Trooper & I are new here

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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by troopersmommy »

Wow, it's been a long time since I posted here. Just wanted to add a short note that Trooper is doing better than ever. He's not walking yet, but he's learned to "chase" the other kitties. This has actually strengthened his muscles enough that he keeps propping himself up on his back knees. Now it seems the paralysis is disappearing, except for in his back. His back legs are constantly in motion, he just can't "get up" all the way. I have no doubt that THIS WILL HAPPEN one day. He's also grown into a pretty big boy. No more UTI's, just an occasional bout of worms. He's learned to love his weekly baths in the tub, and is very independent about pooping and peeing on his puppy pads...covers it up with pieces of cloth I lay on the pads.

Sad news though...his favorite doggie friend - my sweet little old weenie dog Rufus (I just posted a thread about him crossing the bridge) died this past Thursday after a month long struggle with heart and kidney failure. He was around 18 years old according to the vet, but only lived the last 3 years with us (he was a stray I brought home from work). Fortunately he died while taking a nap with "daddy" pain, no distress, just peaceful, never-ending sleep. He and Troop had become very close buddies so I can tell that Trooper really misses him. Our other little dogs Cookie, Lil Bit, and Cheecho are visiting Troop more now to try and make up for the loss of his best friend, and he's adapting beautifully. Wish we could do as well. :cry:
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by troopersmommy »

My sweet Trooper
My sweet Trooper
Wow...this is so very hard to post. Tears keep blurring my vision.

Yesterday at 11a.m. Trooper died in my arms. It was peaceful, quiet and quick.

After a short bout last month with a UTI, he bounced back healthy as ever...eating like a pig, sliding after his girlfriend kitties, and climbing wicker hampers... like King Kong. Then on Thanksgiving he stopped moving around as much, stopped eating, and looked odd. I called the vet that had helped the month before. He thinks there was more damage from the initial trauma of being run over by a vehicle than we realized. And that he somehow ruptured or tore something when he was climbing. Or he might have fallen and landed badly. I guess we'll never know what really happened.

He died the next morning at home before anything else could be done, in my arms, with all his kitty mates by his side. We buried him in the garden next to his old buddy Rufus, who died last month, and Coe and Mr. Kitty (both died this year as well.) I bet they were real happy to see him, and that they are running and playing, waiting patiently for the day when Mommy gets to join them.

Mommy is looking forward to that day as well.
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by Christine »

As with each of your little ones, Trooper spent the last year of his life bathed in love and cuddles and in your heart. You gave him a lifetime of love and he left you with memories and eventually, smiles when you relive some of the best. Take care, Pam. :candle:
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by janew »

I am so sorry, but at least Trooper knew love & care in this world, if you had not stopped & helped him...he would have have never been loved. He left loved & cared for, he'll be waiting to return the favor. Again, I am so sorry, it's heart breaking.....
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by CarolC »

You have had so much this year. I am very sorry. I know he knew he was loved...
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by MissWhiskers »

My dear friend Pam, I am so very sorry for your loss. I am hurting too over this one. I loved Trooper too, though from afar. I truly wish his life had been much longer, but as the others have said at least he was loved and cared for all the time you had him. Didn't you even kind of build him his own little room?! He was just so special!! I know he is a very bright shining star in Heaven now. :angel:
And as you pointed out - we will always have him to thank for bringing us together as friends - something I cherish very much. Wishing you lot's of comfort,

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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by Toni »

How lucky Trooper was, to have had you brighten the last months of his life with love and affection.
Thank you so much for being there for him.
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by troopersmommy »

Thanks so much everyone, for your sweet comments and heartfelt concern. :thankyou:

Karen, my dearest friend, what would I have done without you? You are right about him having his own room...actually, he and the other kitties shared my 2 back rooms. We created a "window" in between the 2 rooms for them to go back and forth freely. This allows my kitties to have a "safe" zone away from my doggies. Troopy had his own area set up in the biggest room. His domain was the floor area, the other kitties could go to the higher shelves, kitty runs, condos, etc. Troop had tents and cubes that he loved to curl up in when he wasn't "scoot chasing" the girls. He also had "towel moguls" and "pillow hills" to climb up and around, along with wicker clothes hampers for climbing. He did have a great life during the year God let me have him.

The difficult part is going back into the room now. It's so empty. :cry:

The kitties and doggies miss him as much as we do. It would have really been hard on Rufus, he loved Trooper the most. They would get nose to nose, and Rufus would give Troopy sloppy kisses, while Troop would gently paw at Ruf's nose. I'm so glad that if I had to lose them both, that Rufus went first. And then there was Coe, sweet little shy Coe who loved Trooper. That one is still a mystery. Even Mr. Kitty had formed a special bond with Trooper before he died earlier in the year. None of the kitties ever acted like Troop's handicap was anything out of the norm. Too bad humans can't be as accepting. So many people thought I was insane for not putting Trooper down the first day we found him.

Thank goodness you all understand. Thank goodness you all are here. Thank goodness for Trooper. :angel:
"When a child loves you for a long, long time...REALLY loves you, then you become Real." " Does it hurt?"
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Re: Trooper & I are new here

Post by critters »

troopersmommy wrote:
2009-11-14 11.38.47-1.jpg
Wow...this is so very hard to post. Tears keep blurring my vision.

Yesterday at 11a.m. Trooper died in my arms. It was peaceful, quiet and quick.

After a short bout last month with a UTI, he bounced back healthy as ever...eating like a pig, sliding after his girlfriend kitties, and climbing wicker hampers... like King Kong. Then on Thanksgiving he stopped moving around as much, stopped eating, and looked odd. I called the vet that had helped the month before. He thinks there was more damage from the initial trauma of being run over by a vehicle than we realized. .
Aww. :cry: This is entirely possible; my Beauty had a ruptured diaphragm that defied being seen for a whole year after she was hit.
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