Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Neurological Disorders Resources. Treatment and care for pets having pain or trouble walking or standing due to spinal injuries or neurological disorders like IVDD, FCE and DM.
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Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by toasterbuddy »

My dog recently had an exacerbation of his herniated disc. He cannot bear weight on his hind legs but he does have sensation and movement in both his hind legs. I'm really confused as to treatment. I went to the vet and they told me that I had the option of crating him or surgery. Surgery is way out of my price range so I took him home feeling really confused of how to care for him. He is being crated right now. Here are my questions in list form:

-Should I put pillows for support or just let him lay down straight?
-Is IVDD fatal?
-How can I stimulate his urge to urinate? I've been attempting bladder expression but I'm clueless. I'm going to see another vet for a demonstration in the morning but I'd like to try again.
-When can I start physical therapy?

Thank you. God bless!
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Re: Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by Christine »

I am so sorry to hear about your boy's condition. I know how scared and hopeless you feel right now. It is not hopeless and you are not alone. I am glad to hear that your vet is going to work with you on learning how to express your dog. In addition to the strict crate rest, making sure he urinates and deficates is your constant priority. Take a look at this thread with the answers to most of your questions and some good resources.


After you read this information, it might give you some more questions to ask the vet. In my opinion, many of them do not realize just how far we are willing to go to help our pets and might not be as forthcoming with extra information until they realize that we want to spend the time and effort to learn.

Pay special attention to the expressing information before your meeting and hopefully things will click for you. Don't be discouraged. IVDD is not a death sentence. Stay with us and ask more questions as you begin this journey. Others with actual hands on experience with this will share their knowlege with you too.

Christine... and Bailey, playing at the Bridge
?/1999 - 10/25/08
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Re: Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by kristenv »

I am so sorry that your little guy is going through this..and I know how overwhlemed you must feel right now.
But please know that IVDD is NOT fatal, or a death sentence.
I can share with you that starting 4 years ago my little guy had his first of 2 back surgeries and later we treated another event (bad disc) with crate rest and meds..he also was unable to urinate with each event.
However today he is happy and healthy and while I am extremely careful of his ativities (no stairs furniture jumping off of ANYTHING EVER!!) he has a great life... So there is hope and you will both get through it.

Just please please ask any and all questions you! You may also want to go to Dodgers list as well. There is a wealth of information there as well and lots of people who have IVDD dogs. I found that people who have dealt with IVDD are sometimes far more knowledgable about the day to day management of a dog than most vets. Your guy has movement and sensation so that is a great sign towards his recoevry. Is he also on pain meds and anti inflamatory meds??

The most critical aspect right now is keeping him on crate rest for a reasonable time typcially 6-8 weeks. That is hard as it means in the crate or confined with only out for potty. I invested in a dog stroller so I could move Samy around the house with me..that was a HUGE help. If your dog is not used to be ing crated it can be a tough transition (ie sleepless nights) but rest is a must to allow the disc and spinal cord to heal. Think about it like this..when you have a cut oon you rfinger every time you bend that finger the cut opens and it takes longer to heal. The same concept applies to some degree, and it is easy to be lulled hin letting them out when a dog seems to be feeling better but reinjury can occur so crate rest is a must. If you can use a rear sling to assist your little guy on potty breaks. it also allows you a bit more control of movement later when he regains strength. I willtry to find a pic of the one I made from 2 leashes..I wrapped vet wrap around them and each of his legs fits through a hole..worked really well!!

Also you mentioned that your guy is having trouble urinating..we used a medication called phemoxibenzamine and it was such a help in Samy regaining his ability to urinate. You may want to ask your vet about that.

Physical therapy can start after crate might want to look around your area to see if there are any pet rehab centers, even at least at the beginning. But if not you can rehab your guy at home so no worry with that.
I know I am throwing alot of infrmation at you at once..the main thing is please do not give up hope..and let us know what questions you have...
take care...Kristen
Kristen, Samy, and Dottie
Jenner, Alex, BB
4 epsiodes of IVDD for Samy: Surgery x2 , crate rest x2 still going strong
Dottie no IVDD
Rory no IVDD (at the bridge)
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Re: Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by slshepherds »


I'm Joanne and I am owned by 2 paralyzed dogs, Carl a Lab and Teddy a Corgi, both of whom I adopted when they were already paralyzed (cause unknown). I know that you must feel very overwhelmed. I vividly remember the first month with Carl - his diaper leaked and he would pee and poop all over the house, I had problems getting him in and out of his cart and I was doing laundry every day. There were days when I thought I couldn't manage, but I got through it and am now an expert, even if I say so myself. I found the right diaper wrap, the right way to express urine, started stimulating Carl to poop (which stopped the "presents" he'd leave round the house) and learned how to get a big dog in a cart one handed with my eyes closed :mrgreen:

Life is now great, so much so that I recently adopted Teddy the Corgi. You'll probably think I'm crazy, but I find big paralyzed dogs so much easier to look after than little ones. When Carl tries to run past me I can easily grab his collar - with Teddy it's like diving after a football! Would I change anything - nope.

To answer your questions: I have old comforters that I leave out for my dogs. It is important that Carl and Teddy have soft bedding as both have a lot of muscle wasting and are susceptible to pressure sores. I've never used pillows, but often find the comforters balled up with a dog somewhere in the middle! I express three to four times a day. Paralyzed dogs are more susceptible to urinary tract infections so you need to make sure their bladders are regularly emptied. There is a definite skill to expressing a bladder, so don't feel bad about having your vet show you until you can do it. Ask your vet how difficult it is to express your dog. There are medications that can help relax the bladder if needed. I also "de-poop" my boys twice a day. I use a q-tip with some vaseline on it which I insert just into the anus. I twirl it round a few times which causes them to poop. Doing this prevents accidents during the day. Physical therapy is something you want to talk to your vet about. They know the severity of your pups injury and when it will be safe to start exercises.

If you have any questions ask away - this is a great group who have a lot of knowledge and information.

Carl, Tiny, Freckles (paralyzed Lab, mix and Red Heeler)
Sam I Am (Lymphoma, Lab)
Eli, Aoibhe, Tesla (limb deformities, GSDs and Lab mix)
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Re: Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by toasterbuddy »

Thank you for all your help. I'm so glad there's such a strong support system available, for free even! My family has been totally hands on with caring for my baby. It's amazing how pets can bring a family closer together. I'm reading all I can about his condition so he can recover much faster. Thanks again!
This is my baby, Toaster.
This is my baby, Toaster.
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Re: Scared, alone, and hopeless :(

Post by maurqc »

It seems like forever since I have logged in and updated ya'all....but when I saw scared, alone and hopeless....add flat broke to this and I was there March 31st. Even though Niko got the surgery needed to repair his disc....2 days later a hematoma caused a second. The prognosis went from very good to guarded at best.

On June 1st....Niko took his very first....very ugly....very wobbly steps. HE IS UP and there is no keeping him down! The surgeons were shocked!

This has, without a doubt, been the toughest few months of my life. The sleepless nights....bedsores...medications...oy. All I can say is REFUSE TO LOSE!

I would dream that he got up and daughter did the same. I held hope that perhaps by fall he would be at least standing. Then the flood gates opened. I still hang onto that tail as to avoid a fall...he is still weak and we are working on endurance.....and patience has been key.

One of my vets termed this a miracle...I call it commitment. There were days that I didn't think I would be able to take another step. Then there were days that I thank God for giving me the strength. I cried a lot, drank a little...and barely ate. But he continues to improve and astound me!

Don't give up hope "scared"....and NEVER downplay positive thinking! Let the good thoughts flow from your heart to your pup. It will take time and it's all so very difficult. Look to the good folks here...great bunch, they are!

I did use a cart until he took his first steps....they do help the muscles in the back legs and definitely expedited the entire recovery. There will be good days...and bad. But I will pray and send positive thoughts!

REMEMBER! Despite the money spent, because of the second surgery I had no better prognosis than you do now! BUT ....he is up and showing no signs of stopping!

MY thanks to all of you who held me up when I was falling! I will continue to check in...update...and repay the debt! I have been waiting for the day that I could announce....HE IS WALKING!

Be scared. your not alone...and never be hopeless!

Maureen :thankyou:
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