Please help with bathroom issues

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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by Patricia985 »

By the way I am unable to load a picture because the file size is to big.
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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by kara »

Hi Steph-

Thanks SO much for asking about Beamer! Well....we've had a bit of a traumatic experience. I read on this blog somewhere to keep baby wipes by the door; fabulous idea because he often messes on himself! So, I did this and the first day I had them, I left for work, and that evening I came home and they were all over the floor. This is new for him, getting into things. The vet said it is because he is bored and/or insecure because of the loss of ease of mobility. He was vomiting for a couple days, then finally vomited up baby wipes (I hadn't put it all together yet). We had multiple trips to the vet, saline drips, etc, etc to try everything to pass them other than surgery. Everything ended up being ok, but it really consumed the week. I couldn't leave him alone for fear he'd pass them, then re-eat them! I'm discovering that now, at this age and w/ his problems, everything is just that much more work/time/stress, etc! But he is so worth it! :)

So...that's my long answer to "we haven't been able to practice urinating in the wheelchair yet with the leg loops fixed". I plan on adjusting the chair and heading out to the dog park this weekend with treats to boost all possibility that he will figure it out!

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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by CarolC »

:shock: :shock: :shock: Holy moly, I'm glad he's OK! What kind were they?
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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by pmilner »

kara wrote: "we haven't been able to practice urinating in the wheelchair yet
Kara, I too have a dog that has back problems (disc disease) and lost use of his legs 3 years ago, he needs expressing. I'd like to chime in with information that may be of use to you and Beamer. What is the vet's diagnosis for Beamer as to the cause of worsening leg use? With some spinal cord injuries crate rest is of number one concern before use of a wheelchair. Let us all know the date the problem started and what the vet says it is.

I have the same concern as Carol and Christine, it is not clear in reading all of your posts whether Beamer has control of releasing urine. Knowing this fact is a serious health concern. Here is how you can tell if a dog has bladder control vs. overflowing due to reflexes:
1. Are you finding urine leaks in his bedding or does he leak when lifted where you might be applying some pressure to the tummy area? Those are signs of lack of bladder control requiring a hands-on vet lesson on expressing. A dog that has bladder control will not likely have any truck with you trying to express him. You can read more about expressing and view a how to video:

2. Passing the "sniff and pee" test can confirm whether there is bladder control. Let Beamer sniff an old pee spot in the grass. Does he then release urine? If yes, that is bladder control, demonstrating the brain was able to send a message down the spinal cord to the bladder. Leaking happens when the bladder fills up and stretches to a certain point that causes reflex to kick in and release some of the urine.

If a dog does not have bladder control and is not being expressed, infection can set in quickly. UTI's that are not identified by bringing in a urine sample for a urinalysis and left untreated by anti-biotics can quickly move up to the kidneys, a serious life threatening situation. Another reason for dribbling or leaking is having a UTI.

Beamer is very handsome.... he reminds me of my childhood boxer.

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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by kara »

Hi Paula, thanks for the info! He does not spot dribble when laying or sleeping. Expressing does not work. When I asked my vet to show me (thinking I needed to do this when he is in his wheelchair) the vet even had a hard time and had to make Beamer lay down to do it. His diagnosis is spondylosis. His vertebrae are fusing and affecting the nerves from the middle of his back down. He has no use of one back leg, and the other one seems to be getting worse. I noticed him having a slight drag of his toe about a year ago. The paralysis didn't really start until the beginning of this summer. We have been doing acupuncture, chicropractic, and laser treatment which seems to be managing pain. The problem with the sniff and pee test is that he doesn't really walk around the yard to find an area like he used to. As soon as I get home, he is eager to go outside, I help him out, he goes to this one area then releases. I think he may not have as much control over bowels, though, if this is possible. He has gone in the house a few times, or has even gone as he was outside walking up to the door to get back in. We have a good system for this now, though, w/ squirting w/ water on schedule so he'll go.

He does have history of UTIs, so I will make sure to keep an eye on that and maybe test some urine just in case. I think the only reason he won't pee when in the wheelchair is because he isn't used to it and maybe doesn't realize that he can relax and go. He has had a bowel movement while in the chair though, which makes me think less control.

Paula, you have any tips for how they can move around the house? I just wonder if I need to always be assisting him. He seems to do much better w/ the new shoes but still drags a lot.

Thanks for the compliment....I think he is very handsome too, I'm a little biased though! :)

Carol- the baby wipes were just a Target brand, he tore up the whole box and I think ate about 3 of them....but he sure had fun getting them all over the house! We have learned our lesson and I pick up everything now.

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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by pmilner »

Going to a certain spot in the yard and then releasing urine does sounds like bladder control. Some male dogs just do not like anything touching the penis area at potty time.... so it could be the saddle of the cart is something that he needs to get used to. With small dogs I am used to, instead of a sling that touches them, at potty time I let that drop and hold up their rear with my hands on their thighs. This may not work so well with a Boxer though.

Best would be if Beamer is free to move about your home unassisted so he has his independence. That might be a few hours in the cart and the rest of the time on his own speed. Protect his legs and paws from abrasions. I don't have a picture of how he moves about.... walks, or drags his legs behind or does he scoot? Maybe some of these links will give you some useful ideas: ... rotect.htm ... iecape.pdf

EMT gel is very good if abrasion does occur. You can find it at farm stores or on-line

With a history of UTI's, makes me wonder if Beamer can start urination but does not have control to fully void and you should do an express check to verify the bladder is pretty empty. Another thought is are these UTI's being fully cleared up? A urinalysis is a screening tool for infection. It is the urine culture that proves exactly which bacteria so that instead of guessing with a broad spectrum anti-biotic, the correct anti-biotic match for the bacteria identified is prescribed. At the end of a course of anti-biotics, especially if he has them often, another urine culture.... proves the bacteria were killed and if not then use of ant-biotic for a bit longer.

If the anti-biotic is not the right one for that type of bacteria, the bacteria levels will fall just enough for things to appear "normal". After a week or so the left over bacteria in the bladder multiply resulting in yet another infection. By using the urine culture , you break the cycle by identifying the right medication the first time.

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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by kara »

Wow, Paula...thank you for all the excellent information! Beamer is able to push off one leg while the other one drags around. I put baby socks on him and also his new shoes to go outside. I will keep an eye on the bladder. We have an apt coming up so I'll have it checked. Thanks!!!
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Re: Please help with bathroom issues

Post by CarolC »

This video shows expressing a dog who does not empty completely.
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