180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

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180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

My five year old St. Bernard was running the fence in the backyard, sudden yelp, paralysis of his left leg, weakened right. We took him to the emergency clinic and had an MRI there was hemorrage but so they said IVDD or FCE. He is large dog at 179 pounds. Need some advice on how to handle. We go to rehab tomorrow but trip alone is overwhelming to transport him. Not sure what to expect or how to handle all of his needs. He can't seem to urinate or deficate and seems to be uncomfortable doing it from a laying position. Seeking advice from those who have done this.......
Last edited by HanksMomLisa on Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FEC Help!

Post by CarolC »

HanksMomLisa wrote:My five year old St. Bernard was running the fence in the backyard, sudden yelp, paralysis of his left leg, weakened right. We took him to the emergency clinic and had an MRI there was hemorrage but so they said IVDD or FCE. He is large dog at 179 pounds. Need some advice on how to handle. We go to rehab tomorrow but trip alone is overwhelming to transport him. Not sure what to expect or how to handle all of his needs. He can't seem to urinate or deficate and seems to be uncomfortable doing it from a laying position. Seeking advice from those who have done this.......
Well, I was writing you a nice reply and lost it because of an interruption, when I hit Submit it had timed out.

I was saying you really need a good harness to move him around. Dogs carry 60% of their weight on their front legs and 40% on their rear, so for your dog that's 72 lbs on the hind legs. You really need 2 people supporting him in the rear. There are a lot of good harnesses available online.

http://handicappedpets.com/www/index.ph ... -dogs.html

While you are waiting for the harness to arrive, you might find something for a substitute. Do you have a firewood carrier you could use as a belly sling? Or a baby crib sheet (tie a knot in both ends to hold onto)? Or do you know anyone with a horse saddle girth? A weightlifter's belt might work, too. In a case like this, it helps to have a nylon chest harness on the dog as well, to help guide him into the car and pull him out.

http://www.purerider.com/products/110-w ... cinch.aspx

Is there any chance you can just leave him at the vet hospital for a few days? If he is not urinating they can catheterize him, although I am a little surprised he is not urinating if he is just paralyzed in one leg and weak in the other? If this is an FCE, improvement/recovery is the norm, the great majority of these dogs will improve, so I would give him some time if you possibly can. But if you cannot manage because of his size, it is understandable. The thing is, they recommend aggressive physical therapy for FCE, and that might be something that can be done best at the vet right now. They can get him up and walk him several times a day, massage and stretch his legs, turn him if needed, and they may even have a swimming pool or underwater treadmill. If they do not, and if you can afford it, you might ask them for a referral to someplace in the state that offers pet PT.

You may find some inspiration from the story of McDuff who was the same size and lost a rear leg. It isn't quite the same thing but the need to help him around is similar.

http://handicappedpet.net/helppets/view ... 788#p61788


P.S. I almost forgot, when you take him to the vet, leave him in the car and go in and tell them he is in the car. They can roll a gurney out and bring him in, and they can also put him back in the car after the appointment. This way you are doing the lifting from the house into the car, and again when you get home, but not while at the vet.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FEC Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

We ended up taking him back to the vet hospital. We have him at the one of the best veterinary medicine hospitals in the contry. I feel blessed for that. It was just not fair to him to not have the best care, and he needed something a bit more intensive right now. Our issues right now are he doesn't eat when he's at the vet, and so we have to go and feed and water him today. The Doc hand feed him this morning and he only ate about half a cup. Better than nothing but he had to go on the IV again because he wasn't drinking enough. Yesterday they were able to get him outside using a harness and only two people managing. He walked with three legs and his left still wasn't working so well. They are hoping he will begin to use the left leg in the next few days. We live about 45 minutes to an hour away from the hospital. We had him signed up for PT near our house when we took him back to the hospital to evaluate what situation was best for him. There physical therapist isn't in until next week unfortunately, but the hospital is working with him everyday and taking him outside etc. I am not giving up on this, but I needed to have him in the best possible care right now. I will get him all the care and equipment he needs. If he needs it I will get him a doggie wheels! Even the vet says he is a special and a sweet fellow. He isn't incontinent at all which was good information, as that was my fear earlier this week. As soon as they got him outside he was able to squat and do his business. His issue really is those hind legs and really primarily the left. We are committed to doing everything but it is tough when people outside of the dog lover community think you are crazy. I came here for support from people who understand and have wonderful advice. Thank you so much for responding - sometimes you just need to hear you aren't crazy or cruel.
Lucys human
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Lucys human »

I hope your boy continues to improve.
I totally get what you mean when you say others think your crazy or cruel.
I get that with my Lucy her problem is different to your boy, hers seems to be degenerative (still undergoing tests).
I'm in Scotland and have recently got her a stroller as she falls a lot and although much smaller than your boy 22kg is a heavy carry. I get lots of negative comments but i know it's the best thing for her.
My Lucy had some hydrotherapy on an underwater treadmill and it really helped her walk straighter.
You know your dog best and you know in your heart your doing the best for him, it is hard to ignore negative comments at times.
I hope your boy is soon back home with you. It must be very hard not having him with you, i may have that to come as my Lucy may have to see a neurologist and the only one in Scotland is across the other side of the country.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Gail, I read your story and empathize! Lucy sounds like a loveable gal! I can only say that it was worth the time away from us for the care. and evaluation, he received. It was so helpful to have some facts to deal with and to have the neurologist watching him daily for a few days. If you can take lucy, I would! My entire family was so sad without Hank. We have his younger sister Bella, and we were all sad together. I did go and visit him for three hours yesterday before picking him up today. I just needed to see his wonderful face and see some progress!

We brought Hank home today and he was able to walk with a sling to assist him. It will be a week on Sunday that he lost the use of his leg and had a weakened right. It was a huge improvement for us for him to get up on his own and to walk with assistance. If we can get him to urinate appropriately outside we will have made huge strides. He has bladder and bowel control, he is just very stubborn and waits until he is desperate which has caused some urine scald on his legs. So many issues to think about. He has deep pain sensation and is moving the paralyzed leg, he twitches it when he dreams and also stretches it a bit. He however still drags it when walking. We are starting rehab/hydro therapy next Tuesday, earliest we could get an appointment. I am finally hopeful that we can manage his considerable size and give him quality. At 180 pounds, and is also pretty darn tall, he is a handful when he isn't helping you move him. Now that he is helping, it is manageable and we can do this at home!!! I can't tell you how relieved I am that we will be able to move him and potty him! Now we have the long road of rehab ahead. It is so hard to find information regarding the really big fellows and I'm so glad that this forum exsists. I appreaciate the replies I have gotten! :thankyou:

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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Lucys human »

Lisa i use a weight lifting glove when walking Lucy in her sling harness we do up to 5 miles with me helping her and without it my hand is cut to shreds, maybe some gloves would help save your hands if you feel then hurting.

Sounds like he's making great progress, hope all goes well at therapy for him.

I'm waiting to see how Lucy copes with a day in my vets on wednesday (x rays) as before she has come out very wobbly on her legs, being a rescue dog (by the time we got her at 6 to 8 months she was a behavioural mess and had been returned to the shelter 3 times) she finds the vets extremely stressful. In the house she still whines and scratches at the bathroom door she hates closed doors.

I realised i do know someone who has been through something similar to what your going through, she had a bernese mountain dog that needed a quad cart. I sent you a pm with details of how to get in touch with her.

I hope Hank continues to recover well.

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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Thanks for the PM and I will be checking out the forum. Hank is home now and he is doing pretty well accept we can't get him to urinate on his own. I am so frustrated. The vet said to bring him back if he doesn't void by Sunday. He can can void his bowels by choice and goes when we take him outside. What should we do? We tried expressing him but we just can't make it work. We keep trying but it isn't easy. He starts rehab Tuesday and I am hoping we can get through this urinary voiding issue. He doesn't appear to be leaking either. He was leaking a bit earlier this week and now that seems to have stopped. Is this progress towards regaining control or is this a set back? I would really appreciate any information that anyone can share. :(
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by critters »

I know Carol gave you the expressing link in the other post, but I'd say keep trying. Feeling the water balloon isn't always easy until you get the hang of it.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

I already posted this in the emergency help section but want to post again! Woo Hoo our bladder is starting to work again! Last night after searching to see if I could find the water ballon/bladder for another attempt at expressing he whinned to go out an potty. Then he actually went! Then he was able to void during several other trips outside between yesterday everning through late this morning. He hasn't gone in a bit but he is a big fellow and that isn't unusual for him. We are keeping his fluids up and working at this but I believe he will be going like a champ soon. He is working so hard! He was also able to stand an put his left foot down and took a few steps before his foot started to toe under. He was trying really hard to use that food and he is really moving while he is dreaming. Hopefully rehab on Tuesday will improve his function. At least we have a few improvements! Thanks again for sharing your experiences, they are so helpful to those of use who are trying to figure all of this out!

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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Sasha's Mom »

Hi Lisa,

So glad to read Hank is home, improving and urinating on his own! Can't wait to read how the water-therapy goes!

Keep up the great work!

:wub: Leah and Sasha
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

I have to say that we are making progress but I'm exhausted and feeling so emotional about this journey. It is a privileage to assist and care for Hank as he is so special. My entire family is dedicated to his recovery and care. I never thought that I would be so intent regarding my dogs potty habits. He went again this morning. He did have an accident last night but he was exhausted and we had just used the sling to put him to bed. He went this morning, about 6 hours ago, and now we are waiting again. My husband says that I need to let him be and not chart him so heavily as he is going when he needs to go. Trying to be vigilant without over doing is difficult. Another day another challenge. Rehab tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how we can get him into the rehab center. The challenge of moving 180 pound St. Bernard, who may not want to go back in the building that he had all the procedures in this past week. Thanks for listening, most people do not understand!
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by HanksMomLisa »

Rehab today with Hank! I feel as if rehab was a miracle. They evaluated him and worked with him a bit. When we came back to get him we received wonderful news. We brought him with a sling and using three legs. The therapist configured a bootie and strap and now we can walk next to Hank and merely help him lift his leg in the walking motion. He can support his weight and will learn to walk with this device! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him walk out with this device and no sling! He did the hydro-therapy and was able to walk normally while in the tank. Today was beyond my wildest hopes for the first day and just an evuluation. He is very tired now and did have an accident when he got home. I think mostly because we didn't get him out the door fast enough, because we are still learning how to walk with him. Now we do therapy twice a week and see what happens. Not sure if this is normal progress, or not, but I hope this is normal progress for his injury. :) Tonight I hope to sleep a bit more and worry less.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Lucys human »

Lisa that is brilliant news, what a star pupil Hank is.
I hope Hank continues to improve well.
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by CarolC »

It sounds good! Really good. Is there any way in the world you could take a video or a photo of his new walking apparatus? I am not sure I have seen something like this, does the strap simply keep his foot from turning under? Glad it is going so well! :D
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Re: 180 St. Bernard Diagnosed with IVDD or FCE Help!

Post by Sasha's Mom »

:trophy: for you and Hank!!!

Excellent news and very happy for Hank and his entire family of well-wishers!

Leah & Sasha :wub:
Be simple, be earnest and spread that simplicity throughout everything you do.
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