Discouraging call from Vet tonight

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Discouraging call from Vet tonight

Post by riley'smom »

Our vet called us tonight to let us know that after confering with a neurologist that the collected opinion was that Riley was most likely not going to recover and they are telling us that his bad heartworm infection is a concern in his case. They said he should have been showing more improvement by now. This Friday will be three weeks. From everything we have read on this board, it seems to me that it is premature to say there is no hope, but then we question ourselves because they all love him at the vets (he is there every day!). We told the vet that we respected his opinion and that we were committed until May 6th at a minimum, which would be 4 weeks. We did his ball excersises tonight and I am just going to go through each day until the 6th with the attitude that there is hope. The bladder medication did nothing for him after three weeks, so we need to continue to catheter him twice a day, but it really isn't a big deal for us or him at this point. My hope is that Riley will let us know when he has had enough and looking at him right this minute, that is so not what he is saying.

I really, really want Riley to be one of those success stories so in the future I can tell others not to give up hope when all hope seems lost. I guess the best thing is to wipe the tears and not give up. We were so hopeful and happy prior to that call tonight. Funny how everything can change in a moments notice. What a roller coaster of emotions the last three weeks have been.

As always, thank you all for listening. It gives me great peace to know that there have been others in our situation that can appreciate the "what is really best for him" thoughts...... Riley gets to sleep in our bed tonight and that will make him happy for sure :D
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Re: Discouraging call from Vet tonight

Post by Bobbie »

Does Riley have to recover? Can you live with a paraplegic dog? I know it is harder with a big dog, but it can be done, and it doesn't have to hurt your dog's quality of life much at all. Once you get past the initial injury/recovery (or not) phase it's just life.

I don't know enough about FCE to know if you can just let him be paralyzed as opposed to "ending his suffering" (sounds like he isn't suffering.) If he can be cathed or expressed, and you get him a cart, can't he be a happy dog?

My corgi had a disk rupture in 2004 and hasn't said he is ready to go yet! He had zero recovery in function, has to be expressed, and uses a cart. Other than that, he is happy and healthy. To me, that IS success. Walking would have been icing on the cake, but the cake is pretty darn good without it.
Bobbie Mayer
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Re: Discouraging call from Vet tonight

Post by Christine »

Someone , here, made the observation that has always stuck with me. Many vets do not realize that an owner is one who will go the extra mile and change their lifestyle to accomodate certain conditions for their pets.

Until I came to this community, I never realized the possibilities. Bobbie put this into a clear prospective. Your stories about Riley do not speak of suffering, they speak of an Energizer Bunny doing what he can to get better and enjoying life in a different way.

The vet gives the diagnosis, the medication and the advice and thank goodness for them, but when you bring Riley home, he lets you know the real truth. You mentioned that he did his ball exercises; that just jumped out at me. You have mastered cathing him and said it is no big deal for him or for you. I am guessing that Riley is feeling pretty proud of himself that he fanagled his way up into bed with you last night!

I can only tell you that one of the vets I worked with gave me that same opinion causing me a night of agonizing doubts I will never forget. I came here and shared that pain. In the wee hours of the next morning, Bailey let me know, in no uncertain terms that she was not ready to go anywhere. You said that until that call, you were hopeful and happy. Focus on that - that call did not change the look in Riley's eyes or his determination to do his exercises. Bottom line, this is his decision...knowing and loving him the way you do...your heart will tell you.
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Re: Discouraging call from Vet tonight

Post by Shaz »

Hi Riley's Mom

Your Boy has just started his Journey! 3 weeks is but such a short time, I can understand that your Vet is speaking from a Medical view and he may be right in that Riley won't progress from how he is today.

My Dog hasn't progressed a great deal in 14 months BUT she has progressed and she is HAPPY, She got her new normal sorted out in her head PDQ and She isn't looking back, that's for sure. My Vet wasn't particularly helpful, think it was a lack of experience, so I got myself on here and thank God I did, wouldn't have known how to cope otherwise.

It's all about if you can cope long term, you are doing so very well, you can't do more so relax and go with the flow and as you say Riley would let you know if he wasn't Happy. We can do no more than our Best and you are certainly doing Yours :trophy:.

Keep going!!!!!! x
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