.
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Post by rubymomma »

Thank you so much for your quick response Sean. Its only the first day since the accident and I am trying to be upbeat. It just makes me crazy to see her trying to get around right now. Its heartbreaking. I think my husband and I are going to get her a wheelchair so she can get around outside on her own. She is a really shy pottier (is that even a word?) so she gets really embarassed and wont go potty if someone is watching. I'm stopping at Petco to get some hygiene products for her.

As for the vet, they took x-rays last night and they couldn't find anything wrong. With the lack of pain and the asymmetrical nature of her lack of movement the vet was really confident that its FCE. We live in a small town out in the middle of southern oregon so finding a physical therapist or other such facilities is tough. What kind of pool did you get for Mik?
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Post by Sean »

The pool I got him was 12' x 15' x 36" deep. It was 99.99 at Target at the time. I don't see any online right now. The brand name was Intex. I think they were called their Easy Set Up Pools. It had the top ring full of air and as you filled with water the top would rise. You did have to make sure that it was on level ground. I made that mistake the first time.

If she is dragging I would put some socks or something over her legs so they don't get hurt when she drags. Mik is still healing from his cuts when he was dragging. I made that mistake. The vet said it was ok to have him on the grass but he still got cuts on the grass. I also bought some boots to put over his paws. Dogs on Wheels sells them. I bought a pair from them. I also have a pair of Ultra Paws Rugged Version. I like the Ultra Paws construction. They are thicker and heavier. I have been very impressed with the Dogs on Wheels boots holding up. I didn't think they would last a day but they are still going. If you are resourseful you could probably make some for her. I cut the tips off the socks and slid them over the boots so they would go higher on the leg. I use Coban to hold the socks up (you can get coban at any pharmacy or Target/Walmart etc). You don't need to do this if she is in the wheelchair. This is more if she is dragging herself over rough surfaces.

Mik was also very shy when he would go potty. Wonder if that is a lab trait. He has no problem now. Sometimes he does go behind the bushes to go potty.

If you have any other questions let me know.
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Post by rubymomma »

Thank you for the information! I will take a look around here and see if i can find a little pool for her. My mom is staying with her right now since I am at work and she told me that while she was watching Ruby sleep she noticed that she was having one of her "chasing rabbits" dreams and that all four feet were moving, the back ones just a little, but moving none the less! I about cried when I heard that.

My husband and I are going to work online to figure out which doggie wheelchair will be best for her. The ones from Walkin Wheels are looking appealing because they could be adjusted for another dog and they fold flat for in the car.

Keep me posted on Mik. I am so glad to hear about his progress!
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Post by rubymomma »

So far I am pleased with Ruby's progress. By the time I came home from work she was able to hobble around on three legs. Her rear left leg is still useless at this point and it tends to trip her up and cause her to fall. She is able to go potty and we found that using a padded lumbar strap from one of our backpacking packs is working great as a harness to hold up her back end. She has only urinated, no 2 still appears to be illusive.

I am really hoping that the progress she has made in just one day will continue. She woke me up in the middle of the night whining and I assumed she wanted out, but when I got her on her feet with the harness all she wanted to do was crawl in bed with us. Her personaliy is intact, if a bit confused. Here hoping for more progress everyday.
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Post by Sean »

Outstanding!!! Progress is progress. Keep working with her.
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Post by CarolC »

rubymomma wrote: we found that using a padded lumbar strap from one of our backpacking packs is working great as a harness to hold up her back end.
What a great idea! :smart:
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Post by rubymomma »

We have no 2!!! yay! ruby is bringing us her ball and making it around the house pretty darn well. She is dragging that left hind leg pretty bad so we wrapped her foot in vetrap. She goes to visit the vet tomorrow and I am really nervous about what they will have to say. I think her progress is great, but what if they dont? At any rate she is still a happy little thing.

Hope Mik is doing well Sean.
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Post by Sean »

Mik is doing good. He has some infections in his legs we are working on getting rid of. He is walking better and better. It is so awesome to hear about Ruby. I didn't think you would have a problem with number 2. I think your vet is going to be very happy with her progress. Please keep that draging leg protected. I am paying for not doing that as well as I should of with Mik initially. Hopefully the leg will start to come around. Keep massaging it and working on the range of motion. Even if it doesn't come back you need to keep that range of motion to stop any spasms down the road. I am sure your vet will talk to you about that.

It's been kind of rough around here, my sister lost her 14 yr old lab yesterday. He knew it was his time and wandered off and by the time they found him in a machine shed curled up he was taking his last breaths. I am kind of bummed about it. I know that dog lived a better life than most humans but it is still hard to say goodbye.

Keep us posted.
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Post by rubymomma »

I am so sorry to hear about your sisters dog. We have a 12 year old Springer Spaniel and I know its going to be tough when his time comes. Good luck with the infections, we are trying really hard to keep Ruby's dragging leg protected. What I am worried about is her back right now, when she hobbles around her back is twisted because the dead leg is dragging her down.

Will let you know about the vet appointment. My thoughts are with your sister and yourself after losing her lab.
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Post by rubymomma »

We went to the vet this morning and he is optimistic about her chances for recovery. She developed a sore on her dragging foot, despite our attempts to keep it protected and he gave us some medicine for it. The really good news was that he gave her left rear foot a serious and extended pinch and her hip muscles began to twich as she attempted to move her foot. She didnt really react like she felt the pain, but he said it was a good sign that she was receiving some pain signals from that leg. The reflexes in both back legs are delayed, but there.

She was a really good girl at the vet and even wagged her tail, almost like normal! Just looking for progress each day. My father in law is a naturapthic physician and he is going to look at her tonight and see if he can adjust her back a little to help. We'll see!
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